Is ANYONE happy??

I've been reading the message boards for this show and it appears that NO ONE is happy.

One part angry bc it's a show about a gay couple, one part bc the girl is "renting" out her uterus, one part angry bc the grandmother makes off color comments about pretty much everyone (she rips the South too but shockingly no one is up in arms about that). Despite the fact that there is a show about a gay couple, one part is angry bc one of the male characters is "too gay" (can't recall the exact verbiage that was used) and one part angry bc one of the guys that is gay isn't black and gay. There are so many more but I'm sure you've seen them.

Is it possible for anyone to NOT get so offended these days? Why is everyone so tense and have a stick up their butt? Do people have to be ticked off and complaining about something in order to be happy? I think we need to start spiking the water supply with Valium or Xanax so everyone would be chill and peace would be nation wide.


Life would be a lot calmer if we did spike the water with Valium, Xanax and other mood smoothers, but that would take all the wind out of the sails of the angry.


I'd be okay with that? In fact, I'd be at the water cooler with my thermos.

"Your mother's in here with us, Karras. Would you like to leave a message?"


I'm happy. I have loved what I've seen so far with this show.

~+ Excuse me - you're standing on my sleeve. +~


I love this show, it's funny and endearing.

There just happens to be a lot of ignorant/homophobic idiots out there who bitch on the internet.

If you don't enjoy something just don't watch it. Spending time moaning online is redundant.


I'm angry. Because this show paints a little too much in broad strokes and stereotyped characters. Ryan Murphy sometimes has problems with with being subtle and characters come off to me as being histrionic.

No...I'm not really angry. I'm just disappointed a little in that I thought the premise and purpose of the show is good, but after a first episode that could have lead down the road to a good show, I (and just my opinion - I'm sure others feel differently) am disappointed in the writing.


I'm gay. I don't like the show. I suppose I'm self-hating though, huh? Because otherwise I'd automatically like the show...

And actually spending time moaning online isn't redundant. It's a way to vent to other people who may or may not share your feelings regarding something that is important to you. For example: It is important to stop exclusively showing flamboyant stereotypes in every show (they can have other gay men represented, but only once the flamboyant gay guy is worked in first it seems). After all, The Cosby Show did just fine without being filled with stereotypes. At all.


absolutely. It's usually just the trolls that are really annoying. I would rather have people on the boards saying what they don't like about a show then to have constant fanboy gushing. People that make broad statements and no specifics I find tend to like or dislike a show because there's some feeling they have that they instinctively have to feel that way. I guess it's generally trolls who just make a baseline statement and run.

At least a lot of what I've read pertaining to this show tends to be a little better in the why's of a person not liking or liking this. Then again, I've gotten pretty good at ignoring subject lines that seem as if they're going to do just the opposite.

My problem with this, and to some extent where Glee has gone is that yeah - Murphy seems to be going further and further into the preachy sterotype filled stories that just aren't enjoyable for me.


I am happy and I like the show


I love this show. I'm happy with it and I'm excited to see where it goes as the season goes on.




By no means is it perfect, but at the end of the day, after every episode, I get warm and fuzzies, so I think they're doing their job well if there are people out there in the world like me. (which I'd be shocked if there weren't.)

Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?


Very happy. Absolutely love the show. I keep waiting for it not to be funny, to not make me laugh aloud, and each time, it's funny and I laugh aloud. I love that it's not subtle. That it can be sappy, silly, off color, etc...all in a single episode.

