This looks fantastic
As a life long die hard Batman fan, everything we have seen so far in regards to promotional material looks incredible and pure Batman to me. That second trailer was just fantastic. Really can't wait for this.
shareAs a life long die hard Batman fan, everything we have seen so far in regards to promotional material looks incredible and pure Batman to me. That second trailer was just fantastic. Really can't wait for this.
shareI agree wholeheartedly!
shareYeah everything we have seen so far just screams Batman. The cinematography, production design, bleak tone, and pure awesomeness that we have seen from the trailers thus far is just pure Batman.
shareYes exactly. I knew from the moment Matt Reeves was announced as the director we were in for something good. Matt Reeves loves dark brooding stories. Check out his planet of the Apes films and his Let Me in vampire film. Reeves likes dark and brooding characters which is exactly what Batman is. I love that it has a gothic tone and the fact that it has a crow vibe to it. Seems to have a bit more style we have been lacking for Batman lately. The casting is spot on! Pattinson is a great actor and his work on the lighthouse and Good Time show he is a great pick for a mentally disturbed character like Batman. Paul Dano as Riddler excellent! Serkis as Alfred great, Kravitz looks stunning as Catwoman. I love that we are getting Catwoman right off the bat also. The fights look great and the music sounds amazing. I am getting a little bit of the animated series vibes as well. The cinematographer is the same cinematographer as the cinematographer of the new Dune.
shareMatt Reeves is the right man for sure. I have seen his Planet of the Apes trilogy and it is fantastic, as well as Cloverfield and this looks like he is bringing in his horror elements from Cloverfield into this.
Your definitely right about the style. The visual elements featured in this film just looks right out of a Batman comic. The Nolan films are great and The Dark Knight is my favorite comic book film ever but I will admit, those films kinda do lack the visionary elements that we would get in a modern Batman comic. This film honestly looks like style of the Arkham games, which imo is the best depiction of Batman and Gotham ever.
I definitely can't wait to see what Dano brings to this. He is fantastic and I loved him in Prisoners. As well as Kravitz as Catwoman. She looks fantastic and yeah, Greg Fraisers cinematography is fantastic and I can't wait to see what he does with this and Dune.
Awesome, yeah the planet of the Apes trilogy in my book is one of the best and underrated trilogies. The apes trilogy was so fantastic, Dawn and War are some of my favorite films of all time. It is a shame the new Star Wars trilogy made more money when the apes trilogy was a far better trilogy.
I could not agree more man, you are preaching to the choir. I absolutely adore The Dark Knight it is my favorite comic book film also. Thing is I will admit Nolan's realism while good does strip the character of some of the style we are used to seeing. Also 100% bang on! The arkham games are literally Batman done to it's full potential. That is THE Batman of the comic books on the screen. It gets every element down, the darkness, the grittiness but also the fantasy elements. The issue I had with Nolan's Batman movies as well was I never thought the fight choreography was great. See in Batman Begins it is too close up and edited too quickly. It was reminiscent of that trend of fights at the time where shaky cam and quick cuts came into the mix. In The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises the fights are more comprehensible but the choreography while not bad I feel is just not done great. I know it is tough because the Batman suit is heavy and lacks mobility. I mean it was not until The Dark Knight where the actor could actually turn his head. All Batman films before that the actor could not turn his head. Either way I always felt the choreography like I said while competent just could have been a bit better.
Oh Dano is bang on. Loved him in Prisoners and There Will Be Blood. Yes Greg Fraiser knows how to shoot films, and you definitely need great cinematography for a film like Batman. I am super stoked!
Oh definitely Planet of the Apes trilogy 1000x >>>>> SW sequel trilogy! 100% agree with you on that take man! Only good film in the sequel trilogy is force awakens.
And yeah, I'm glad you see this the same way I do man! In regards to the accuracy of not just the character of Batman himself, but the whole atmosphere of Batman. I seriously can't explain enough on how this film just looks so spot on in that aspect. Everything from the action to set design to atmosphere just defines Batman. Overall I thought Nolan got Batman right for the most part, but yeah like you said, he got the tone, and the character right but one of the more weaker aspects in his films are the way the action is handled. While not bad, it just wasn't Batman to me. And I understand his approach was to be more grounded in reality which I love, but I think he dived a little too much on that aspect particularly in the atmosphere of Gotham and of course the action. Gotham was just a generic looking city shot in Chicago and NY. But that's really only my only gripe with those films. This on the other hand is pure Batman accuracy judging by the trailers. Also yeah, the Arkham games are honestly the best we had in regards to the depiction of Batman man! You definitely seem like a dude who's knows your stuff when it comes to the character!
Can't wait to see what Dano brings as well as the other cast members. Fraisers work is just spot on. Patterson looks like he's gonna bring it!.I definitely think this may be the best Batman film since the Dark Knight. Seriously can't wait!
