I loved Yuri

I gave the movie an "8," but probably would rated it higher if Yuri had not been the first to go. The other characters: I had seen their types before, but Yuri was unique. He had a bright side and a dark side, and more could have been done with his character. Once he exits, the plot settles into something that I have seen before. I thought the movie played the cliches of the genre well, but Yuri added some real edge.


He was my favorite character too. But it was obvious that he was going to die first because it would leave everyone else helpless & lost. Though I would love to see a character like that fight his way through the story.

You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you’ve created- Adama


I thought Yuri was one of the better characters in the film and is sad that he had to be the one that died so quickly.



,,,Though I would love to see a character like that fight his way through the story.,,,

EXACTLY! The writers missed a great chance to actually make this movie interesting.

I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger...I am the Teeth in the Darkness


He was the most likeable character of all of them.


Imagine Yuri going full Soviet on some mutant Ass! Man, what a wasted opportunity!

I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger...I am the Teeth in the Darkness


He was my favorite character but he's also sort of the villain here. It seemed like he knew about the mutants, and yet he brought the people in there anyway. We can assume the guards at the gate where there because the "patients" had escaped. Surely Yuri didn't think some actual "maintenance" was going on seeing as how it was a desolate abandoned city.

Sorry Yuri but no matter how cool the ruins of Chernobyl are, it's not worth all of our lives. Dick move, dude.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I totally agree. His dialog and screen time resonated with me, I guess it was just good delivery. My favorite scene was when they were in the apartment and the tourists were posing on the balcony. Uri sees something on the ground and you can see him thinking, almost like he has seen it before. You see him move the pile of flesh or whatever it was before he calls them to get going.


pile of flesh? It was smouldering ashes,he kicked them aside as he didnt want them to suspect people were still living there,although those people were so stupid he didnt really have to bother


couldn't agree more. I rated this movie higher than otherwise solely because Dimitri Diatchenko's performance is really gripping.


Yuri was one of my faves in the film besides Amanda (who was hot hot hot!) and the Aussie dude, who seemed largely calm and seemed to have the best idea on what to do in such a desperate survival situation among the tourists in the group. Would have been nice if these three were the last ones standing before the ending...

I'm gonna eat your brains to gain your knowledge!!!


Yuri was the only likeable character. He gets killed first. Aye well done on that call I don't think!. The rest of the film we're left with a bunch of useless articles than run around in the dark with flashlights waving about (when they should be off). And they never remain silent when getting chased. Shouting and talking loud. Idiots.

"Since the stars have shone. The Devil has shown me the way"



Agreed he was my favourite too. It's a good movie though.


Yeah, you could see he knew something was up but probably pretty much figured he'd get his customers out before all went south. Then, when he realizes his vehical has been tampered with -- he KNOWS they are doomed. A good acting job and he should not have been the first to go ...


he's the only chaecter that was worth anythjing.

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


He definitely had great charm and charisma. The actor definitely has Star quality. So many times, they try to make Russians in movies buffoonish, unlikable and unable to connect with Audiences. Yuriy was a likable guy you could sit back and drink Vodka with or something. It was very clear he would be the first to go. Stupid move seeing as how a majority of the Audience liked him best.


Yuri reminded me of a buff version of niko from GTA IV. Even with the blue jacket lol. anyone felt the resemblance


hahaha i noticed niko's jacket too
