MovieChat Forums > Maggie (2015) Discussion > Was Wade pretending to be asleep at the ...

Was Wade pretending to be asleep at the end?

When Maggie kisses her dad at the end of the movie, was Wade pretending to be asleep?

Seemed like he knew she was there. Almost as if he wanted her to bite him so he wouldn't have to go through with killing her. He got up and loaded his weapon straight after she left.

What do you think?


That was a perfect moment. I personally would have ended with Arnold loading the shotgun and follow her out. The door closes and screen fades, no shots are heard, just straight to cast. I don't like it that she commited suicide. It's better to have her dad do it. Especially since that was their promise in the first place.


He's a coward. His daughter was in pain, dying horribly, wanting to bite people - attacking animals. I understand him not wanting to put her back in quarantine but he should have had the guts to kill her himself and end it humanely long before she got to the point that she did.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


Not so easy when it's your daughter man...


I've had to put dogs and cats that I loved like my children down... so yeah... I think I would have been able to do it. Especially if she was begging me to and I could see what she was deteriorating into. Not saying it wouldn't be hard and it would screw you up for ever, and honestly would probably want to put a bullet into my own head after - but would I have made her end easier for her because I loved her? Yes, I would.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


Well, he DID finally step up, but Maggie chose to sacrifice herself for him. In a way, they both chose to be strong. That was the thing during the whole movie, right? Neither could do it, and yet in the end they both could.
Perfect father-daughter love story...with a zombie virus :P


You are so right in that it IS the whole point of the movie and it was beautiful in that way. But if it had been me - and I'm talking about my own views here which is why I don't feel the father character to be very strong - I could not have seen her gone so far down that path and watched her suffer, watched her transform. That would have absolutely destroyed me. I guess this is what people live with when they see close ones dying of disease and being helpless to give them peace. When a pet is dying, you get to make that choice and thought it is horrible, at least you know that they are no longer in pain. Euthanasia is such a grey area, I suppose on a level this is what this film explores, and the film-maker chose that ending which was way more poetic than the father just shooting her, and of course it reflects the strength of Maggie's character and his utter belief in her that she would never attack him.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!




^     If the whole point to my post is that I don't equate animals to human beings then it becomes unintentionally very humorous to insult me by saying I could probably kill my child as well. You can't even insult properly.

Btw, no, I didn't planning on hunting actually, you made me do it. So don't try to run away from your responsibility in that.


Oh please - 'I made you do it' by my post? My responsibility?! How screwed up are you? I didn't say I equated humans to animals - you inferred it. You have no idea how I feel about humans vs animals. I was being sarcastic, and you are clearly a very cruel and messed up individual with some serious issues and anger management problems. And a very silly man. Run off and play with your guns and eat some red meat if that's what get you through your day and makes you feel like a real man then. My post, my values and my life have no bearing on your 'lifestyle' as that was happening before you even read it.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


by bellapeligrosa » Fri Jul 10 2015 14:47:39
IMDb member since April 2007
Oh please - 'I made you do it' by my post? My responsibility?! How screwed up are you? I didn't say I equated humans to animals - you inferred it. You have no idea how I feel about humans vs animals. I was being sarcastic, and you are clearly a very cruel and messed up individual with some serious issues and anger management problems. And a very silly man. Run off and play with your guns and eat some red meat if that's what get you through your day and makes you feel like a real man then. My post, my values and my life have no bearing on your 'lifestyle' as that was happening before you even read it.

I feel a connection to you, for some reason. Do you feel it too? 


I just threw up in my mouth a little. No. The only connection we have is that we live on the same planet.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


 Why so mean?


I thought the ending was great and very touching...

I only wish she bit Caroline on her way out. =)


The only people that say they love animals the same as parents love their children, has obviously never had children. I've put down many dogs before, but in the end, they're just dogs. I have a daughter and I kept asking myself what I would do in that situation, and it wouldn't be easy, that's for sure. Don't pretend you know what it's like to love someone more than yourself if you've never done it.

This movie obviously isn't people looking for the cheap thrills and easy scares that plague most zombie movies. This wasn't really even a zombie movie. It was about a father and daughter coming to terms with her mortality before either of them are ready to. The zombies are just the vehicle to get them there...


I couldn't tell you because I was actually sleeping after 20 minutes. Woke up and saw in the credits that he had a drama coach.
