MovieChat Forums > Jagten (2012) Discussion > Thoughts on the ending

Thoughts on the ending


Ok so saw this for the first time last night and loved it. Very sad and real film. The ending was my favorite part because it shows that after all that mess that happened even if he was acquitted of the charges he's still going to have that huge shadow over him and people are never going to look at him the same again. Basically noone trusts him anymore. But the ending where someone shoots at him in the forest. A lot of people say it was a hallucination by him but when I saw it. The shooter had a silhouette like a young boy and you notice that the shooter runs off like a kid. Now my first thought was Marcus. I think he was still being affected by his fathers accusations and is still being looked down on. Maybe his only course of action was to shoot his father and end all this mess. I think this whole situation was too much for him and traumatized him to the point where he now believes the lies and hates his father. That's my opinion though, anyone else think the same?


If viewers were supposed to know who the gunman was there would have been a closeup of his face aiming and a specific motivation. The scene is the main character's realization that societal condemnation and aggression towards him isn't going to end. Time to get lost in Stockholm since he tried to get his charming village back but it isn't going to be a safe place for him any more. Tragic.



If viewers were supposed to know who the gunman was there would have been a closeup of his face aiming and a specific motivation. The scene is the main character's realization that societal condemnation and aggression towards him isn't going to end.

This is the intent of the ending. With the reload of the rifle the Director is using literary license to say 'Close. Next time we won't miss.'
And I'd agree, the charming village will never be quite so charming again.


The very very end with the shot was a great ending. I don't believe it was a hallucination, it's likely one of the townspeople just like the ones that threw rock and killed his dog. If it was someone from the group, it had to be Klara's brother.

However, I did not like the ending in general. It isn't realistic that he can 'kiss and makeup' with friends AND his girlfriend through all that crap. His friends did a complete 180 and basically exiled him and then another complete 180 as if nothing ever happened. As paul-freehauf mentioned above, such accusations tend to stick, no matter if innocence is proven or not. It was too good (unrealistic) of an ending. Had it had a more realistic ending, this may have been one of my top movies of the past few years.


Guys, it doesn't really matter who he is and he isn't supposed to be someone, in fact. This is not a crime movie and these interpretations are out of place for a movie like this.
That person represents the society. Some or most of them still don't believe he's innocent.


Just got finished watching the movie and thought the same thing. It doesn't matter who fired the shot. It just means "the hunt" will never end for Lucas.

"You're close, but the sky's closer."


Word, it doesn't matter who made the shot - if it did, we'd see Lucas digging out the bullet and taking it to C.S.I. forensics to check out whose gun it came from. :D


Finally, someone got it!!! Agree 100%


Would have been a much better ending if his son shot the little b****


Bud, she's five years old. Movie showed how she saw and heard certain things even if she didn't know exactly what she was talking about, and her childish motivation for lying.


I dis agree.I think the boy at the end was klara's brother who if you remember shed some ntears looking at her place the Christmas santa


The alternate ending has him being killed by the shot, so it was definitely not a hallucination.


I think the filmmakers deliberately left it a bit vague. Could have just been an errant shot by a novice hunter... or it could have been a warning to show that people still don't trust him. Or, we are literally being shown that Lucas has dodged a bullet, both in the woods and in his personal life. Great ending. Loved the film.


For me it looked like an episode similiar to ptsd. After all he has been through maybe he still holds trust issues, even if everyone has forgiven him and moved on. I believe it was an illusion.

The end of the world doesnt seem so bad now that youre here.
