MovieChat Forums > San Andreas (2015) Discussion > The Rock's character is a selfish prick....

The Rock's character is a selfish prick..

So California is being ripped apart by earthquakes, thousands dead and injured and what was a rescue pilot doing? Helping his soon to be ex wife and smokin' hot daughter. Screw everyone else!
And while they were taking their joy trip to S.F. why weren't his bosses jumping on the radio or phone telling him to help others instead of taking in the scenery....?


Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried



And so was the mom. I thought she was so full of herself for blaming Daniel for "leaving" her daughter. Come on. It was a chaotic situation and the garage was collapsing. He tried to get help. He legitimately did. But he was run over in a stampede. Get over yourselves.


The Rock's character actually was.

If there were a natural disaster, and you and your loved ones needed help immediately, and the first responders fly by in a helicopter or firetruck and go "Sorry, but we're all saving our families now and won't be helping any of you today", I'm pretty sure you would not be happy with that.

As another thread mentioned, they'd probably launch an investigation afterwards into the Rock's character (was he named Raymond?) and his dereliction of duty.

But I'm not really obsessing over this, as I found this movie terrible anyways and full of lapses in logic. I thought it'd be a fun disaster movie but I was shocked how cheap it felt. The effects were okay, but the script and scenarios were straight out of Sharknado or other made-for-DVD/TV fare. I watched this while on the exercise bike (to help make the time go by). I wouldn't even recommend this as a treadmill movie, even though running and bouncing would enhance the earthquake feeling. This is not a good movie at all, and not even enjoyable in a "dumb fun" kind of way.