Yep I agree. TFA while I think was good I did have issues with it being so derivative of a new Hope though. Yes though it is in my book the best of the sequel trilogy. However all three Apes films are quite solid. My favorite is War followed closely by Dawn and I liked Rise as well but it is probably my least favorite despite liking all three. I feel you can feel Matt Reeves was an improvement over the first director. While the first director was good I just feel Reeves added a touch of more darkness and personality to the sequels that were needed.
Yes that is exactly it. Atmosphere to Batman is quite important. That is big selling point of the character. You are spot on. The problem is Batman is a fantasy no matter how you cut it. So you can't go too far in the direction of pushing realism. Look we all know real life fights are not fancy, they are often quick, sloppy and not really fun to watch. Batman is a very stylized character therefore we want his fights to be stylized. We want to see gadgets, and creative takedowns. That is the deal Nolan's Gotham is not immersive. Burton did have this over Nolan in terms of making Gotham immersive. It's funny Burton had more atmosphere but I felt he relied on style over substance where as Nolan had more narrative depth and substance but less style. I think Reeves will be able to merge these two together. Which is why the Arkham games were so good. They merged style and substance together beautifully. I also agree those are my only gripes with Nolan's films. Well okay I did feel Bale overdid the voice a bit. Now I am not like most who jump on the hate train but I did feel it was a little overdone. I get what he is going for and kudos for effort but a little too much. Like I said that is me nitpicking though I absolutely adore what Nolan did for Batman.
Oh I am excited about this whole cast buddy! That is another reason I was stoked for it. Every casting choice I have been pleased with. All the cast is spot on!
Yeah TFA can be seen as a rip off of A New Hope. It is pretty reminiscent of that film and does weigh it down but for the most part I enjoyed it. The Apes trilogy is definitely stronger. Dawn and War specifically are masterpiece's.
You definitely hit the nail on that one beautifully in regards to the style over substance analogy. Nolan's films had more tremendous intimacy & depth where Burton was more about style & making an entertaining superhero flick. Obviously substance is more important than style but style is what gives these films more replay value and a more uniqueness to it. Reeves looks like he's taking both aspects and executing them perfectly in this film. And yeah the action isn't the most memorable in the Nolan films and the fights needed to be way more stylized because it's Batman ofc. The car chase in the tunnel with the Joker stood out to me the most. Bales voice was a little over done yes but man I think Patterson may have got it the best. But yeah despite some of those flaws in the Nolan films, he's crafted a beautiful take on the character and I am more than happy those exist.
The cast is spot on for sure man! I seriously can't wait for this film and to see what Reeves brings!
I agree both Dawn and War are masterpieces.
Nolan did create some amazing set pieces make no mistake. It was just the combat I always felt was a bit subpar. His vehicle chases were amazing though! I love that he used practical effects as opposed to just overloading it with cgi and abusing a green screen. I guess the best way I can describe my combat issue is even what it was going for I did not feel it totally nailed. You ever seen the film Haywire? Watch this clip if you have not. This to me is what Nolan was aiming for in terms of the combat being realistic but I feel he did not totally succeed.
Watch that clip. No shakey cam, no quick cuts but also the choreography is good. Is it stylish or fancy? Not at all but it is quite realistic and you feel the blows. I feel had Nolan been able to do this it would have even helped his fights a tad. It would not have satisfied completely because as I said we like more style than that but it would have improved his film. Of course I know it is tough because the Batsuit restricts mobility where as those actors are in regular clothes.
I think Pattinson has a great voice for Batman. Yeah I mean even though I felt Bale's was overdone I still loved him in the role and I love TDK trilogy to pieces despite my minor complaints.
Yep I will probably see this film at midnight. First film I have done that for in a long time honestly.
Yeah the practicality is what I admire the most about Nolan as well as some other big budget action movies like the modern Bond films. I can't stand over use of CGI. While I thought the action was good in the Nolan films, it didn't have those jaw dropping moments you would expect from Batman. I also have seen Haywire and the action is crazy. I love scene in the beginning with Channing Tatum in the Diner. Yes it's not the most stylish. It's very grounded but it had such awe moments that Nolan lacked a little. That's a great analogy for sure. And yeah you do have to take into consideration that the batsuit isn't the best when it comes to mobility but looks like Reeves will finally make it work hopefully. Going back to the modern Bond films actually, I kinda feel like the same way about Skyfall if you have ever seen that. The action is pretty grounded but lacked some of the style that Casino Royale had. Probably the most stylictic action scene is probably that one take hand to hand combat on the skyscraper.
Yeah I think Pattinsons voice is almost perfect. It's not too over the top but still intimidating at the same time. Bales was a little over done but that being said, yeah the TDK trilogy is overall a masterpiece despite those few flaws.
A midnight showing would be pretty cool as well especially since I'm highly anticipating this. Actually my last midnight showing wasn't too long ago when I saw No Time to Die last weekend. I tend to go to midnight showings for the films I'm literally dying to see.
