Social justice warrior crap ruined film
Should been about James not some girl gamer feminist who kissed a miniority at end of it. Sounds like Antia Sarkessian dream movie.
shareShould been about James not some girl gamer feminist who kissed a miniority at end of it. Sounds like Antia Sarkessian dream movie.
share ng-The-Term-Social-Justice-Warriors
The Giant Paw:
That video really didn't disprove anything. If you want gaming to be about sjw stuff then make it like gone home for example. However, the ones forcing it by saying every game should have lbgtq person or relationship is forcing their own agenda own a game delveoper. But putting that all aside this movis called the angry nintendo nerd not the 2 fans and avgn. Should have been about him alone.
shareYou "anti-SJW" lot are the worst.
First you complain the movie is siding with the "social justice warriors" because it has a scene in it where a girl kisses a black guy. The thing is that the movie never tried to make a statement about this. There was no scene in the movie where any characters comment that, "Oh wow, an interracial kiss, that's such a taboo!". No, the movie just portrays it as a simple kiss and nothing more.
The movie didn't make an issue out of it, you did. The fact that you take offence to this just shows that you're bigoted and you're using the "stop the SJW movement" as an excuse to justify your irrational hatred.
Then you bring up Antia Sarkessian. Boy howdy, where to begin.
The biggest irony about the Sarkessian controversy is that most people didn't even know who Antia Sarkessian even was until all these "anti-SJW" guys kicked up such a big stink over her! And of course, by making Antia Sarkessian "public enemy #1" and bringing up this huge controversy surrounding her, all they've served to do is give her free publicity. In fact, I'm sure there are people reading this very thread who had never heard of Sarkessian, but now have due to you bringing her up.
Don't you know you're not meant to feed the trolls?
Great job you "anti-SJW" dipsh!ts thanks to you, Sarkessian's videos have gone from a measly few thousand views to millions. All your efforts to "shut her down" have resulted in her getting more popular, and due to your constantly harassing her, allow her to play the victim card.
All you "anti-SJW" dickheads are your own worst enemy, and you're too stupid to realise it.
The Giant Paw:
No I only brought up kiss as an example because their relationship was not ROMANTIC and it came out of left field. It was just thrown in there to appease the feminists crowd and his wife who wanted it. His wife was reason it was there is sjw in first place and it should have been James movie. Plus, you completely gloss over my main point with Anita. I am saying that the I'm a girl gamer was stressed throughout the film. She actually felt more like the protagonist than James did at times. Calling me stupid and throwing out ad hominems wont prove anything. Why bother posting if you are already sitting on the other side of fence and ignoring everything I said? You just write it off as dickhead. If you can sit here tell me a valid reason why we couldn't had what audience wanted which was AVGN lead? Why did we need a female lead thrown into it? Right now score dropped to 6.6...
Oh and Anita already had an entire project funded with very few people attacking her at that point in time. She already had a fanbase AND let's not forget how do we know she didn't lie about all those rape me comments just to get more free publicity? Ones who fight against her call her out on her *beep* which is fair game.
I've had a look through your message board history chaoticsouls1, and as I expected, just about every other post you've made has been about the "evils" of feminism, or they're race related posts about how "insert race here" is different than white people. In fact, I'm hard pressed to find a post you've made that isn't about race or sexuality in some way.
It all goes to show that you're the only one here who is making such a big deal out race and sexuality. Here's a movie that happens to have a girl and black guy in it. While everyone else in the universe took look at it and said, "Who cares?", you somehow manage to twist this into being a "Social Justice Warrior" issue.
And as usual with people who unironically use the term "Social Justice Warrior", you just use the term to vilify people who don't adhere to your point of view. Now you've got a nice little catchphrase where you can shout, "It's not my sexism or racism that's the problem! No! You're just a "Social Justice Warrior"!". You're somehow found a nice little way that you can make not being discriminatory somehow sound like it's a bad thing even though that makes no sense whatsoever.
Anita Sarkeesian is only famous because of all of her haters constantly brining her up. Every time she posts a new video, people go flooding to her comments in order to rail against her, oblivious to the fact that by doing her, they're giving her more views and comments, therefore supporting her show. Here's an idea, if you don't like Sarkeesian then stop watching her show. Watching her show only fuels the fire. You're feeding the beast.
Going on forums and making posts about her is only giving her more attention. If you hate her so much then stop talking about her. Do you not understand that by giving her attention you are only helping the very thing you hate?
I mean, if the internet upon watching Sarkeesian's videos had of just responded to her with a collective, "Meh, she obviously doesn't know what she's talking about" and then just ignored her, she wouldn't be anywhere near as famous as she is now. Have you never heard of "The Streisand Effect"? Don't you know there's no such thing as bad publicity? Does Succès de Scandale ring a bell?
But I'm sure this is entirely lost on you. You're just going to post a reply along the lines of, "But Anita Sarkeesian did *blah* *blah* *blah*", and be completely ignorant of the fact that you're giving more her attention.
