why did this fail??!
I'm going to be honest i don't play the games, but i always wondered why this film failed. the talent was there, i think the source material was intriguing. what the hell went wrong??
shareI'm going to be honest i don't play the games, but i always wondered why this film failed. the talent was there, i think the source material was intriguing. what the hell went wrong??
shareThey tried to fit a 10+ video game series into one movie. It was a mess
shareOther than references, it really is just the first 4 games or so, arguably less, and they also cut a lot of the crazy stuff, like the ancient aliens plotline.
shareWell, that "crazy stuff" IS the plot line of the series. Had they tried to follow it and plan for the movies ahead, kind of like Marvel did with its movies, it wouldn't have failed. Instead, they tried to jam it all up in one movie.
shareAC movie was one of those developement hell situations where they changed directors midway so it was bound to have problems with consistency.
As far as the crazy stuff goes, it was supposed to be an overarching plotline, yes, but it is one the majority of players outright ignored and skipped as much as they could. It also is one that does not translate well into movie structure.
Marvel had a lot more leeway with how they could do things and experimented with multiple genres before the first avengers.
Another observation - the movie was made to appeal to the Assassin's Creed crown instead of John Q. Public. The producers of Star Trek - The Motion Picture made that mistake, so did the Dune producers.
sharebecause gamers torrent movies, if they watch them at all... 😂
shareAccording to best research we have to date, piracy increases sales through word of mouth. That would have actually improved the movies chances. Thing is, most gamers dont watch movies at all. Its a media competing for your time, which is often limited and games being better value for money (more hours of entertainment per dollar spent).
shareThe mother, father, and Son were all mis-cast and very white. I think the father was scottish. I don't remember what bothered me about the mother, she was white. The son/assassin was also another white guy.
It was all very unbelieveable when the main assassin was supposed to be middle eastern? Or was he supposed to be a mutt white guy all along?
Yes, I already know Hollywood is white washed. No need to mention it, lol.
1. Middle eastern people have white skin. (over 95% of middle easterners are arab-berber genetic group)
2. The assassins usually marry from outside theri group, resulting in a lot of mixing over the years.
3. Assassins were an international organization (active even in china and the american colonies).
4. The main protagonist of the movie (not the games) is a descendant of a Spanish assassin. Last i checked spanish people were white europeans.
5. Hollywood is not white washed actually. If you look at the oscars for example compared to population percentages, oscars by skin colour results in white people getting around the same people, asians being underrepresented and black and jewish people being overrepresented.
But aren't Jewish white?
shareThey are white in the sense that they have white skin, yes. In a sense that they are ethnically the same as europeans - no. The traditional group of jews (because modern ones are much more lax in who they marry) consist of multiple ethnicity, the most well known being Ashkenazi jews, commonly known as european jews. They are a seperate ethnicity and genetically as dictinct from europeans in same way as other ethnic groups. The Ashkenazi jews history is actually very fascinating. They were forced to become merchants and accountants because they were banned from partaking in many professions that were considered more "honorable" in the middle ages such as farming. This has impacted their evolution and is arguably a living proof that enviromental pressures can force people to improve genetically (Ashkenazi jews is the ethnicity with highest IQ worldwide, which probably explains why they got so many high positions).
shareBecause it was a terrible movie that didn't understand why people liked the games so much. As soon as it was revealed on 30% of the movie would take place in the 15th century people knew it was going to be bad. Total waste of all the actors involved.