With the people involved I am expecting it to be good and enjoyable enough. Anything better than that is a bonus.
shareThis. The trailer did a good job selling the movie. I'm excited for it, and expect it to be quite good, but admittedly would be surprised if it's better than the Nolan trilogy. If it is, hallelujah.
shareI honestly think this is going to deliver and could give the Nolan films a run for its money. Not saying it will be better than them, particularly The Dark Knight, only due to that film being so damn good, but I feel like it will be around the same quality
Batman isn't invincible and can't take being shot at pointblank range. Batman wouldn't be dumb enough to think his batsuit would protect him from a hail of bullets. It may look neat, but it's really problematic. The bad guys would realize that shooting him in the body is ineffective and would just shoot him in the face. Roll credits. Imagine this version of Batman facing off with Deadshot or Deathstroke. They wouldn't be so clumsy once they see the weak spots and would shoot him in the face. Roll credits.
I don't know what "pure Batman" is supposed to mean? Aping Frank Miller's style and take on Batman is getting old and it looks like this film messed it up by making Batman basically Superman. Maybe at the end of the movie it'll be revealed that Bruce Wayne/Batman is Kal-El ala Superman: Speeding Bullets.
Thank you!
I love the way this film looks. Everyone is right that Reeves has absolutely captured the right tone for the modern era of what we think of when we think Batman: the enterprise-era meets contemporary Gothic art deco. I love that coffee shop sequence as the cops storm it to capture The Riddler. Looks brooding and imaginative.
However, everything else looks kind of dumb. Pattinson's voice is still a problem for me, because if you listen to the trailer without LOOKING at it, Pattinson doesn't sound like Batman AT ALL, especially a Batman who is supposed to be feared and seen as a monster here. The costume is too mercenary to be thought of as scary, opposite of Bale's costume in Batman Begins, which was mysterious, hard to see, and looked as if he was some kind of monster (which is what I figure Batman would want -- to rarely be seen to maintain an air of mystery).
Pattinson isn't big enough to be frightening or imposing physically, and the costume is too practical to be thought of as scary. Also, this guy isn't "The Pitbull" Arlovski or Cain Velasquez, or even Batfleck when it comes to fighting, so I didn't see anything Pattinson did as Batman that would make him this fearsome figure. Add on the fact that Pattinson is just walking in and getting shot point blank by a hail of bullets and it just looks silly. Even the murderous Batfleck wasn't that brazen, and he's been the most brazen out-screen Batman yet.
Reeves definitely nailed the right tone, the look and the Gothic broodiness of Gotham, but Pattinson is all wrong playing a "scary" version of Batman, and Zoe Kravitz is completely miscast as a alluring femme fatale given how much sex appeal she lacks. I'm guessing this is going to be one of those films that will be highly polarizing due to some elements not syncing up with others (namely some of the actors and Batman's presentation).
A perfect mix would have been Bale's Batman from Batman Begins in Reeves' depiction of Gotham.
If Keaton can play Batman at his stature then so can Pattinson. Also we know the reason you don't like Kravitz do not try to disguise it. Be honest with the posters on here.
shareI love the way this film looks. Everyone is right that Reeves has absolutely captured the right tone for the modern era of what we think of when we think Batman: the enterprise-era meets contemporary Gothic art deco. I love that coffee shop sequence as the cops storm it to capture The Riddler. Looks brooding and imaginative.
I don't know what "pure Batman" is supposed to mean?
Exactly. I can't quite capture what people fail to understand about the overall basis of Batman. The trailers for this film just defines Batman in my opinion. Yes it has its ridiculousness like the enemies just continuously shooting at him and not realizing they have a better chance at shooting him in the head. But this is still a Batman film and we need moments of awesomeness like that.
sharePrecisely. Like, I get some of the criticisms people have made. But on the whole, it's hard for me to fathom how people can purport to be fans of Batman and not be in awe by this trailer. Even as one naysayer has posted...the trailer might be "too" good.
And again, like I have my own hang-ups about the bullet-tanking (I associate Batman with ninja-like agility when he has the advantage of the shadows), but yeah, lol it's a moment of awesomeness. I'm sure he's not going to do that in every single fight scene of the movie. We're gonna get stuff like the building fight scene at the end of the TDK or the warehouse scene in BvS, and if not, I'll criticize then.
But it's totally dishonest to think negatively on the trailer based on that one bit and jokingly suggest that "Maybe at the end of the movie it'll be revealed that Bruce Wayne/Batman is Kal-El ala Superman: Speeding Bullets." But it's like some people are just trying really hard to latch on reasons to DISLIKE it.
Exactly. Could this film have some flaws? Absolutely but for the most part, they seem like they got everything right. Again this is a trailer and the film itself could be a train wreck but I am confident because of the production revolving around the project. Going back to the whole bullet tanking scenario, yes it's just supposed to be one of those scenes of pure awesomeness and that's what Batman fans want to see in a film. However if the film continues to have scenes like that, then I can see it being an issue, yes. It's very compelling to have our hero in agony and have a downfall as well. That's what makes us resignate with these characters.
