If we really were apes thousands of years ago... How come we do not find some sort of speacie which is half way ape and half way human ? And what caused one type of ape to transform into human while another type is still 'stupid' ?
Knowing full well that you might be a troll [ not saying you are, but it could be the case ] and ignoring the fact that it would probably be better to direct you to sources where you can learn more about the subject from top to bottom, which might do you more good than a short post directly related to your question ... I`ll bite.
First of all, we`re still apes. Great apes, to be exact. Ape is not a species, but a superfamily also called Hominoidea ... So 'apes' couldn`t transform into humans, because humans already are part of the ape superfamily. Similarily, a mammal couldn`t transform into a dog, because dogs are already part of the mammal class.
That being said, the closest species in terms of DNA similarity to us are Chimpanzees and both [ along with a few other species actually ] share a common ancestor. We didn`t 'come from them' and they didn`t 'transform' into humans.
Also, another misconception people have about how evolution works, is that the changes are big, in a short period of time, apparently visibile without a second glance and outright sci-fi stuff like a half chimp, half human abomination that some chimp decided to give birth to one day ... That`s not the case and if you`re looking for a lower half body chimp with an upper body human abomination, you won`t find it, because that`s now how evolution works, but is often [ purposely most of the times ] parodied by people who either don`t understand it or don`t want to understand it.
The changes are small, gradual over time and most often than not, not apparently visible, such as the ability to create vitamin C in one`s own organism as opposed to getting out from outside sources for example [ which most animals have, but we don`t anymore because our diet included plenty of and it was an improvement genetically speaking not to waste energy on the process anymore ].
Another misconception about evolution is that humans are the apogee of it and every animal that ever existed or exists should strive towards. It`s not. There are plenty of other traits that can give a species the edge to survive in the environment it lives in and that`s all evolution needs. As long as a mutation provides the species with a better chance of survival, the individual with said trait will have a better chance at surviving and spreading the gene which will get more prevalent through generations and in time, it will become the norm. If it`s a bad mutation that hinders the individual and lowers its chance of survival, said gene won`t propagate as fast and as numerously [ or not at all ] and eventually will die out. That`s why evolution works 'one way', constantly providing species with improvements.
It`s little changes like that that pile up and eventually create these big discrepancies between species separated by a long period of time, while if you look at the progress through time, the changes are hardly visible or notable.
Thank you... it might indeed be useful to get the links that you talked about if you have them handy.
I want to say that I agree with people who think human is something to strive toward...Countless examples prove that humans are smarter then any other animal and therefore should be able to survive most situations that other animals wouldnt be able to sustend.
I didn`t have any particular articles or pages saved, since it`s been a while ... but I could find a few that might give you a general idea and maybe spark your interest to look for more. Or ... you can download a whole book / course on biology / evolution off torrents if you don`t want to pay for something before checking if it`s a good read beforehand.
Also, I know it`s wikipedia and tbh, I agree with the nay-sayers that it`s not always reliable, given the fact that it`s a wiki and anyone can edit the articles [ although popular ones are corrected pretty fast since every edit is registered and notifies ppl responsible for accuracy or those who track that particular page ] ... it`s still something you can double check in an actual museum if you really want to know for sure. So: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_evolution_fossils
I want to say that I agree with people who think human is something to strive toward...Countless examples prove that humans are smarter then any other animal and therefore should be able to survive most situations that other animals wouldnt be able to sustend.
We are the dominant monster on this planet. That's all.
It's not just intelligence that made us apex predators -- it's cooperation and the social contract. We act like civilized human beings because we are part of a society in which certain behavior is expected, with consequences if we break that social contract. That's what keeps us in line, what allows us to innovate and prevents a descent into chaos.
As a result, we're relatively safe, we don't have to worry about being eaten by lions or dying from tuberculoses, we don't have to go out and hunt animals personally to feed ourselves, our decisions aren't made by the physically strongest members of our race, we have leisure time, yadda yadda. We enjoy all of those things because of the social contract.
