MovieChat Forums > Dumb and Dumber To (2014) Discussion > The film's real issue: Harry and Lloyd's...

The film's real issue: Harry and Lloyd's characters.

In the original Dumb and Dumber:

Harry and Lloyd were equally stupid. They were not the ideal people to blend into an adult social event of any sort. Basically, they were like 7-Year olds trapped in the bodies of two adults. While they were often volatile and disruptive, Harry and Lloyd were mostly harmless and when they were actually harmful or dangerous, it was the result of unintended stupidity. They were mostly two good guys with good intentions. Lloyd has a few moments where he can be manipulative which crosses into the grey area and that is what separates him from Harry, the more gentle innocent oaf. But overall they were normal(but stupid) guys who were just trying to get through life like all of us. This allowed you to laugh at them, feel sorry for the victims, AND still root for Harry and Lloyd. The only evil act in the original was when Lloyd sold a dead bird to the blind kid.

At the end of Dumb and Dumber, I really wanted to see them win some sort of reward for going through all that. But they didn't(which also works) and you sort of feel sorry for them.

In Dumb and Dumber To:

Harry and Lloyd become outright jerks. It is no longer two 7-Year olds in the bodies of grown men, it is simply two half-retard jerks. Their antics and behavior become premeditated and mean. This takes away the audience's ability to feel for them or root for them. Lloyd is especially exaggerated in the sequel as he becomes twice as evil and twice as annoying. There doesn't seem to be a single scene in the movie where Lloyd isn't acting like a goof or a jerk. It was like watching two villains act stupid through an entire movie and then getting away clean at the end. The two twisted pranks that they play on each other in the movie were completely unrealistic, too extreme even for characters who are suppose to be stupid, and worse of all...they were not really that funny.

By the time the movie was over, AFTER they shove two women into the bushes, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to see them get hit by a car or something just so that there would never be a third film.

On paper, the idea of Harry traveling across country to find his long lost daughter could have worked for a Dumb and Dumber sequel. Even the crazy plot twist that the daughter was in fact Lloyd's would have made the movie that much better. But it's the small things that killed the movie. The writers, whether it was intentional or not, turned Lloyd and Harry into twisted parodies of themselves and then plopped them into scenarios that weren't all that great in supplementing their "dumb" routines.


the worst thing was seeing the clips of the original and the new one in the credits scene while the kinda sad song was playing,
the credit scenes were meant as as tribute to the first one but it just reminded me of how different they are, how innocent the first one is and how rude the new one is


the worst thing was seeing the clips of the original and the new one in the credits scene while the kinda sad song was playing, the credit scenes were meant as as tribute to the first one but it just reminded me of how different they are, how innocent the first one is and how rude the new one is

Yeah you got to see the differences between just based on the pictures. I think it was Jake Bugg that was the credit's song. Comedy has turned into every stand up act that Louis CK has ever done.


the back seat of a Toyota Tercel.

And don't forget to make a follow-up appt.

Using psychobabble on D&DtO?



I could not agree with you more. First I noticed that both actors (I realize and understand this is probably a difficult thing to pull off as actors) but that they both struggled to find their characters as actors again. More so Jeff Daniels than Jim Carrey, but both them even sounded and acted different just in their voices/mannerisms. I feel like maybe they should have put more effort into watching the first over, and over, and over and over and living and breathing those characters again so that in the second, it felt more like them again, and not like them trying to play them again, because that's how it looked and felt unfortunately :/ Maybe it's virtually impossible to pick up a role with more ease so many years later if Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels can't do it, but I don't know, for an actor I feel like if you have done that role, especially a character role it's either going to be really easy or really hard to re-do. And for actors as good as them, with the right amount of effort, I feel like they could have hit it out of the park a little better. But they did alright. It's not like they were COMPLETELY different.