And yeah, it does seem like some people are just trying too hard to find the littlest of criticisms to critique. I'm actually not too surprised cause literally everything in this day and age that is very popular and has a large fanbase ends up getting unnecessary hate by a bunch ordinary folks here and there so I tend to not let that bother me too much anymore.
That's exactly my feelings man. It's like this for me okay we all know in a group fight realistically if the group is smart they don't attack one at a time and take turns. Realistically no one man can take on 100 opponents at once that's part of the fantasy of Batman. Yes should they aim for the head well duh yeah. I just think it's silly because all of the sudden this film gets granted no leeway where as the previous films did. Personally I feel it's a nice blend of all the good aspects of the past.
shareDefinitely agree. Batman is overall one of the more grounded superheros and that's one of the main reasons what I love about the character but yes as you mentioned, there is an element of fantasy to the character which makes him stand out a little more. If everything about Batman was grounded in reality, then we would honestly just get tired and bored of the character and the comics. For the most part Batman leans towards the grounded aspect but there's a good balance of fantasy as well. Like I mentioned before, the Arkham games portrays that perfectly and this film looks to be doing the same, which is why I'm even more excited for it. The whole obsurd amount of bullets firing at him while the enemies or henchmen doesn't even realize shooting him in the head would work is part of the fun of it and gives the character the badass moment he deserves and what us fans come to expect from a Batman film.
shareI can't believe it's taken them THIS long to give us a noir detective story. For a character called "the world's greatest detective", we've rarely seen that in the live action films.
That's the MAIN reason I'm hyped for this.
Also, I hope they don't use The Joker in this new planned trilogy. Batman, along with Spider-Man, have the best & most interesting rogues gallery in all of comics in my opinion. It's about time we got to see Clayface, a proper Mr Freeze, Mad Hatter, Court of Owls & Hugo Strange to name a few.
The detective aspect is something I'm really looking forward to in this film for sure and yeah it has been lacking in the previous films. It looks like it's taking inspiration from Fincher's detective type thriller films like Se7en and Zodiac.
I honestly doubt they will use joker but I wouldn't mind if they were to bring him in him. Particularly Joaquins Joker but yeah they should honestly move on from that character and let other villains from the comics shine on live action.
I honestly love what The MCU did with Spidey's villains in the past 2 films. They've given us villains that we've never seen on the big screen. I love both Michael Keaton's Vulture & Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio.
I get that The Joker is such an iconic villain but I would really love for Batman's other villains to get their chance to shine. Like how about a character like Man-Bat? A horror-esque Batman story
Which would fit very well in this gothic feel of this new universe they're setting up, in my opinion
I thought vulture was good but a little over hyped but I really dug Mysterio a lot. But still, great point since this was the first time we saw those villians of an iconic character like spiderman on screen and they were handled pretty well. It could be the same scenario for Batman.
The joker is the most iconic batman villain but yes, they should try to incorporate other villains into live action films. Man-bat would be cool and would fit in pretty well into this new horror oriented tone they seem to go with in this new Batman franchise.
He definitely was overhyped but still good, as you said. My biggest gripe with film was the lack of proper, good & memorable Spidey fights.
Also, I never thought that Mysterio's silly 'fish bowl head' would work in live action. So happy that I was proven wrong. He looked fantastic.
Agree definitely.
shareComic book films are still pretty boxed into a certain genre and tone. I'm looking forward to this too, especially since we haven't really seen Batman's intelligence/detective skills showcased in a proper way in a long time. And if this is truly the crime thriller as it's looking out to be, I'm hoping it'll pay the way for comic book films to be more creative (cause MCU certainly isn't doing shit atm in terms of innovation). I'm still annoyed that James Wan's horror spinoff of Aquaman got cancelled.
shareComicbook films & shows have have started to feel samey to me recently. That's why I'm REALLY hyped for The Batman & Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
They both sound different than your usual, run of the mill superhero film. The Batman is a "Noir detective story" & Doctor Strange 2 is a "horror movie". I love when these projects veer into another genre & try something new
That's why I enjoyed WandaVision & Loki. At least for the most part. And also the first Ant-Man movie. Loved that it wasn't a superhero movie but rather a heist film set in a superhero world.
Yeah, it's as though "comic book films" are treated as a very specific subgenre of action adventure films instead of just being topics, topics that can be applied to all sorts of styles of movies. I'm a bit iffy with Dr Strange just cause though I thoroughly enjoyed part 1, I didn't think it was a very good movie. And I'm hard pressed to believe that Multiverse of Madness will actually be a horror movie. (I remember hearing such hype about The Eternals' director, and how it's gonna be more filmed in an artful way...the second trailer really drew me in...and then they shove in some of the usual MCU-styled jokes *cough Ikea table cough*.)
Unfortunately, I still don't have Disney+ but I'm very much interested in checking out Wandavision from what I've heard. And yes! About Ant-Man!
