MovieChat Forums > Mud (2013) Discussion > The most realist movie about toxic woman

The most realist movie about toxic woman

Now mud had his fault and Ellis dad had his faults as well but the women in this film including the teenager were toxic woman. This film explored the chemical rush that men have when they love so deeply that they would do anything for it. Furthermore the movie showed the shaming tactics that woman have agaisnt men. The mom saying she needed more although she married a man of the river. a man that earned money for the family that way and now she leaves for what so she can be in town. IMO that's selfish in so many ways. She was sick of the life on the river so she destroyed her family. I was worried that his dad was going to kill himself the mom took away the boy from the father while he needed his guidance to be a good man those times when the sold fish was the times for that mentorship and are so important for a boy. The father self worth would have been very low and in the real world men committ suicide 4 times more the woman (and this type of scenario is commonplace for men committing suicide) and I really thought that the movie was going that way until the bite happen. Near the end the father again provide and protect the mom asking his son to help out the mother during this transition, clearly this man his a good man and didn't deserve this selfish act from the mom.

Mud's gf was the epitome of toxic and the play this game with mud for years. Maybe she did love him but I think her tears was for herself because no one would protect her anymore. MUDs friend knew exactly what she was and that final scene Imo was him getting away from her and the chains she had on him and that was his love for her.

What makes this movie the best film of 2012 is the real emotions that men have when the world believes that men don't have it. From the boy becoming a man with all the hormones raging to the old man who never got over is true love after she died. Personally it should have been nominated for the oscars and Matthew and the boys should have been nominated as well. This film is a American classic..


Don't forget the Mae Pearl chick! She was just awful towards Ellis. I will barely justify that behavior to just being young and immature, but still, he had good intentions towards her. He was obviously drawn to the idea of romance and being in love. I think that scene where Neck drools over the smut mags and Ellis wasn't interested says it all.

I wouldn't quite say his mom was toxic however. Maybe there were other things going within the marriage that made her leave. She seemed like a good mom, but just not happy with her marriage.


Don't you remember the line that she earned it being there for 30 years. A normal loving mother would wait till Ellis is 18 and sell the house to him. Does she get any money while it was torn down. Did she have a job who is paying for the apt? The idea that you tell son that "I have earned it" in front of the dad is another shaming tactics on both of them. She IMO is toxic to the core. True the pearl was as well but she was a teen so I will give her a pass but the movie showed that she would probably turn out that way when her supposed beauty fades.


I have to agree that I was worried for the dad ... if he didn't think about killing himself or make that ultimate decision, then that shows what a real man he was. He also let his wife belittle him without getting retaliatory. Again, in my book, a real man.

Generally, it seems movies are usually about he-done-her-wrong. It was good to see love from another perspective, and how badly a man can be hurt. But, to answer your original question, maybe that's why it never went anywhere at the Academy Awards, where there might be a false idea of what men are really like.


That is a very interesting topic, thank you for it
I agree especially abt the mother, her dad passed the house to her, I expect a mother like that knowing how her son loves it there that she would put it first to pass it to her son and not just tear his life apart only coz she was unhappy
I expect the mother especially to care more for her kids than herself
and if she wasn't happy there despite she lived all her life there, she won't be happy anywhere
coz happiness comes from inside the person, not depending on others or places or jobs to offer it.

"It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!"



I wish i had such a brave keyboard so i can call people names just to feel better in case i didn't like how they thought of a MOVIE
calling someone misogynistic just because he didn't like a certain female character in a movie is just stupid, people don't have to share the same opinions as yours and it is not their fault that you fail to see that
now i don't even remember the movie and even if i did, i wouldn't really try to explain my post because there is no point discussing anything with someone who doesn't believe that people have the right to disagree with his point of view.

It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!



I do have a keyboard also, it is not a bad thing to have one but to use it to call others names shows what you are afraid to do in real life so you use your keyboard to do it where it is safer to call people name
i am done talking to you since you have nothing better to say rather than calling me names and thinking you know everything, maybe later when you grow up and know better than this.

It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!



So, to get it clear: men are not aloud to critic women, to present them in negative way! Veeeeeery mature! Women like that exist, I know a bunch of them. Grow up and you are probably a misandric idiot yourself.


^ Yup, welcome to 3rd wave feminism bro. :rolleyes:

Plenty of women like that for sure -- and as they get more and more rewards for that kind of toxicity their numbers will continue to grow.

Until more and more men GTOW.

- - -

Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


I agree. You just gave me a new insight into it .. I just watched it, and I thought it was all like a tale or a story. I was aware of the emotions involved, but they didn't form a circle in my mind until now .. Thank you :) The movie is good,and it is a " quiet explorer " of many things unspoken, although greatly felt.


Why would a woman agree with a misogynist? 


While I agree that Juniper and May Pearl were mean, selfish succubi, I don't believe Ellis' mom fits their mold.

The movie doesn't get into the dynamics of their marriage, but that life on the river looked fairly miserable to me. Just because she was born into it/married into it, doesn't means she is unable to better her lot. She wanted to leave an unhappy marriage and life, and perhaps make a better life for her son. Change is always difficult at first, but it's obvious by the looks Ellis gives those girls in the apartment complex, he'll be fine in town.

I didn't think the main theme of the movie was toxic women, but more a coming-of-age tale about a boy learning the hard facts of life: that love doesn't conquer all, you can't depend on others 100%, and so forth.


I agree that the movie was really about something greater than toxic women; that may have just been a sub-theme, even one the writer/director wasn't completely aware of. Maybe it's just his/her worldview, because, when you think about it, there were a lot of negative women in the movie.

But I would like to see a movie in which the marital vows mean something, else why even bother? Perhaps the mother can be forgiven on the grounds that the father wouldn't talk about something, either about fighting the government or the marriage; maybe that was a longstanding problem in the marriage. But even though Ellis looked as though he's going to be fine, I was really rather amazed that he was bouncing back after his harrowing brushes with the women. It was nice to be told by the movie, "Don't worry, he's going to be fine." But it makes you wonder if what was really surviving was some hedonistic impulse. Mud's legacy for him would be a sense of wonder and romance that couldn't be killed. The question is, Should it be?



Real men don't get hurt by women. They never let themselves get emotionally attached, because they're wise enough to know what thoughtless self serving creatures women are.


Go back to 4chan.



Okay freckles, go back to 4chan. Please and thank you.

- - -

Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


Brilliant post, you really nailed the deep subject of this movie.


>Now mud had his fault and Ellis dad had his faults as well but the women in this film including the teenager were toxic woman. This film explored the chemical rush that men have when they love so deeply that they would do anything for it. Furthermore the movie showed the shaming tactics that woman have agaisnt men

Well, SOME women have these. Maybe that's what you meant. Anyway, it was certainly an interesting and unusual, yet fair, portrayal of what some women are like and how men can be blind to it. Very interesting mirroring between Mud and Ellis and their relationships to women.
