Inspiring. But...

...not entirely relatable if you have a relative with Parkinson's. I love the guy and he was no doubt dealt an absolute SHIT hand. But watching this I can't help but notice he has the money to handle this disease with such grace. He has his own training facility, a personal trainer that walks with him, access to meds that are probably too expensive or not available to the every day person. He has millions upon millions of dollars and a Hollywood network to draw upon.

Nevertheless, this dude is incredibly smart, quick, and a drive like no other. I don't want to take anything away from his struggle because it is 100% real. He has given us all a lot of laughs and wonderful times and he earned it all. But it's hard not to notice the disparity in treatments.


That may be the case but his parkinson's seems to be random from severe to mild. All that money couldn't really fix what he has. I saw an interviewer where he too had parkinson's but was much less mild than MJ Fox.


He tries to live a normal life and not pamper himself. This is how he fell and broke bones more than once...with no one around to help. I'm quite sure he doesn't have a person walking around protecting him. Or if he does now, it's recent, and it's to prevent more broken bones. This man, instead of saying why me, said: why not me. His disease has been a crushing blow to his comic genius. Yet revealed him to be a great human being.


Yeah... I saw the one.
