Woke Mirror

The first episode is average. Too forced and Salma's soap opera level of performance is not helping. But clever comment on current technological developments, as usual.

They casted Annie Murphy and in one scene made her look like Harley Quinn. Went too meta with that one.


The second episode hasn't touched my hardened horror buff's soul. Predictable and mediocre, except for the basement scene and Samuel Blenkin's acting.


who? i don't get the joke


No jokes here. I'm watching the new season and posting my quick takes.


okay... so who is annie murphy... and why is it funny that she looks like harley quinn?


Don't comment if you don't know what it's about. Watch the show yourself.


Fuck you.


The third episode is the best one so far, relatively speaking. It has the length of a feature film, but the story is told in TV style. Actually, I was going to recommended this one, because it is has a clever idea behind it, until the lame and uncalled for ending ruined it for me. They were already forcing it between the acts, but went too far with the ending. So far this is the only true in Black Mirror's tone episode and certified woke free.

Aaron Paul is awesome and Josh Hartnett is old.


I didn't like it because I can suspend my disbelief for the tech, but I just don't buy the motives one bit. Yeah right that astronaut would really do that in the final scene,
Have watched all 5 and the last 4 have more in common with The Outer Limits than classic Black Mirror.


Alternate history/timeline is a well established sci-fi trope and there is no need to suspend your disbelief. Well, maybe they went too far with the artificial gravity and haven't provided any worldbuilding, but this is not the most problematic part of this episode. But now I wonder why they didn't send the robots in space...

Episodes 1 and 3 are true Black Mirror in a sense that the technophobic theme, for which the show is known, plays a major part. But the first episode tries too hard to be funny and fails, and the third episode has such a dumb ending. When he kicked the chair like "We can talk now"... Gives me the cringes.


The writers really got lazy for the fourth episode. It is a joke. Nothing more is worth saying about it.


The fifth episode is the boring finale of the laziest Black Mirror season. If that show does anything worse than comedy, it is horror. I have no idea why they are even trying. It is PG-13, or whatever the TV equivalent is, and there are already enough mediocre horror shows with cheap twists. It is not what people want from Black Mirror. I'm not sure that I'll stay for another season if this is the best they could have pulled off in the four years since the last season.

Anybody interested in Black Mirror's technophobic theme may check episodes 1 and 3 without much expectations and skip the rest.


Thanks, I was going to skip it all. But I'll check out ep3 on your recommendation, and the fact that I like Aaron Paul.


The show was always progressive. It's just that right wingers have become more whiny.


It isn't just "right wingers" who are getting sick of the crap.


Oh, ya?


And the one episode "Beyond the Sea" starred 2 "Straight white males" (Aaron Paul & Josh Hartnett). I would assume this episode would automatically have to be the favorite of the anti-woke crowd; Seeing "The Straight White Male" represented in a series is truly a tearjerking experience.

Kudos to "Woke Mirror" for taking a huge risk and representing the oppressed Straight White Males. White people sure have come a long way.
They could have casted another black or brown...or a red or a yellow...but they didn't.
I am tearing up a bit just typing this.


Yes, a total Woke infiltration throughout Season 6, and sadly something that must be seen in the entertainment industry nowadays.


What was woke about the new season? The only thing that was kind of woke was the "conservatives bad" undertone of Episode 5 but it wasn't fully in your face. I don't think there was an agenda behind that episode I think they just used that undertone for genuine story-telling and not for preaching.


Ep 5 had the usual trope of the ignorant White English backwards locals treating a poor shy minority lamb like a piece of shit. It's the usual tool they use to try and manipulate people into feeling guilty and portraying Pakistanis/Indians/Black people as victims.

People were right to be concerned back then when waves of alien cultures popped up in their neighborhoods without warniing or consultation and fast forward now most of these Cities and towns are destroyed. you do the maths.


Towns are destroyed...

Why doesn't any one admit and acknowledge this true reality??? Are they afraid to face true facts? Afraid someone will call them racist?


The public have been gaslit and played with psychologically for so long now i think they have just resigned themselves to the fact its game over and the Country's finished, a dour view i know but the reality sadly.

Funny thing is i think the English are naturally probably one of the least racist Nations in Europe and if anything we are TOO accepting to a fault, we literally let people walk all over us. But for every example someone gives of a lovely Indian friend they have or a cool Black guy they know it doesn't change the fact that as a whole it's divided the Country and Grooming gangs, knife crime and drug dealing has sky rocketed in line with the infusion.

I think it's obvious by now that their has always been a sinister angle to all of this it has never been about giving refuge to people in need it's been a deliberate ploy to take the legs away from the natives so they are too weak to unite against the tyranny. The minorities are also being played at the same time even though they seem to be benefitting from the situation at present once they have served their purpose they will be disposed of just like the rest


yeah you're probably on to something about the sinister angle... why else is it allowed and pushed?

I never see this kind of thing about "racism" either, just common sense: it doesn't matter who's skin color it is, if groups of non-natives come in and start wrecking life.

I live in a predomenently caucasian neighborhood that is pretty nice, but if ANY group of people moved in and started trashing the place - a bunch of whites, blacks, mexican, asian, spanish, german, turkey, space aliens, or whomever, whatgever - I'd speak up and/or move out. That's not racist, that's common sense.


Exactly but the problem is they don't get moved into nice cosy affluent areas they get moved in to regular working class people who can't afford to up sticks and move. Having said that i know parts of East London theold Cockney types that lived their for generations have slowly moved away, there was a really sad documentary about it where a mother want's to stay because it's her roots but her daughters are moving away and it was very sad.

I think there was a lot of push back initially in the 70's and 80's but the world has changed so much now the younger generation don't have that feel or tribalism as much because they have been conditioned by the new circumstances and know no different.

It doesn't help when you do get groups of concerned people labelled as Right winged Nazi's.

Slightly off topic but another example of how films and TV bulshit and create narratives that never existed, i don't believe people ran around beating up Gay people back in the day from what i understand they were just considered weirdo's and avoided but never savagely brutalized like they make out, and the whole slavery thing people base off of the tv series Roots, if you want to see slavery go to your local Amazon warehouse


very good points, and yep, the moronic kids are eating it up. I rest well, knowing (sadly) it WILL come back and bite them in the ass eventually as life re-equalizes back to reality. those idiots.

you can lead a horse to water, but they live and breath from their phone's reddit life style and cant think straight outside the internet hive mind.

And if whoever is reading this thinks that is unfair labeling, you are one of them and the problem. :)
