Highly Overrated

I just watched it mainly because of the 6.5 score. Well, I must say I am quite disappointed. There was nothing original about this movie. Nothing interesting about the story, characters etc. A couple of black comedy lines and moments here and there and that is about it.

I do believe that people have a strong positive bias towards non-hollywood movies.



you could've just written *spoilers ahead* or something, but noooo - you give away the ending without warning. thanks for ruining it!


At least the moron didn't get the ending quite right. Probably didn't get it.





Not enough people have told you that you are d*ckhead for posting the spoiler. Idiot!




Overrated? Yeah, because this film has millions of fans, an 8.9 score and raked in 200 million at the box office.

It's not overrated at all.

Hunger Games, Twilight, Mission Impossible, Transformers, etc. are overrated.



I couldn't disagree more, I loved every minute of it.


Ben Wheatley continues his track record of excellence with this film. Haters gonna hate.




Ummm...nope, I'm really not! ;)


Real profound post there, though, And!


Hahaha! Overrated? I think someone is trying way too hard to be different, to stand out! And I don't think you can associate the fans of this film with 'the masses'. Do you know anything about subtlety? Anyone who is British and knows about the class system will be able to laugh at this and I totally understand that it won't suit everyone.

If you don't get it, don't go slinging mud, that's extremely narrow minded.This film is a bit irregular, a bit quirky (not a whole lot), and operates 2 degrees to the left of rationality and sanity. We've all had that neurotic thought about someone ticking us off and the crazy scenario of stepping over that line. This film touches on this perfectly in my opinion.

I think you have to be British to understand the subtleties in this. Some things don't need to be brash, crude, obvious or give you written instructions as to why it's funny, in order to be funny. It's called wit, maybe you aught to go on a caravan trip yourself to find out? l-o-l.


6.5 indeed not a high score on IMDb, like never. I think it deserves a somewhat higher rating but I understand most can't really appreciatie a movie this black
But I actually think the las MI movie was really good fun. I've seen the Hunger Games but I don't really remember anything of it. I've seen the first transformers movie and I also don't remember anything about that one except it was really bright and I wondered why there wasn't any proper shot when everything came out of a computer. The acting I've seen of Twilight was enough to not let me watch anything else of it.


Its not original, its not that fantastically made, its low budget is obvious but it does have a lot of spirit. A kind of low budget British film that does not want to dance to the Hollywood beat.

Its that man again!!


I wondered why I sat through this. Nastiness is hardly the liberation of the female lead to celebrate. Showing murder as inconsequential is a sad reflection on the any genre.


Are you serious! This is a movie you watched not a bloody doco. If you apply your pathetic moralising to films,then we may as well not have any at all. Have you ever seen a movie about serial killers before,even female ones? Nasty,immoral anti women's libbers,it shouldn't be allowed on screen!
Get a life!!


Have you seen Kind Hearts and Coronets? You're entitled to your opinion and I'm not a troll but your comment really hasn't been thought through.


You expect a 6.5 movie to be original? You expect any movie in this day and age to be original?! You expect Sightseers to reinvent cinema?!?!

I thought it worked very well as a movie about a relationship, with some black comedy, a tiny bit of almost gore, and the lake district.

You don't get it. Therefore we, who do, must just be needing to express our desire not to swallow Hollywood ad nauseum?

Which Hollywood movie should I have enjoyed more or at least have watched instead? Since you've needlessly set them as opposed.

What a load of nonsense.


You expect a 6.5 movie to be original? You expect any movie in this day and age to be original?!

So what? The Tree of Life has a rating of 6.7 and I'd say that's a pretty original movie.


My point was that OP seemed to express unrealistic expectations for Sightseers. That the movie didn't fulfill them was, therefore, to be expected.

If you misunderstand the movie, of course you're liable to be disappointment with it. Just as you would be if you watched Tree of Life expecting tits and exploding helicopters for 90 minutes.

This is not The Tree of Life. It does not purport to be, and at the risk of tautology, that's the point.

Why pull two sentences out of context? I bet you read the Daily Mail.



Yeah, I didn't like this; not especially original (he kills people out of minor annoyances, we get it!) and it was too morbid for me. Serial Mom did something similar with more pizazz. I get the feeling beardy hipsters were getting their rocks off over this because it's British and deemed anti-Hollywood. If unimaginative dark humour is it, then well, meh.



First of all, you say "we get it!" but myself and everyone I've spoken to about this film see that his urge to kill people has more to do with a real mental illness than a character quirk, so maybe don't lump everyone in with that "we."

Secondly, the hipster comment. Why? Is every single person who likes a film from somewhere besides Hollywood automatically a hipster? That's what you pull out to justify your feelings about the movie? Now that's unimaginative.


Whoaa! Calm down Kevtron.

Of course he was mentally ill, he was a psychopath, but the movie is clearly playing for laughs on the minor annoyance element. After all, there are lots of movies about psychopaths. Humor is pretty subjective.

I was just digging at hipsters because it's a British film with social realism and dark comedy. Now, if we were to do a correlation between say... beard lengths or trust-funds to people who liked this film, I suspect we would find high ones. I'm just saying a lot of people who are educated and privileged who can afford more articulation often make an automatic assumption something is good simply because of subversion. This is going off the point however, I was just trying to be smart. Sorry you thought it was lame.



This film is definitely not overrated. Its hardly made any money and didnt really win any critical acclaim. So I dont see the argument there. But if you want to argue against its IMDB score, I feel a 6.5 is just about right. It had its moments and was also a bit slow at times, but I still found it entertaining throughout.


It held my attention with good acting and it's well shot but overall it's not a very good one in my opinion. I didn't care for the characters as they didn't really seem to grow. As soon as they are seemingly about to take a turn they fall back to who they were almost at the outset. The motives behind the characters is paper thin. It wasn't funny even as a black comedy. I felt myself constantly wishing for their immediate demise as opposed to "what are they going to do next". I just never felt a story happening really. There's no consequences, there's no threat, there's nothing being built up to, there's very little and unsatisfying pay off, the kills are all great in their intensity but feel completely void of substance and context. It really is overrated. I was left feeling empty and like I could have better spent my time watching something else.


I thought the film was brilliantly scripted, and the actors captured the subtle nuances of the Brits perfectly. I laughed out loud several times, something I do more and more rarely these days. A true delight and I felt the end added a new edge to the 'spoiler' you mentioned previously. Best British film I've seen for a while, along with Wheatley's fine 'A field in England.' I shall be following his career intently.
What happened to BuzzSaw?
He had to split!
