Age Difference . . Again

There is a significant age difference between the romantic leads.


There are many movies where romantically involved couples have a large age difference. Some in real life too, although 'celebrity status' or wealth may come into it.

But the movie is called the best offer. Claire has lived in isolation most of her life. Finally someone expresses an interest. Perhaps he is her best offer.

Ditto for Virgil. He's lived a lonely existence but clearly likes women. Claire intrigues him. She is mentally unwell but appears to respond to him. This damaged woman is, perhaps, his best offer.


Yes. It's the same ol' same ol', isn't it? The really odd thing is that it isn't even mentioned in it's oh, so normal. Unless the movie is about an old geezer falling for an inappropriate woman. But if it's an older woman, younger man, there are comments about it in the movie or that's what the movie is about.

It gets old. I have gotten to where I just won't watch the continuing new movies being made with this same ol' status quo. I think of all the actresses who are a more appropriate age for the role but didn't get it. And that we're supposed to suspend belief and believe that Jack Nicholson or some other old geezer is actually good looking. Like "As Good As It Gets" with Nicholson and Helen Hunt.


News flash: Men of ALL ages prefer young, hot girls. You're welcome.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


News flash? seriously?

Well since you surely can't get women of any age, know it works conversely as well.

Yes, women of ALL ages prefer young hot men. Hard for you to believe, is it?

And don't cry here, but know WE can & DO get them! May be rare on film but NOT so rare in real life, which where it's far more sweeter.

Seems that bothers you.

And many also appear to like taking money from stupid old guys.
So either way you look at it, seems men at disadvantage & often get short end of the stick. So sad (yeah, sarcasm!! IF you're old & used by some young HOT thing, GOOD...nothing better for us to laugh at. Hope they take you to the cleaners & leave you broke & sick on their way out. You get what you have coming).

But hey, sure you've not experienced much involvement with women of any age. Just a hunch.

YOU'RE welcome
Hilarious you feel your weighing in is in any way appreciated so that's just a cherry on the top, closure


Wow!!! Rage much? Why would you get so angry and launch into a totally uninformed, personal attack on someone for merely pointing out a FACT? I didn't make it up......

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen. You put it OUT there, it elicited constructive response.
Mine was ALSO Fact.

So another you're welcome (since keep in mind, that was added as a total joke & poke at you given NO ONE thanked you. Unsure you got it).

Rage? Well apparently you have no clue about meaning of words either.


Nice attempt at saving face, lol. Your angry rant and personal attack was completely irrelevant to my post, so "can't take the heat" doesn't even remotely apply.

You seem to project a lot. I didn't even mention your "you're welcome" or dispute your "fact" and just because no one posted a thank you doesn't mean there is no gratitude lol!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


yeah, lol. funny guy.

I'm guessing--or hoping--the reason you didn't mention "you're welcome" as it was a mimic of your post I simply found amusing.
I can be amused if I chose.

A bit touchy there.
Maybe loosen up, not everyone will agree with you in life. learn to accept life already.
it's not much a huge deal & everyone gets shot at voicing their opinion here & also poking fun where they find it.

But since you mention it. HERE is some gratitude-- We are done here!!
Enjoy your week.


You're still not making any relevant points. The only touchy one is clearly you and I haven't offered any "opinions" at all. I graciously accept your concession.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Well if you've read nothing relevant, not surprising to me here. Unsure you can read.
Nothing to graciously accept as for concession.

You've missed the boat. Try to catch the next one.

If you can't follow this SIMPLE thread, I'm sure you can't tie your shoelaces.

You're welcome (never gets old, basically like you).

But my, however slight, amusement has ended & ignored you will be.
Rant to the wind, my friend!! I'm sure you'll make good use of such invitation.


Rant to the wind,
...... says the only one ranting.....

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
