Where were the police? [Spoilers]
He's falsely accused, he's berated, he's slandered, he's assaulted, he's threatened, he's assaulted some more, his dog is killed, and finally he's shot at, and just at no point does this guy go "hey, I'm going to phone the police about all of this crimes that are being committed against me"?
Not addressing HUGE logic issues like that leaves viewers half-watching and half thinking about why the hell he isn't phoning the cops, and it totally butchers the experience. I still really like the movie but it definitely loses a point for trying to gloss over the whole, zero attempt to legally defend himself thing. The second that Gretha lady called a meeting without knowing anything for sure he could have sued her for defamation so hard they'd have to just give him the village. Clearly he's not a dumb character and I don't buy that he's SO pure-hearted that he doesn't want to hurt anybody despite being accused of sex crimes, so what gives?