MovieChat Forums > San Andreas (2015) Discussion > Nobody mention the flag, the americans g...

Nobody mention the flag, the americans get too defensive....

think most people can agree the cheesy ridiculous flag at the end was over the top. but i've noticed all the americans getting very defensive. surely you as an american can see why it was a stupid scene?


The people complaining about the flag are the butthurt ones.


its typical vomit inducing junk.
worst was when spider-man landed on top of a building in front of a flag and he poses. i nearly threw up


American and stupid in the one sentence. See what you did?


lol everyone at my showing went like THERE IT IS! TYPICAL! MURRRRRICA at the same time. thought it was funny


For god sake can we shut up about the flag.

I am a British left of centre person who loves to see our flag,on government buildings,on soldiers uniforms,especially because I am Scottish and the union flag reminds me of the fact that Britain is a union of 3 nations.

My point is that most countries fly their flag at different times and places and the flag does not just belong to one section of the society it flies above.

Seems to me that since 9/11 the American flag has been flown more and more in public,and the USA (and Britain)has been involved in 2 wars since 9/11,I don't understand why most Americans or foreign people should have any problem with Americans flying their flag at a time of national emergency as shown in this film.

I watch tv news and see plane crashes and bombings in countries and guess what they fly their flag.



Is flag waving always arrogant and jingoistic behaviour?
When the British army liberated Belsen did the prisoners object because of British actions in Ireland or India? or did they see that the British were a lot less evil than nazi Germany?

I suggested that people shut up about the flag because complaining about it misses the point that in real life someone would hang a flag,after the famous example of ground zero in New York.

Showing the flag is realistic in an otherwise unrealistic film.

I doubt hanging a flag would take very long and it might have a positive effect on people's mental outlook.

A flag is a flag and the US flag belongs to left of centre peace campaigners as much as chickenhawk politicians.

Progressive Americans should be proud of their part in the American story as much as bible bashing right wingers.

Likewise I am Scottish and I see the Union Flag as a symbol of unity and progress despite our current governments.

I get the potential for misuse of national symbols (see the SNP,UKIP and the NF)but I have been to such dangerous right wing nations like Denmark and Sweden and I saw lots of flags



I've heard that, whenever Canadians visit the Netherlands, older Dutch people are still extremely grateful towards them.

That is certainly true for my grandfather, who lived through the war as an early teen and witnessed Canadian troops liberate his town. He still has quite a nice drawing of the event (prominently featuring a Canadian tank) that he made at the time. I don't remember it featuring a Canadian flag, though there may have been one.

As for the flag waving on 9/11, well, that's quite a different situation; on 9/11, the U.S. was attacked by outsiders. In this movie, there is no reason for that kind of chest beating, and the use of the flag just seems awkward and misplaced. Though I must admit that I find flag waving distasteful in general.


You're free to stop talking about it whenever you like. The rest of us still have more to say, though, so you'll just have to deal with that.

Nah, just a few butt hurt nit-wits huddled together on an anonymous internet message board. Hardy "the rest of us."

The whole movie was pure cheese. Everyone with a brain knew it would be pure cheese; it's a cheesy genre. The Flag at the end was just one last cheesy scene in a fondue party of a movie. Anyone who laid down $12 to see this at the cinema and came away complaining about what they got betrays his own idiocy.



Thank you.


For god sake can we shut up about the flag.

*continues talking about the flag* ...


Shame on us... how dare we be proud to be American. If you're not proud of the country you live in, maybe you should try living in another one that might meet your standards.


if that's the case then don't you dare vote for anyone other than Obama to be president again...if hes not good enough then go live in another country :D



But when they portray Englishmen through terrible false wimpy overly-posh stereotypes that they need to be looked after by strong confident American women (why couldn't they be American too?), and that even the actor who played Blake's cowardly boyfriend who ran away is also British, then the USA flag at the end becomes even more a blatant symbol as rubbing it in even more to the rest of the world that only Americans can be the real true strong heroes.

