I actually didn't think this was that bad.
Found footage is pretty hit or miss (more of the latter) nowadays. However, the concept sounded at least different and kind of more plausible than another supernatural rehash.
Firstly, the protagonists are so downright irritating that it almost made me want to turn the movie off thirty minutes in. Then again, I thought to myself: how is someone supposed to react in this situation? Being cool, calm and collected is less realistic than the trio freaking out and screaming at one another. I do feel that the female protagonist could have been given a little more history so that her behavior would have been more understandable (I know people are going to write her off as a complete b-#-t-c-h or whatever). You know, maybe she went through a similar experience as a kid? I imagine anyone could become that irrationally emotional over this ordeal. Anyway.
The movie finally progressed into more of a thriller, which ultimately saved it for me. There was so much tension and concern (even for the leads, who I didn't like) that I couldn't turn away from the screen. I was genuinely scared despite knowing how these type of movies end.
So yeah, Amber Alert isn't the new top model for found footage horror. I do appreciate that it's different, and the suspense kept me glued to the movie.