Irony of Tuan's comment

Was just pondering how Tuan insisted that one day the US would destroy the USSR the way it destroyed Vietnam.

I know conservative, anti-communist folks take credit for the US, & Reagan in particular, for having destroyed the USSR by forcing them to overcompete in defense. I honestly don't know if that's true, or partly true. Certainly there were other factors, many having nothing whatever to do with the US or Cold War, that brought the USSR down.

Still, it was a fairly bloodless process, as far as these things go (I know, I know, tell that to the Chechens), especially compared to Russia's previous change of government.

Also leaves me wondering how Phillip & Elizabeth would feel about the USSR's breakup & renunciation of communism.

Phillip might appreciate it, but Elizabeth, not so much...


Reagan might have helped speed things up a bit, but it was a doomed system from the get-go. True Communism is based on altruism and humans are anything but altruistic.

I saw a documentary a few years back and a man who was a high ranking CIA officer in the '80s said that the fall of Communism caught them by surprise. US intelligence and government believed things were going strong in the USSR and then, all of a sudden, things started to fall apart.

USA had little to do with it, the people in Russia just got sick of it.