Well patriotism is fine, in its place. Over-patriotism though doesn't sell well abroad. In movies it's really becoming embarrassingly cringeworthy and outdated now. San Andreas isn't just a one-off. There's many over-patriotic flag-waving movies.

The Christopher Reeves Superman movies were notorious for the over patriotism, when he's supposed to be the worlds protector it seemed that even if it came to an illegal aggressive invasion by the USA government against a small innocent country, then Supe's would still side with the USA waving the American flag regardless, because the way he's been presented he considers himself as more the typical patriotic American rather than Kryptonian and protector of the whole human race.

Rocky IV was also another culprit. What a facepalm that was having all those Russian spectators at the end cheering on Rocky, effectively cheering on the USA against their own country. I bet that went down in Russia just as well as a gay pride march, lol.

Look at the flip-side. Could you imagine James Bond (English) killing an evil American stereotype stetson wearing cigar chomping villain with a terrible accent by impaling him on a flag pole with the union jack flag flying proudly at the end? I'm reckoning most Americans would be in absolute outrage giving it a huge thumbs down calling us arrogant, even though their movie industry does the same thing a hundred times more, with them then wondering why non-Americans scratch their heads about it.

At the end of the day, it's all propaganda which serves nothing to the story, just to arrogantly tell the rest of the world "We're the best and everyone else sucks" compared.



It's not that we can't imagine why, it's that we don't care.


And there it is, in a nutshell! It's propaganda, absolutely.

Somehow, though, Americans still think they're the best in the world (contrary to overwhelming evidence to the contrary) -- and they think they should be allowed to wave their flag all day long, if they feel like it.

And then they just can't imagine why everyone ELSE on the planet thinks they're insufferably boorish and arrogant. Well, what do they expect?

Other than Holiday's, nobody's really flying the flag all day 24/7 here in the states.

It only exist in Hollywood.


No. BetterLikeThis is right. Everyone I know has no fewer than 6 American flags in their yard at any given time and numerous signs and bumper stickers stating we're better than every other country. Just like in the movies.


Hey retard... Blake's "cowardly" British boyfriend saved her life displaying strength and quick wits in that parking garage. It was her mother's American boyfriend who ran away. Also, when the American flag dropped over the Golden Gate... it was certainly a borderline corny moment in the film, but at the same time not necessarily out of place, considering this was a cataclysmic disaster on U.S. soil. This would be an unthinkable disaster and would certainly pull Americans together just like it would the citizens in any country. The main point laid out at the end of the movie was that the human spirit does not die, keeps going, rebuilds etc. whether we're talking about Americans, Britons, Canadians, Japanese or whatever... human is human.


Being proud of your country is stupid.


The worst part about it is that it suggests to the world that All Americans like stupid movies.

"Whatever happened to Fay Wray?"


I live in Mexico and when that happened me and my friend said "God Bless America" sarcastically. Americans are terribly over patriotic and it can be really annoying sometimes. I think the whole flag moment was out of place considering 2/5 of the people in the scene werent even American.
Loved the movie, anyway.


A Mexican saying Americans are overly patriotic, oh the major irony. You Mexicans are constantly displaying your Mexican flags to brag about your Mexican heritage. Even when you people are in other people's country like The U.S. There are neighborhoods in California for example where you are way more likely to see a Mexican flag displayed than an American flag. You know what they say about glass houses.


Actually, i have no idea what they say about glass houses. English isn't my first language. Here in mexico people are only patriotic in September and whenever the national soccer team plays. Mexicans in California and the rest of the US are a different matter and I don't really speak for them but my guess is they just miss their country and are trying to remain attached to a culture that is no longer around them.
I think every country shows their patriotism but the way Americans show it is different because it sort of comes off like theyre feeling better than everyone else. Don't get me wrong, I have many American friends and I love visiting the country.

