5.7?? Really?

I haven't seen the movie, but most of the reviews I've seen have been positive. My question is: Why the low rating? Usually IMDb likes this kind of thing...


Actually, 5.7 is a decent rating for a horror movie on this site.


This. When it comes to horror movies 5.0 on imdb is fine like 7.5/10 in normal terms. Anything under 5 is risky. Anything above 7 means awesome. I think a lot of horror movies like to have a lot of subtly and plot twists that typical movie goers can't pick up on so on a whole they bring down the average rating of most horror films.


IMDB skews heavily towards whatever the top 1000 voters give a movie. 4.9 in this case even though the mean is 5.9


Anything above 7 for a horror movie in IMDb is one of the best horror movies ever made. Not awesome, that's not enough.


If you're a horror fan, it's definitely worth watching. But it's not a masterpiece. The lead is very good, and the film's got a lot of good ideas, but it's also needlessly confusing, and there were a few dumb moments that jolted me out of my willing suspension of belief (how did the killer not hear Annie doing the ouija thing right above his basement lair; why did the film totally forget about Nicole's daughter after Nicole's disappearance until the end, etc ).

I never got into the world of the film enough to be legitimately creeped out by anything in it. I gave it a 6.



Its not perfect (a few things that dont quite connect) but def one of the best horrors ive seen in a while because it is actually pretty scary! I saw this and raved about it to people, still do.


This movie is terrible. Wow what a turd. I couldn't stay focused for long, kept surfing the net while watching this train wreck actually go some place. The first hour nothing I mean nothing happens. At the 1 hour mark finally cop get's knifed in the throat. The blood looked like pink water, it is bad. Now we have our protagonist rushing to make all the pieces fit for the next half hour. If you have a chance at a root canal or watching paint dry, I beg you to choose the latter than suffer through this.




