I really enjoyed the movie

I found the movie to be a lot of fun, and that is all I expect from a Marvel movie. The CGI was awesome, the worlds created were beautiful, the villians were badass, Thor hit things with his Hammer, Loki was amazing, and there was a lot of silliness. I was well entertained for the cost of admission.

If I had to rank the Marvel movies this would be in my top 4.

I don't quite understand the naysayers to this movie. It's a Marvel movie... They all follow the same dynamic; big explosions, short on story, cool CGI, too cool for school heroes, lots of silly jokes, no real threat, and are rather predictable. Unless they make major screw ups (IM3 for example) these movies are all the same, just insert a different hero. If you haven't figured this out yet, set more realistic expectations. I go into these movies expecting exactly what is coming, and I enjoy them greatly.


There really is so much to enjoy. If you like action, you got it. If you like sci-fi, you got it. If you like great performances, you got it.


Not to mention it was all held together by the perfect script for the character.


I found the movie to be a lot of fun, and that is all I expect from a Marvel movie. The CGI was awesome, the worlds created were beautiful, the villians were badass, Thor hit things with his Hammer, Loki was amazing, and there was a lot of silliness. I was well entertained for the cost of admission.

If I had to rank the Marvel movies this would be in my top 4.

I don't quite understand the naysayers to this movie. It's a Marvel movie... They all follow the same dynamic; big explosions, short on story, cool CGI, too cool for school heroes, lots of silly jokes, no real threat, and are rather predictable. Unless they make major screw ups (IM3 for example) these movies are all the same, just insert a different hero. If you haven't figured this out yet, set more realistic expectations. I go into these movies expecting exactly what is coming, and I enjoy them greatly.

Top 4 all-time Marvel or otherwise.


Just trust that rage!


The Marvel Youtube channel playlist from the Comic Con is so damn cool.


The box office sizzled enough.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gCBiJ3QJnk&feature=player_emb edded


That's another reason Thor 3 is in phase three.


Dognab that's striking gold!


I STILL enjoyed it more than American Hustle and any of The Hobbit films.


96 out of 100 people surveyed prefers the Thor films to the Hobbit movies.


LOTR should have quit while they were ahead. Nowhere to go from here for anything now.


I'd bet my bippy.


Fun is.... well, fun. This film as with most Marvel efforts was so much more than that in a lot of ways.


I would have liked the movie better had Kat Denning's silly and worthless character Darcy not been in it. About halfway through the movie I just wanted to shout "SHUT UP" at the screen every time she was on it and talking. She wasn't comedy relief, she was plain annoying. Is this what passes for her sense of humor? Please Marvel, don't put her in anymore movies... EVER!


It's a potentially great film let down by a one dimensional villain and a rushed ending. The final showdown doesn't do the build up justice.

This is a common problem in Marvel films, going right back to the original Ironman. So far only IM3, TWS, CA:CW and GoTG have managed to maintain the same quality from start to finish.

All Marvel films are good but the weak endings and poorly characterised villains prevent most of them from being great...