The Giant Paw:
Very refreshing to read such a clear refutation of this guy's use of SJW outrage as a cover for his own resentment of women and minorities. Thanks.
shareI think social justice warrior is a valid term. In this context it is not. The introduction of Cooper and the red head I dont think was social justice I just think the script was pretty *beep* and James copied cliches.
i agree with little jimmy,
in no way there's an issue until you bring it up about "kissing a minority"
it's a call back to cooper obviously interested in girls and avgn
dismissing it then saying it's fine at the end, so he kisses the girl.
and she was a phony girl gamer (hence why she was sent with ulterior motives
and the sequence where she absolutely sucked playing the games)
I'm not saying the world must be so loving towards one another and
all that stuff, but take a step back and look at what bothers you
so much, chaotic, girl gamers and a white girl kissing a "minority"
it's the stupidest thing to get offended by.
Punchamonkey I don't understand why you guys got hung up on that. I'm saying that this entire movie seem very PC. It wasn't just that scene in general. Besies this movie is flopping hard.
shareJames SJW wife is the executive producer of this film. She has gone on record criticizing his previous work as being a "caucasian sausage fest." These are facts. The interracial kiss, and indeed even the casting was heavily SJW influenced to make the movie more "politically correct." I will disagree with the OP that this ruined the film, however. The film was already so awful, this was just puking on a pile of *beep*
shareWow, way to take something she said completely out of context, use that to suggest that she's affiliated with a movement without any other evidence, and then finally use that as a basis to suggest that she's somehow actively conspired to make a movie worse.
You know what an attitude like that you'd make a good politician. Keep it up mate, you've got a bright future ahead of you.
The Giant Paw:
It's called insight. Being able to read between the lines, and not necessarily have everything spelled out for you. I have this skill, and you apparently don't.
You're also strawmanning pretty hard here. I never said she actively conspired to make the movie worse, just that she influenced it. This is not debatable, her name is in the credits ever higher than James'. She had impact, and it would appear to be a very large impact. Whether that made the movie worse or not is a matter of opinion.
"It's called insight. Being able to read between the lines, and not necessarily have everything spelled out for you."
Aka: being a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Thank you dbzmagus for understanding where I am coming from. You guys are getting hung up on me bringing up the kiss at end, but ignoring my theory is that James original ideas got pushed aside by his wife pushing her own social justice warrior crap into the film. That should bother you if you are a fan.
share"James original ideas got pushed aside by his wife pushing her own social justice warrior crap into the film."
Seeing as you have no inside view into the relationship of this married couple or the writing of the script you are angry about events you invented in your own mind. Trying to convince other people that events you imagined are real is literally insane behavior. Seek a professional for help before you hurt yourself tripping over those phantoms you're raging at.
The kiss exemplified the quality of this movie perfectly. So it was completely appropriate and fitting thing to do.
I originally thought Rolfe didn't kiss the girl at the end to keep in line with the Nerd
being a nerd...but also Rolfe didn't want to kiss some other broad as his wife would freak out.
Is Rolfe's wife some social activist? If that's the all now makes sense.
It's just a matter of time before she makes Rolfe 'grow up' and instead of reviewing *beep* games'
Rolfe will review whatever 'evils' are out there in the world.
It's too tempting. Rolfe has a pretty big platform and can raise a lot of money for a stupid film...imagine
if He began crusading for some 'social justice' cause?
In all's always the woman who ultimately 'wears' the pants.
I would buy that this movie was all about Social Warrioring. If at any point in the movie a character drop all that were doing to bring up the pay gap or some rape statistics. But otherwise i don't see a lot of SJW stuff going on in this movie.
shareYes I agree.
James once said George A. Romero is brave enough to put a black guy as protagonist, but he's not brave enough to NOT put a black guy in his movie.
James once said George A. Romero is brave enough to put a black guy as protagonist, but he's not brave enough to NOT put a black guy in his movie.
His Night of the living dead monster madness episode. He didn't said it verbatim but words to the same effect. Search for a link yourself.
shareRomero never intended for the lead actor to be black.
The guy auditioned and Romero was blown away by him so cast him.
There was never any intent to make a social statement. That came from everyone else just like the op has with the kiss.
You can look up the interview with Romero.
I thought the kiss was funny and glad James did something different after turning an interesting antagonist into a pointless love interest.
Sadly James pandered to most feminist clichés but that's hardly surprising as it seems all writers can only write one, interchangeable, female character who usually doesn't need to be in the film but got to apease the feminist.
She lied and led them on. Deceived them and even though the lads were right to not go after her, they did it for the wrong reasons yet she was passed of at them.
Her secrets were kept and the men were the ones who apologised.
Classic feminist cliché.
Agree that the wife's meddling was involved.
The whole 'she wears the pants' is just a way to make light of domestic abuse.
Don't believe me then watch every woman's reaction when a man said it.
It's wrong and women know it which is why they say it. The whole power game women's egos make them play.
But they are always right (more proof of that ego again) and can do no wrong (ego) so if it isn't feminist meddling than its the wives and instead of getting decent female AND male characters we get the same pointless interchangeable women that add nothing and all the male characters and even the film has to be gimped to fit this hamfisted obligatory 'empowered' message.
But where's the empowerment for men?
Doesn't happen because if they wrote men like they do women and women like they do men then women would be crying sexism far more than they do now (despite the fact that the genders are being written the same)
There was no swj in this only the usual feminist interference that no-one is willing to challenge.
And it was only slight in this film to boot.
Rant over.