With the Doctor Strange sequel, I'm not expecting it to be an all out horror film but more like horror-esque. I'm just hoping for one thing, hope they go all in on the weirdness & magical elements of Doctor Strange & Scarlet Witch's worlds.
That's something I wish the first Doctor Strange film did. You know the scene at the start-ish when The Ancient One basically hurles Strange into the Multiverse, THAT is the kinda stuff I wanna see more of. Best part of the movie for me.
With the comicbook films rarely veering & experimenting issue I think has to do with the whole shared universe. There are a lot of pros to having a shared universe. For example, when introducing a new character, you don't have to explain how things work, the whole world has been set up for you
And a con is, the director & writers usually can't bring their own uniqueness to the project cause they're limited by this shared world. They can rarely add something extra & standout. Cause they have to play by the rules of this world that's been setup for them
And finally, The recent What if? series has kinda made me sick of the MCU's quips. Cause I realized that most times, they're completely unnecessary. They kinda just "have to" be added now to every MCU project
And a con is, the director & writers usually can't bring their own uniqueness to the project cause they're limited by this shared world. They can rarely add something extra & standout. Cause they have to play by the rules of this world that's been setup for them
I think they're just limited by the people in charge who are trying to establish a consistent brand recognition for the MCU.
Yeah, and unfortunately that freedom is probably what led to them being cut off from canon lols. (Well that and Disney came out with Disney+.) Which goes on with what you were saying and all lmao.
Wait, Wandavision ends up typical run of the mill MCU? Aww damn lol
I mean, it looks and sounds good but FFS can we have a break from superhero movies? Bale’s Batman isn’t even 10 years old and we’re already on the second reboot since then 🤦🏻‍♂️
Please can we have a few grown-up thrillers like Gone Girl, just a few peppered amongst the endless slew of goddam superhero films. Please Hollywood.
I honestly do kinda agree that we are getting too much superhero content nowadays especially from Marvel. I would just get excited for a Batman film regardless due to my love for the character. If it wasn't for this film, Scorsese's Killers of the Flower Moon would be my most anticipated of next year along with Mission Impossible 7.
shareThere are TEN Superhero films confirmed (so far) to come out next year. And that's NOT including the butt load of new superhero shows that are on their way.
Even as a huge fan of the genre, part of me is like, "that's a bit much". I have a bad feeling that the studios themselves are gonna make people sick of superhero content. By flooding the market.
The next few years, Marvel are apparently gonna releasing up to 5 new films each year. And btw, that's not including the Disney+ & Sony stuff.
Ten?! I didn't even know that. The only ones I'm aware that are releasing next year is The Batman ofc and Doctor Strange 2.
You do make a good point. I am a superhero fan but I do see myself getting sick of the genre due to so many content in a single year. The D+ are pretty mid imo and Black Widow was meh. The only ones that stood out to me this year was The Suicide Squad and I thought Shang Chi was pretty decent but I do think we need a break, particularly from Marvel. The only big budget films that I was looking forward to the most this year was No Time to Die and Dune, and the comic book film I was excited for the most was The Suicide Squad.
As for The Batman, I'm genuinely excited for it because I'm a die hard fan of the character so why wouldn't I be excited for it and the trailers honestly just look fantastic and actually different from some of the modern comic book films nowadays.
I honestly do hope that people give more attention to other mature low budget films like Marriage Story, 1917, Birdman, Wolf of Wall Street, etc. This Batman film though honestly looks like its gonna be something special.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse is the one that stands out in Marvel's schedule for me. Apart from The Batman, it's honestly my most anticipated comicbook project. A horror superhero film directed by Sam Raimi? Yes please!
The Suicide Squad was the first Superhero film that I genuinely enjoyed since Into the Spiderverse. Saw it twice in one weekend. I rarely do that any more.
I'm with ya on the Disney+ stuff. They've been mostly serviceable. WandaVision was the most interesting one, until that finale turned into a generic, run of the mill superhero stuff. Loki was intriguing for the most part. Wish they delved more into the weirdness. Falcon & TWS was meh. What If? was hit & miss.
The shows are high caliber, in terms of budget but NOT in terms of writing. Daredevil is still a masterpiece & knocks each one of them outta the water. At least for me.
Im hyped for both No Time to Die & Dune. Also, The French Dispatch.
Yeah out of all the upcoming MCU films, doctor strange 2 is the one I'm intrigued the most by and yeah particularly due to its supposed horror esque it's going for and definitely cause of Sam Rami.
I thought Wanda Vision was meh. It was very intriguing but I don't see myself revisiting it. Falcon and Winter Soldier was a disappointment with just two good episodes. I've only seen the first two What if and I thought Loki was the best out of all but still couldve used a bit more work. Daredevil and Punisher were great before they got canceled unfortunately. Both were some of the purest comic book shows ever.
I saw No Time to Die last week and I thought it was great. Dune and French Dispatch I'm seeing this coming weekend.
