if they recast Kang..

should the allegations against Majors prove true and Marvel recast it wont be too big a deal story wise as Kang is an all powerful multiverse entity right , wont be too 'out there' a concept to have it that he changed his appearance (like the Oracle in Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions, Depp being replaced by Mads in Fantastic Beasts). plus theres been recasts before in MCU without much fuss (Rhodey, Banner). also Kangs big screen debut in AntMan Quantumania was abit of a misfire, its one of MCUs lowest grossers (despite it coming after Antman was a major player in Endgame)

anyway if thats the case whod they get? obviously it wouldnt be a white actor. so another black actor, but theyd obviously have to face questions about taking the role in all the media promo stuff. (not that id be too much an issue, theyd just be like 'well Marvel had to recast so they offered it to me and i said yes.')


Why are we already talking about recasting? How disrespectful!

Also, Majors was one of the more acclaimed aspects of the last Antman film. It was everything else that was regarded as below par.

NO, we should NOT encourage CANCEL CULTURE or RECASTING (particularly of Black actors). 'Woke' Hollywood shouldn't be able to continue getting away with its RACIST bullshit, by recasting Black actors as if Black men all look the same. FUCK and I mean FUCK their RACISM.

Majors stays OR the MCU goes. πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ


just speculation, nothing major happening yet


So because he's black he gets a free pass. Good to know.


You're a towel!


No, you are a towel.


I read "A Million Little Fibers" and couldn't put it down. Riveting!


It's a nice one, but based on fictional events.



MarvelStudios has reportedly spoken with Jonathan Majors' agent to discuss "potential options going forward" following the actor's arrest... Full details: https://thedirect.com/article/jonathan-majors-arrest-marvel-studios-actor-agent


Recast him with Will Smith. ;)


had they not called it 'The KANG Dynasty' they mightve been able to introduce a new villain!


I truly hope (but severely DOUBT) that Disney, Marvel and Kevin Feige will learn something from this. I have, and that's NEVER to fall for the hype surrounding an up-and-coming Black male actor again...but the message that I hope Disney et al have learned is a more positive, and more progressive one than the one *I've* learned, and that's to COOL IT ON THE CAPITALISM and the CONTENT. Their rampant greed and need to keep pumping out MORE AND MORE Disney/MCU content without doing all the background checks on the people involved is starting to hurt, in other words, the chickens are finally coming home to roost.

If Disney were 'so woke', they'd put checks and balances BEFORE profit and greed. But that's the problem with corporate (i.e. pseudo) 'socialism'. It has all the WORST parts of socialism (i.e. centralised control, a one-size-fits-all cultural mantra) and none of the GOOD parts (i.e. checks and balances, a focus on the welfare and ACTUAL needs of staff, colleagues and consumers/service-users, and on quality).


This is nothing compared to the dumpster fire that is Ezra Miller.

I agree that these idiots need to THINK about the people that are building billion dollar movies around.

IMO, at this point, they are committed. If they had not shown so many of the Kangs, all looking the same, they might have been able to justify a switch, based on "varient" bullshit. Especially after BLack Loki. And Female Loki. Not to mention Fucking ALLIGATOR LOKI.

BUT, at this point the allegations seem fairly weak. Disney should be looking into it themselves, to see if there is a problem, but really, all they need is for him to hold it together for a couple more years.


I HOPE you're right.

I HOPE I'm jumping the gun here.

But better to voice my concerns now, with the faint hope that Disney will pay attention (I mean, not to me personally, but maybe if there are other people like me, our voice will create a meme/filter through to Disney).

However, the fact the Majors' agency and publicist have apparently dropped him, is a worrying sign.


Agreed, but it is a sign of a real problem with HIM, or the agency?


Once again, I genuinely hope the implications of your post (I'm guessing you're saying, or suggesting, it's the agency's issue) are borne out.


Could always pull an alternate out of the timeline and use a different actor. There was once a story arc in the comics where many Kangs were popping up. They could figure out who the original was.