But civilization can collapse, and it happens all the time. Look at Congo, where more than 5 million people have been killed in the last 20 years. Entire swaths of south America are effectively lawless. Even American cities can descent into chaos and lawlessness, as we've seen recently.
So when people say that humanity isn't the end-all, be-all, it's because humanity has a lot more growing and maturing to do. We still slaughter each other in wars, we still fight over resources, and we still make some decisions with the "lizard brain."
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I would say it's primarily down to the fact that humans create technology that sets us apart from "lesser" species. If we run into a situation we can't adapt to, we create a technology so we don't have to adapt.
Yes we are the dominant monster but we might actually be one of the first species to wipe itself out because of it's own stupidity. Either by polluting the planet so badly it becomes uninhabitable, through war, through weapons or simply because of illness. We use antibiotics so much that most of them don't work anymore. There are new strains of diseases that nothing works on (tuberculosis being one of them). And you add to that how many idiots are not getting their children vaccinated and suddenly there could be an outbreak of some old disease and nothing works on it.
Humans may dominate other species but we are fundamentally stupid.
We're not gonna wipe ourselves out. We're like cockroaches -- even if there's a cataclysm, some of us will survive, breed like rabbits, and before you know it there are millions and billions of us again.
There actually have been times when the human race was in danger of extinction, especially during ice ages which were more catastrophic and all-encompassing than anything we've ever wrought on ourselves. Scientists have identified those times by the genetic bottlenecks caused when humanity was thinned out to the point where genetic diversity suffered.
The only real way humanity can go extinct is by cosmic-level incidents out of our control...a star going supernova in our galactic neighborhood, changes to our own star, etc. But we're going to have hundreds of thousands of years, at the very least, to figure that out and start colonizing other planets and systems.
The only real way humanity can go extinct is by cosmic-level incidents out of our control...a star going supernova in our galactic neighborhood, changes to our own star, etc. But we're going to have hundreds of thousands of years, at the very least, to figure that out and start colonizing other planets and systems.
The second sentence is very, very optimistic. There are vast numbers of stars ‘going supernova’ around our galaxy at any one time, and any planets near them get zero warning, because the lethal radiation generated by supernovas (X-rays, gamma-rays, etc.) travels at the speed of light. If a nearby star goes supernova, the first information you usually have of the fact is the bright sky accompanying the lethal radiation bath.
In theory, we could catalogue all the stars nearby, plot their places on the standard star development line, predict what stars pose a danger and take the necessary precautions. However, some stars are obscured, others are black holes waiting to explode into ‘white holes’ (admittedly an uncertain proposition borne of recent theory) and so forth. In practice, we have no such programme and, if we did, there’s not much we could do even given some warning.
The only reason we’ve got this far, is that our sun has been sailing through a relatively star-free region between the spiral arms of the Milky Way over the last few billion years. If we stay on course, we’ll wind up in amongst the action and have a chance to see how we really fare against a supernova. I’m not so sanguine about our chances. ____ "If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*
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I want to say that I agree with people who think human is something to strive toward...Countless examples prove that humans are smarter then any other animal and therefore should be able to survive most situations that other animals wouldnt be able to sustend.
I really don't think that is correct considering we are gradually wiping out all other species, destroying the planet and overpopulating it to the point that we won't be able to survive once there are more people than food more people than places left to grow food.
While it's true to say that humans demonstrate some incredible talents you'd have to come up with some purpose and or meaning of life to say that humans are more capable of achieving it than other species. Ultimately the only function that you'd could say equally of all creatures on the planet is that we are driven to survive at whatever cost.
There are probably bacteria and viruses that are going to inhabit the planet longer than the human race.
To say that being human is something to strive for does no more than describe the human psychological makeup that we have a bloated opinion of ourselves.
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That being said, the closest species in terms of DNA similarity to us are Chimpanzees and both [ along with a few other species actually ] share a common ancestor.