That looked pretty bad. He punched the glass partition, which came off as silly. And he is vengeance. Wow, Pattinson really sells it! First Batman film I will not be watching.
Oh, what were they thinking with that Batmobile? LOL It looks like something a high school student would buy.
Oh, what were they thinking with that Batmobile? LOL It looks like something a high school student would buy.
And he is vengeance. Wow, Pattinson really sells it!
I am glad you are not in charge of making films. All your suggestions are awful. Not surprising though this is coming from a guy who claimed Expendables was a better film than Mad Max Fury Road.
shareI don't understand how you can judge so quickly on the overall mobility of the batmobile when we barely saw much action from it. All we saw was a shot of the nitro flames in the back and the vehicle itself going through that explosion from Penguin that only lasts like 2 seconds. Sure the design could use some work, but it's still a decent looking batmobile. Also the Tumblr in my opinion is the best Batmobile we have seen on screen. There's honestly no flaw with the Tubmlr.
I also can't understand your criticism on the "I am vengance" line. Pattinson executed that line perfectly, especially after aggressively beating that thug to the ground in a single take. That is honestly the most aggressive I have ever seen Batman on film in regards to his fighting. This shows that Reeves and Pattinson aren't holding back when it comes to the aggressiveness. I'm sorry but I think Pattinson came off everything opposite you said. He looked damn aggressive and intimidating. His voice is great and not overdone. I don't know what more you would want from him in terms of aggressiveness. It's almost like you want Batman to be aggressive to the point where he can just be seen as a villain.
The suit I think looks great. The only criticism I have with it are some parts of the mask. I just don't really dig those stitches and the eyes look a little too circular and basic to me. They could've made the edges of the eyes more vertical facing down so he can look more angry and to add that extra bit of intimidation like they did with Bales and Affleck's Batman. Other than that, the suit looks great and intimidating enough for batman. Also Pattinson is 6'1 and in great shape. You literally said 6'2 would be better when that's just a one inch difference. Either you are blind and can't tell the difference in height size or you are just genuinely nitpicking these small aspects just to hate for no reason. Batman is not supposed to look like The Rock or be as scary to point of just being a villainn.
I don't understand how you can judge so quickly on the overall mobility of the batmobile when we barely saw much action from it.
Pattinson executed that line perfectly, especially after aggressively beating that thug to the ground in a single take.
That is honestly the most aggressive I have ever seen Batman on film in regards to his fighting.
The suit I think looks great.
Also Pattinson is 6'1 and in great shape. You literally said 6'2 would be better when that's just a one inch difference.
Yet you watched that travesty BVS Dawn of Justice? Guaranteed this will be way better than the Ben Affleck Batman films.
shareI'm sure this will be way better than what Snyder did with Batman for sure. While I did like Affleck as Batman, he really only stood out to me in BvS and that film itself is just so flawed in many ways. I also didn't like the whole killing aspect.
shareBen Affleck I didn't think was awful but I just wasn't into his Batman. Now I know a lot of that had to do with the script. Good grief was bvs an awful script! I actually think that was the biggest cinematic dumpster fire in decades. I personally think it's worse than Batman & Robin yes you heard me correctly. The reason being is at least Batman & Robin is hilariously bad. Bvs is just dreadfully bad and dull. Way too long also. I hate vs movies to begin with though. It's a fun YouTube video idea not a movie you base a whole narrative around. Think alien vs predator 1 and 2, bvs dawn of justice, Freddy vs Jason etc. All those are bad. I don't put the blame on Affleck just on producer meddling and a poor script.
That film was more concerned with advertising movies rather than producing a good film. Funny thing is when you look at civil war it's basically the same movie as bvs, it is just a well executed version of that same idea. I agree I hate the killing thing. It creates this if he is so willing to kill random thugs why let lex live at the end?
I thought he was overall good as Batman but man it was weighed down so much by the film itself with a terrible script, yes. I also thought his Batman was a huge stepdown from BvS to both versions of Justice League and yeah I think the Snyder Cut is overhyped. While BvS isn't a good movie at all, at least Batman was badass and intimidating in some parts. But the killing did ruin it for me. I honestly would've loved to see what Affleck would've done with his directed and starred Batman film. Yeah the "vs." in the title I thought was just dumb as soon as it was announced that it was gonna be in the title back in 2013 I think.
I mean Batman and Robin to me is one of the worst films of all time so I kinda would put BvS above that and Batman forever as well but not by much honestly. All three of those films are bad regardless.
Yeah BvS I thought was just way too focused on setting up future DC installments rather than just being it's own film. The scene with Wonder Woman looking at that email from Bruce was dreadfully dull and not necessary. Civil War is pretty similar to BvS but like you said, it's executed very well with a much more coherent script.
Oh Justice League was absolutely atrocious! I saw the theatrical cut and that was basically a walmart Avengers. They tried to change the tone to be lighthearted and jokey similar to the MCU when that was inconsistent with the tone they established before. BVS at least had tiny snippets where Batman was cool in Justice League he has no cool scene it just sucks all the way around.