Then on top of that, first I noticed how much of a jerk I thought Lloyd turned into. I first watched this movie when I was a little too young, but even as an 11 year old, with all these jokes flying over my head, the movie didn't put a bad taste in my mouth. And for an 11 year old, even the innocent Lloyd and Harry can make a kid uncomfortable LOL. And they totally didn't!!!! I still loved them. Then I saw the movie again when I was 13, got every joke of course, watched it over and over and by 15 I could say every line with them the entire movie every time I watched it. So as a 27 year old, to feel uncomfortable, and put off by Lloyd's character, that's really saying something. And then even Harry started making me feel the same way. There were certain things that could pass as "Ok, they are dumb, totally get why this isn't mean, it's more just them being stupid." But Lloyd really did turn into a selfish, manipulative, pervy, self-involved, almost socio-pathic *beep* And Harry wasn't quite as bad, but he wasn't sweet old Harry from the first at all anymore. There were some jokes that had me laugh, for sure. But not like the first. And it just didn't feel the same. Like the pranks they were pulling on each other. They were trying to make this whole new "inside joke" thing, like in the first one they had the whole playing tag with their own words, most annoying sound in the world, singing, you could tell their friendship had these things that went on for years and suddenly they have this "But it wouldn't have been THAT funny" or whatever? What is that? I liked how they did the pushing people in the bushes thing and pointing and laughing. I remember Lloyd and Harry very specifically in the first one pointing and laughing when the dude was on the ground dying. So it was nice to have some familiarity in their characters and how they act when they prank and stuff, but it didnt warm my heart or make me crack up at the end when Harry was like upping his prank saying "But not as" like Lloyd said in the beginning if it had been 10 years instead of 20. I like in sequels when you bring back a lot of things from the first, and then just make it better. Don't try add things all of a sudden and think the audience is going to all of a sudden grab a hold of it, when the first one is truly a classic.

I understand modern comedy has changed----but for classic Dumb and Dumber fans, who love the first as it is, they could have stuck with the same characters/feel/jokes and it would have been funny enough. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth and it really upset me, because I was pissed when they made Dumb and Dumber-er. I didn't even watch that garbage. Then got psyched when they announced Dumb and Dumber to, SAME ACTORS AND WRITERS. But then a little scared, because I was like omg, no, don't mess with this classic. Don't make me feel weird about one of my favorite movies of all time, and Jim Carrey is my favorite actor of all time. So I HAD to go into watching this with high hopes, thinking if both actors were on board to do this, the writing had to be good. I was so let down. Even the plot was stupid to me. I tried to get on board with it. I kinda got into it.....when the kid was almsot Lloyd's kid, I actually wanted it to be Lloyd's because then maybe he'd have a reason not to be such an *beep* but I knew thered be a twist because it would have been too gross for him to have been lusting over his own kid for an hour. But for the ending to make the both virgins? That was stupid. As lovable and innocent as they are, even in the first, they don't seem like the kind of men who don't know what sex is. Anyway, totally see what you see and agree with you. Ohhhh well. Always will have the first one to love. I am just shocked Anchorman 2 ended up being a better sequel.



Totally agree with you jkersey, I had no idea they cut stuff like that! That really sucks :(



Ah, yes. That solves the problem.

Co-writers Sean Anders and John Morris also wrote "Horrible Bosses 2", "We're the Millers" and "Hot Tub Time Machine" and Mike Cerrone also co-wrote "The Three Stooges".

"Horrible Bosses 2" was okay, though it did get awful reviews, "We're the Millers" and "The Three Stooges" were one of the worst movies I have ever seen and I have no desire in seeing "Hot Tub Time Machine" and "Sex Drive".

Had the Farrellys and Bennett Yellin completely written the screenplay themselves, we could've had a superb sequel.


Hot Tub Time Machine is actually the best out of all of the movies you listed. Definitely give it a shot!


Agreed Jersey





Well thought out and well said


If intentionally giving your best friend laxative isn't malicious, then I don't know what is.


The mean-spirited vibe works only for Lloyd, because despite the good deed he did for Mary, he's just a horrible person in general. Although Harry was immature, he was always the more gentle and borderline smarter of the two. He was way too out of character in the second one.

As for that toilet scene, even though I kind of do feel bad for Harry, the toilet scene still holds up as my favorite scene in the movie. LOL!


If intentionally giving your best friend laxative isn't malicious, then I don't know what is.

A-yup. First movie showed them lying to pick up women, condescending to the elderly, the parakeet, leaving the scene of accidents, spending Mary's money, ketchup on the neck, the extra gloves...

I squirmed when Lloyd hugged Penny. That was a reference to when he hugged Mary & lifted her skirt. I laughed at that gag in the original but would've been angry if they did the same thing this time around. Is it because Lloyd is so much older? Or because of the incest subtext? Or maybe the original was just as off-putting & I've grown up?

The original was good for what it was. Had a few great visual, slapstick gags. That's all I expected from this one & it delivered.


The "real" issue here is that you need to remove the stick from your ass and just enjoy it for what it is...a comedy.