Actually, Rats have closer DNA to human than chimpanzees do. Chimps 95% matching DNA, Rat 97.2% matching DNA... Which is also why more animal testing is done on rats. this is the latest DNA testing they have done just in the last 5 years or so. So why does so much DNA match us?... Most living creatures have 2 eyes, ears, nostril, mouth teeth, 4 limbs, digestive track, tongue urinate, defficate, nails/claws of some sort, a brain etc... but that 2.5% difference from us than rats is a huge jump. If what many say that we evolved from apes then why are they still the same with little to no evolution. Wolves today are still the same as they were thousands of years ago as proven at the George Page museum which found the largest fossilisation of wolf pack bones at the La Brea tar pitts. We were created by God just as we are now. There is no proof of the hairy caveman etc.
We did not evolve from apes. And one species cannot jump into another, "Nature does not jump" which is what Darwin himself said.
First of all, our DNA is 98.6% similar to those of bonobos (Pan paniscus) and the common chimpanzee`s (Pan troglodytes) DNA is 98.2% similar to human DNA. Not 95% ... and we don`t come *from* apes, because we *ARE* apes.
As I said in my first post, this is a common mistake made by people who do not bother to look at the research out of laziness or willfully ignore it. I urge you to look a bit more into the subject before trying to address it or oppose what`s now, given the evidence [ which you clearly ignore in order to preserve the delusion that "God created us just as we are now" ], in every aspect, a fact.
I have no issue if you choose to ignore the evidence, convince yourself that it doesn`t exist, that God created us just the way we are now, that evolution is just a myth or whatever *beep* you want to hold as your own personal opinion, if it helps you sleep at night. What I do have an issue with, however, is when people like you, poorly educated on the subject, try to claim that your delusion, is a fact, simply because you choose to ignore the evidence and the process by which the conclusion is reached in the scientific community -- evidence leads to conclusion and not vice-versa. Wishful thinking and personal bias have no place there and I suggest you take yours and live happily with it if that`s your choice. But don`t insult others by claiming it`s a fact, when you`re not even capable of getting the most basic concept right!
I just wanted to say you rock! I wish others would try to understand Evolution instead of just shutting down and not listening (like some of my family members lol).
Being an ape and being a mammal isn`t mutually exclusive. I didn`t list them side to side as a distinction between us and dogs, but as two parallel examples for an analogy where I pointed out a misconception -- that where the OP misinterpreted a superfamily [ in our case, Ape / Hominoidea ] as a species.
But your theory doesn't explain how the human race quickly forgot all tactics and use of technology, including drone strikes, cruise missiles, and heavy bombing.
I'm sorry the Coen brothers don't direct the porn I watch. They're hard to get ahold of, okay?
Knowing how the technology works doesn't magically allow them to work without fuel or power, does it? Drones and missiles require fuel, and heavy bombing would require planes that similarly need fuel which would be expired by the time this movie takes place.
Not to mention those things all require specific training. It's not like the average person can just sit down at the controls of an airplane and expect to be able to fly it, let alone use it to bomb anything.
What is with you and non sequiturs? What does deforestation have to do with anything? Are you suggesting the humans should have burned the forest to the ground or what?
You're the one who said there was nothing to be done, because no fuel remained, which isn't even true. Nevertheless, the apes live in the forest. If you want to kill them, burn down the forest.
I'm sorry the Coen brothers don't direct the porn I watch. They're hard to get ahold of, okay?
No. What I said is that any fuel remaining would be as useless as water. Don't blame me because you couldn't figure out I was clearly talking about liquid fuel for engines from this: Drones and missiles require fuel, and heavy bombing would require planes that similarly need fuel which would be expired by the time this movie takes place.
Good luck flying drones and launching missiles fueled by water.
I very clearly did not say "There is no fuel." I said suggested any "gas" type liquids would be expired and virtually useless at the point they're at in the movie.
If you want to kill them, burn down the forest.
You're aware that pretty much everything has been reclaimed by the forest, right? Burning down the forest would be a good way to destroy their own little community. M.A.D. doesn't solve anything.
Muijitsu's initial reply to the OP is quite possibly the best post I've ever read on IMDB. Thorough, objective, comprehensive, inoffensive. I don't see why anyone is spending time trying to refute or find fault with it.
Several other posters have made good responses, as well.
