Finale shootout criticism
I generally don't like to nitpick when it comes to movies, I mean they primarily exist as entertainment and it's rare to find a movie that's "perfect" or doesn't take some liberties with the plot but something that kind of stuck out to me was that during the shoot out near the end of the film; I presume all of the guys hunting Mud are "professionals" and yet when the old man sniper across the water is taking potshots they don't seem to react at all. Rifle fire from that distance would have a very distinct sound, I mean they even make that clear in the film giving the sniper shots a nice loud ringing echo, and yet the "leader" of the guys hunting Mud just walks outside nonchalant after already hearing two sniper shots just moments, I mean it would have been very obvious especially to any kind of lawman, bounty hunter, or ex-military.