Look, I get it - I'm a huge fan of the original too. When I first heard this was getting remade I rolled my eyes like everyone else did.
But then I went to see it - in 3D - and it was one of the most amazing action movies I've ever seen. A visual master piece.
Sure the acting is a bit 2D (as it was in the original) and some of your plot lines will be slightly altered - but the ragging this movie is getting from the general public is just not fair IMO.
This movie stands alone from the original for the first surfing scene alone.
First one was ok. You had your group of surfers, that were robbing banks. They were not doing it so much for profit, but as a rebellion against the system.
On second movie you have a group of hippie bikers/surfers/base jumpers/ snowboarders/ explosive experts/rock climbers, that are robbing and blowing stuff up in the name of nature, following an made-up "code". When they are not extreme, they are drinking and party around. I mean, it's just stupid. I personally couldn't get through the fact that those guys were making all those extreme sports so well. I mean, they practiced all their lives to learn them (even if it seems too much, for anyone), and they were not making any profit from it. It's mind blowing.
It's just too over the top and forced.
In the first one, Pappas was actually an important plot character, as he was the one that came up with the whole idea that the group might be surfers. On second one, he's just around. He's more like a driver for the main character. Awful character development.
It's an unnecessary remake. It didn't had to be called "Point Break" and try to take ideas from the original. If it would have been an stand-alone heist movie, it would have been ok. Most people wouldn't have made the connection between the two movies.
Most remakes are unnecessary and done for the obvious reason of profit. I loved the original more than anyone and the remake actually captured a tiny bit of the essence.
I just thought of it as a stand alone with great scenery. I've been wanting to travel and relocate permanently lately, so maybe I judged it less harsh since this one had more foreign locations depicted.
I've seen the original many times and can't say I'm a huge fan, although I keep watching it. It's enjoyable and there are some great scenes (footchase, lawnmower fight, etc).
Now this one, I've only seen the first hour or so and it's just unwatchable. I'll finish in the hope that it improves somehow. There's no doubt this would have been far better watching it in the theater and getting a better feel for the cinematography, which looks pretty darn good, even on a TV set.
For me, it's not the plot holes or the nitpicky stuff. It's the bland acting from the lead, the terrible dialogue (so many stupid lines), the lack of chemistry between Pappas and Utah. It goes on and on. Visually, it's attractive, but a film needs a lot more than that, unless it's five minutes long. It's more like a music video or a commercial than a movie.
I watched it last night on HBO, (I think it was) I got to the part where they were flying down The Alps in those suits with wings, that was it for me, I just couldn't take it anymore.
Yep. The original is one of my favorite movies of all time so...I had to see this. It was on, and...I just could not stay focused on it it was so stupid. So I started doing something else glancing at the screen on the rare occasion that something actually interesting happened to get my attention briefly. Whole movie went by, couldn't even tell it was a movie.
Re-watched the whole thing just to make sure I wasn't missing something in my pre-occupied state. Nope. Terrible. Guy that directed it is a DP who has barely ever directed before and just likes "cool" shots but the story was non-existant, and without that, there is nothing. The entire thing felt odd, and disjointed, and I just could not even follow it for more than 10 minutes without getting bored. I literally had to pause it and pick it up again about 15 times on the 2nd viewing just to get through it over a few days. Really bad, and thats coming from someone who LOVED the original, and the premise.
I didn't "go" to see it; I watched it in my living room... but yes, I saw it, and yes, I saw it before writing a word of criticism... Scouts honour!
Great visuals mean nothing if you're not attached to the people they're associated with, otherwise it's like looking at a stranger's photographs - pretty, but flat, because there's no context.
The acting wasn't great in the original, but at least they looked like they were having FUN with their roles! Everyone here was deadly dull and serious.
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
I would, if the critics and reviews werent all that bad. Just don't like one of my favorite movies of all times seeing disgraced so much by a terrible remake >:-[
Why oh why cant all those inept mongs just leave old classics alone and make their own bad movies?