If anyone wants to find out more, and is actually willing to invest a little time, I would recommend reading Chip Walters' "Last Ape Standing" or Bryan Sykes' "Seven Daughters of Eve."
Being an ape and being a mammal isn`t mutually exclusive. I didn`t list them side to side as a distinction between us and dogs, but as two parallel examples for an analogy where I pointed out a misconception -- that where the OP misinterpreted a superfamily [ in our case, Ape / Hominoidea ] as a species.
The original text, as seen in a quote here actually, stated that "humans are apes and dogs are mammals" in the last sentence of a paragraph where I pointing out that humans didn`t evolve from apes [ because we still are part of the ape superfamily ] just like a dog didn`t evolve from a mammal [ because it actually already is one ] ... The claim that we evolved from apes is a confusion made by people who don`t understand the terms they`re using and I was underlining that with a parallel example independent of the original [ it`s called an analogy and you`re not supposed to take both the real scenario and the analogy scenario and mix them -- which is basically what you did and what caused the confusion ].
Since the confusion arose solely because some people only read the last statement [ be it because of laziness or purposely mine-quoting -- doesn`t matter ], disregarding the paragraph that encompassed it and drew the inept conclusion that I was portraying the two as opposites of the same example/scenario to differentiate between them... I edited the paragraph to make it harder [ if not outright impossible bar malice or fideism of course ] for them to CREATE that confusion in the first place, by simply embedding the last statement [ which is essentially the same -- it`s not changed or removed, just intertwined ] into the paragraph that you`re supposed to read before / alongside it.
I hope that clearly illustrated the motive and intent of the edit and we can finally put this subject behind us, because it would get really tedious and annoying [ not that I`d entertain such a classic windup rouse past this point ] to explain every living thought and every living action I take at your whims.
Evolution does actually say that we have an apelike ancestor. In simple terms, you could say that we come from apes.
Yeah. Just that we don't directly come from the current non-human apes, but from a common ancestor with those apes. We didn't evolve from current chimpanzees, but both species evolved from an ape-like ancestor. Not only have we evolved since then, but the chimpanzee has also evolved (with the bonobos splitting off from the chimpanzee line after the split from the human line). We are apes, we evolved from an ape-like ancestor, much like the current non-human apes have also evolved from.
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Good point and thank you for starting it and the others for providing the info. I feel that this is the point of any forum and I am very saddened by the fact that IMDB deletes threads and does not keep them. Instead the IMDB forums turn into troll fests and valuable discussions like this are in peril of being deleted. I hope they change their policy.
The only reason make you think you are an ape coz of the Unbeliever make you think you are an ape but if you just make a little research about the oldest fossils for the million of years old you will still find ape skeleton and human skeleton so you do the math :) .
Okay, I know science is annoying to some but here's the scientific fact, not theory, fact. Humans weren't apes a few thousand years ago it was closer to 8 million years ago we split off from Chimpanzees, gorillas, Orangutans and Bonabos. Bonabos are our closest relatives. Apes aren't stupid, most are on par with a 5 year old human. Do you call your 5 year old stupid? Some gorillas have managed a vocabulary greater than a human 5 year old.
As far as this mythical ape man you want proof existed it's like demanding to know whether a cup is half full or half empty? We have a fairly complete fossil record from 8 million years ago to modern humans. Some think Homo Erectus should be considered essentially Homo Sapiens since they are obviously our ancestors as much as your grandparents are. FYI European and Asian Humans are hybrids. Europeans are made up of 4 to 5 great apes/ hominids. Black Africans are the true homo sapiens. Isn't that a kick in the pants to all the racists out there. If you have blue or green eyes or brown or blond hair you have characteristics of Neanderthals or Red Deer people. Red hair is a Neanderthal trait. Most of us aren't even true humans! Pale skin is likely a Neanderthal trait, Homo Sapiens are black skinned. Great apes are our cousins about as much as those irritating people you see on holidays. We need to start treating them as the close relatives that they are.
Huh?? Maybe you could ask that in the old movies series. But that's not even a storyline in he new ones. A plague was brought on by vaccine given to Apes. We're do you see that plot line in the new 2 movies??