See all three movies are bad but I guess the way I see it is would I rather laugh at the movie I am watching or be bored to death? I mean yes both Batman & Robin, and BVS are bad movies but I can say that I feel as absurd as Batman & Robin is it never is dull to me. Batman V Superman honestly bores me to tears. It is so long and drawn out. The thing that annoys me is it thinks it is so smart and is pretentious about it. I do not mind if a movie is pretentious and earns it that one did not earn that right at all. Once I realize okay I am in a bad movie I would rather have fun than be bored but hey that is my preference. Regardless though I get your point all three of those are bad films.
I am just over the whole crossover thing anyway. Marvel did it, now I want more personal contained stories. I only want Batman stuff in my Batman movie. To me Batman has rich enough lore that he does not need to cross over with those other heroes. I do not mind Robin and things like that because it is Batman stuff.
Justice League in my opinion is probably the biggest disrespect to the character of Batman. Yeah I know we had Batman Forever and Batman & Robin but those were made in the 90s and they were coming off the Burton films which are entertaining but nothing astounding imo. Justice League was coming off a slew of great Batman projects like TDK trilogy, the Arkham games, and some of the modern graphic novels. So you would think that they would continue this trend of at least making the character awesome like he was in those projects which is the way he's supposed to be regardless. Instead they turned him into a joke. There were just so much cringeworthy scenes like the scene where superman was grabbing him on the face in a close up camera shot and Batman making a small quip about his leg I think. Like that is not Batman. And yeah the change of tone to this MCU type lightheartedness just wasnt the way to go at all. I get the criticism for BvS being too dark but it's still a film with Batman in it and he's essentially the main character in that film. Also at least the first Avengers had a good balance of fun and seriousness I thought. JL just took it too far was so campy.
Yeah you do make a good point about rather being entertained by something that is laughably bad instead of a dull bore fest that BvS is. I've honestly seen those Schumacher films only once a while ago so I dont really remember them but I get your point.
Yeah I'm honestly tired and ready to move on from crossovers or continuity films from long lasting franchise like the MCU Infinity Saga and Star Wars. I'm also relieved that No Time to Die finally got released because I am a major fan of the Daniel Craig Bond films and now that franchise ended as well so I'm just ready to move on to new beginnings and standalone stories just like The Batman because it's not continuing any threads from any sort of previous film. It is its own thing and will likely be the start of a new Batman franchise.
This is a YEAR ONE BATMAN. He is supposed to be inexperienced as Batman
shareI don't really care about his experience. I just don't think Pattinson is a good choice for the role and this trailer reinforces that opinion. And that Batmobile is something I would have built in my garage in high school with spare parts from the junkyard. It looks like something the CW would put out. I wouldn't even watch it for free.
shareNo one thought Heath Ledger was a great choice for Joker and the guy won an oscar for the role. Same goes for other actors who's portrayed tentpole characters like when Daniel Craig was cast as Bond in 2005. Everyone hated his casting and now he's considered to be one of the best Bond's. The same scenario can go for Pattinson as Batman and in case you haven't realized, he's actually a good actor who has been in other great films like The Lighthouse or Good Time and his performance was fantastic in those films. I also can't understand how the trailer "reinforces" your take on Pattinson not being a good Batman. The trailer honestly looks like the guy brought it to his full potential as the character. The batmobile looks ok and I think it could use some work but I wouldn't go as far as saying it looks like something built from a high school student.
shareYes, there are exceptions. But I cannot stand Pattinson. I liked Ledger before he played Joker. I didn't know anything about Craig but he turned out ok. It's not like I haven't seen Pattinson before. The standards for quality acting are low if he is considered a good actor.
shareWell that's just your opinion I guess. The vast majority see him as a great actor and completely support his casting. Just because your opinion may differ from the general consensus doesn't mean that the overall standards from quality of acting are low.
shareYep. I feel the same about other 'great' actors. Joaquin Phoenix is another example. I have never seen The Joker and I never will because I can't stand his 'acting'. We are in such a low point in terms of quality actors.
shareI mean you should at least give that film a chance cause his performance was fantastic and well deserving of that oscar. Just because you didn't like an actors performance in a few particular films doesn't mean that you instantly wouldn't like his or hers next performance for an upcoming film. Every performance by an actor/actress is different. Unless they are someone like Ryan Reynolds
No. There are literally thousands of movies and tv shows that I really want to watch rather than waste it on Phoenix. I've seen enough clips of The Joker to know I have no interest in it. I have never liked him and I never will. I'm shocked so many people fall for his 'acting'. Or Pattinson. Both are indicative of how bad actors have become. These are the great actors of our time? LOL Then I'd say this is the worst of times.
shareThey're good actors man. Ok they are not tier level like Al Pacino, DeNiro, Hanks, Denzel, or DiCaprio but Joaquin and Pattinson are still very talented, but hey that's your opinion.
