AthanFrost, I was thinking of starting a new thread to discuss what will happen with the ill gotten gains. But your post easily opens that discussion here.
It is a conundrum of what can be done since as long as the loot is buried in the garden there it is at risk of the police or the neighbor's detective trying to dig up the property. If the family sold the house it also puts it at risk from the new owner.
Hunter was vocal that he would turn Frank in if there was loot in the brief case. So Hunter should also feel that way about digging up the tomato field. Personally I do not think Frank should have given the note to Hunter rather than Madison or Jennifer.
Once the family digs up the prize they now need to hide it forever for Frank to be safe, and them not charged as accessory to grand theft. So the logical thing is to get rid of the diamonds, etc... Madison acknowledged that she is aware of how to sell stolen items, probably through a "fence." Seems Frank would have been safer giving Madison the location note.
Then the multi-million dollar sale, even to a fence, would generate hundreds of thousands even at 10 cents on the dollar. So the question becomes how they use the money without running into the same tax evasion issue that caught and sent Frank to prison.
Last option is to try and return the jewels to the hated neighbor. That would really get Frank mad. And could prompt the neighbor to try harder to prove Frank did it since he does not sound like the grateful and move on type.
The movie ending leaves the simple impression that the family is now well taken care of when Frank says
Have fun.
But it is anything but a simple conclusion for the future. Perhaps they can ask Robot (hero of the film) for a solution since he had the foresight to get Frank to clear his array memory just in time to avoid prison.
Just to comment on the actual theme of this thread, clearing Robot's system, Robot is forward thinking right from the moment he advises Frank in the car that he is the loose end that will trip Frank. Frank did not want to wipe his memory for all of the reasons suggested in the thread:
Frank had befriended Robot and had loyalty to him
Frank could relate to Robot's plea to not have him sent back to the factory and being reset. Even if the Robot confessed it was manipulation, it still is hard for Frank to accept that responsibility.
And in the end Frank apparently did lose his friend in that they never gave the Robot back or got him another one.
Unexpectedly GREAT MOVIE!