Thoughts on the ending
Ok so saw this for the first time last night and loved it. Very sad and real film. The ending was my favorite part because it shows that after all that mess that happened even if he was acquitted of the charges he's still going to have that huge shadow over him and people are never going to look at him the same again. Basically noone trusts him anymore. But the ending where someone shoots at him in the forest. A lot of people say it was a hallucination by him but when I saw it. The shooter had a silhouette like a young boy and you notice that the shooter runs off like a kid. Now my first thought was Marcus. I think he was still being affected by his fathers accusations and is still being looked down on. Maybe his only course of action was to shoot his father and end all this mess. I think this whole situation was too much for him and traumatized him to the point where he now believes the lies and hates his father. That's my opinion though, anyone else think the same?