MovieChat Forums > Holy Motors (2012) Discussion > A pretentious turd for jaded idiots

A pretentious turd for jaded idiots

It makes Jim Jarmusch's "The Limits of Control" seem like a good film in comparison, and that's probably one of the most awful movies ever made. Anyway, I know you pretentious *beep* will just say things like: "It didn't have enough vapid *beep* in it for you, did it?" But the truth is that I like good, honest, enjoyable films, and this pile of garbage isn't any of those. It's bad, dishonest, and unenjoyable to a horrible extreme.


It didn't have enough vapid *beep* in it for you, did it?


What does "dishonest" mean to you?


Why don't you just say what you mean.. just kidding I totally agree with you I mean what in the wide wide world of sports with the whole thing about anyway


I thought it was very good. Entertaining, unique, and memorable.

Procrastination fools you into thinking you succeed merely by not failing.


Truthfully, if you don't know what you are getting your self into, then don't watch it. Stick to your Red Dawn remakes. As for the film, I found it quite unique and captivating. as my parents once said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it all. Especially when you do it the coward's way through anonymous criticisms.



I honestly don't know why so many people get bent out of shape anytime someone writes a scathing review of a film. As long as it's their honest opinion, they're entitled to it. As for me, I think I've seen most every single type of film out there, and personally, when I invest two hours of my time, I want some sort of payoff... whether it be enlightenment, mental engagement, emotional catharsis, etc. Unfortunately, a pastiche of non sequitur sketches that convey no ultimate coherent meaning or that elicits any other type of emotional involvement is, to put it nicely, a complete waste of time. But as I say, that is my opinion, and I'm sure that there are others other there to whom this genre totally appeals to. Well to each their own, as I say!


I agree. I am sick of the knee-jerk rejoinder, especially when it comes to negative criticism of art/indie/foreign films of "Go back to your Michael Bay / Adam Sandler / insert lowbrow reference." Maybe the person offering criticism is a huge arthouse film fan and they just didn't happen to like that particular film. Or they enjoy films in many different genres.

IMDB is not really policed, so besides the blatant trolling, there is a lot of gratuitous, default snideness and disrespect on these forums. That's most a function of the zero consequence nature of online anonymity. That kind of thing used to be called "phone balls", as in verbally abusive anonymous calls prior to the caller ID era. (This comment alone will elicit even more nastiness, which means more jerks to add to my ignore list.)


Agreed. This is the kind of negative opinion I like to see. I loved the film and got a lot out of it, but that's probably because I like to overthink things and that's my bag. If it's not someone else's bag, then that's cool too. So long as a person has thought about what they enjoy in film and why in some way (as opposed to just saying "This is good" and "This is bad" without any other substantial comments), even if it's the polar opposite to what I might enjoy, that's a valid viewpoint.

"The best thing in the world is pooping. The worst thing in the world is too much pooping." -FKFTG


I honestly don't know why so many people get bent out of shape anytime someone writes a scathing review of a film.

Because the criticisms are generally more bitter, spiteful, ill considered and intolerant than the lauds. I find this to be the case even with films I dislike.
Unfortunately, a pastiche of non sequitur sketches that convey no ultimate coherent meaning or that elicits any other type of emotional involvement is, to put it nicely, a complete waste of time. But as I say, that is my opinion, and I'm sure that there are others other there to whom this genre totally appeals to.

That presumes your assessment is accurate. Anyone who writes off a film as meaningless without considering what it is saying is indeed wasting their time.



a pile of crap for someone can be a gem to someone else. But you are probably way too egocentric to understand that there are people that like crap that you dont, and you like crap that others dont.

P.S. Going troll mode on imdb is in fact acting like a giant crap!


I wanted to know what kind of crap Arclite liked but it seems he's disappeared.


why bother, being an obnoxious twat is clearly job 1. I'd guess movies didn't make him that way.


Amen. I only watched the first hour, but that was an hour too many. 1/10. Next.


It makes Jim Jarmusch's "The Limits of Control" seem like a good film in comparison, and that's probably one of the most awful movies ever made.

I'll take that as a recommendation. Thanks!