shareI found the Nolan Batman trilogy to be a bit boring and this new Batman film wasn't really on my radar, but the new trailer looks awesome! Right now I am looking forward to it. I haven't watched the Twilight movies, so this Pattison guy doesn't remind me of sparkly vampires or whatever.
shareGonna have to disagree there on your take on the Nolan films. Those movies are far from boring especially The Dark Knight. I have some flaws with Rises but it's still a damn good film overall and Begins was a fantastic origin tale and my favorite origin superhero film. This new film has been on my radar ever since it got announced due to my love of Batman and ever since Matt Reeves was announced as director, I was completely sold and I think Pattinson is a fantastic choice for the role. Sure his brake out role was from one of the worst franchises ever but it wasn't necessarily his fault that Twilight was a huge miss. I mean his performance was good for what his character was written to be. He just needed a better agent to get him on to better films because the guy is actually talented as an actor and he eventually did end up starring in better films and giving great performances. Overall I think he's gonna kill it as the new Batman and yes the trailers are magnificent.
shareHonestly, I give it 50/50.
I have a lot of faith in Reeves as a director and a visionary. I also have a lot of faith in Jeff Wright to be a great Gordon, and in Paul Dano to be a great Riddler. That's about as far as my positive expectations go.
I've never been sold on Pattinson or Kravitz as particularly interesting or talented actors, beyond being pretty, "flavor of the month" types. And nothing in this trailer sways my thinking in that regard. Pattinson really doesn't look intimidating or engaging as Batman, and Kravitz looks bland and boring as Catwoman, to me.
Pattinson in particular looks and sounds very unconvincing to me, as someone who could ever strike fear into the hearts of criminals.
Colin Farrell as Penguin, I think could go either way.
The design for the Batmobile looks atrocious to me. I agree with posters above who said it looks like something that a high school kid would buy or make, as opposed to something that a trillionaire with unlimited resources would have designed.
Overall, I like the look and tone of the trailers, so we'll see what happens. I will definitely see it, and I hope it's good. I'm just not betting on it.
Reeves will definitely bring it to his direction for this film and Wright and Dano are talented for sure. I think they're gonna nail it and yeah I can honestly see Colin Farrell being a hit or miss as penguin.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you though on Pattinson as Batman. I think he's a phenomenal actor and a great choice for the character. If you haven't please check out films like The Lighthouse or Good Time. He's phenomenal in those and I thought he was great in Tenet as well. Also judging by the trailers, he looks pretty intimidating to me. It looks like he has the rage and aggressiveness. I also think his voice is on point. It's not too overdone like Bales but I still feel a sense of some sort of tension when he speaks.
Kravitz I think is pretty talented as well for the most part but I can see her performance going either both ways but I'll remain optimistic. I haven't really seen most of her work besides High Fidelity, Fury Road, the fantastic beasts movies and divergent. She was great in High Fidelity and Fury Road for what she was in. I don't really remember much from her in Fantastic Beasts and Divergent. Overall I think she's a good actress depending on the type of role she plays.
I honestly don't know how I feel about the batmobile at this point. Mainly because he haven't gotten a genuine detailed look of it yet. I will say though that this is one of my least favorite designs as of now. I perfer Nolan's tumbler and Snyders design.
For the most part though, I think they got everything right for Batman and I can't wait to see what Reeves brings.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you though on Pattinson as Batman. I think he's a phenomenal actor and a great choice for the character. If you haven't please check out films like The Lighthouse or Good Time. He's phenomenal in those and I thought he was great in Tenet as well. Also judging by the trailers, he looks pretty intimidating to me. It looks like he has the rage and aggressiveness. I also think his voice is on point. It's not too overdone like Bales but I still feel a sense of some sort of tension when he speaks.
Exactly. Like honestly just give it chance once the film comes out. So many scenarios like this happens when actors receive so much backlash when announced to play a certain role and they end up killing it. Just like the examples you've given as well as someone like Daniel Craig as Bond. Everyone hated the idea of him being cast as Bond back 2005 and he is regarded as one of the best Bonds. The same scenario can go for Pattinson as well so I'll remain optimistic.
shareThe design for the Batmobile looks atrocious to me. I agree with posters above who said it looks like something that a high school kid would buy or make, as opposed to something that a trillionaire with unlimited resources would have designed.
That part really didn't bother me that much. Hasn't the batsuit always been basically "bulletproof?"
Keaton's Batman took a shot in the chest or abdomen at point blank range way back in '89 in one of the very first action scenes. It knocked him down, and he played dead for a few seconds, but he popped right back up and it didn't actually hurt him.
It doesn't bother me in the way it's bothering some other folks. It's bothering me more than I don't think it fits batman's "style". I see him more of a, hide in the shadows, swoop in, instill fear in his enemies that sort of thing. I'm fine with the scene as-is because it's fucking awesome as hell, but I hope to see more agility in the film.
Also, I think the reason this new movie stands out is because he's taking dozens of rounds at point blank and just walking through them. No impact/knockback at all.