Am I seriously the only person that found it sorta *beep* stupid that they're gonna keep setting up over and over just for one person?? I understand one setup, one final explanation to what she did, than either life incarceration or death penalty, but to continually reset so many times just seems dumb to me.


Black Mirror takes place in alternate realities. These alternate realities reflect our own and single out specific logic in our own, take it to an extreme, and show the danger to that logic.

In present day, we have the death penalty. It costs much more to sentence a person to death than a life of imprisonment, but we do it because we feel those people deserve to die.

In the WHITE BEAR universe, death isn't the ultimate punishment, so they pay more so some people experience ultimate punishment instead of just death.


I mean, of course it wouldn't make sense in real life, but that's not the point. Black Mirror is supposed to be a thought-provoking show, something that you watch but the effect isn't over along with the episode. Therefore, it's up to the viewer to make something out of what they've just seen.


When does she eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom?


That's a damn good question.


That question has been asked many times on this board. I imagine she eats when they stop in the woods. Although we only see the other girl eat, when the protagonist says in the van "we eat", it's implied that she remembers they usually all stop there to eat. She'd also get the chance to go to the toilet in the woods if she needed to, and she'd also probably go in the house. They might also keep the fridge stocked up in case she was hungry and went looking for food before leaving the house.

As for sleep, I guess she sleeps in the chair after the memory-wipe process and is woken in the morning.


Any other attraction has precisely zero persons yet people still set them up everyday, it's called a job, it's how you make money, look at a stage production for example - you set up your props and costumes and whatnot, folks pay to watch and enjoy, then you go home with some money.

That's not rocket science, really, is it?

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


my thoughts exactly with this episode..it seemed so idiotic


I was hoping at the end we would see that the theme park was filled with similar attractions involving other criminals


I wondered if maybe after so many repetitions, her mind would break down and then they'd do something like lock her away. I know they erased her memory each time but it seemed not to be gone completely.

Or maybe her body would give out in some way. Stress like that would wear her out eventually.


I had a thought close to yours when I finished watching it.
I would've liked to see that they do the same thing to different criminals of different regions, not just her back to back to back...


another potential angle: less crime. KNOWING in advance that YOU might end up perpeturally F#@$&!, and on display at these parks, MIGHT prevent you from making a criminal choice.


True That


It doesn't work with Capital Punishment in place, what makes you think it'll be any different with this method?
