Anyone else optimistic like me?
Okay I speak as a huge fan of the Christopher Nolan Batman films. This movie is doing everything I hoped in order to restore Batman back to glory. After the terrible Batman V Superman, and Justice League I said we need to wipe the slate clean. Luckily this is happening.
Ben Affleck while not a bad Batman just had to go. The movies were so awful that attempting to do damage control would have been a waste of time. A franchise can't start off terrible and then suddenly become good.
Anyway I love Matt Reeves as a director. I adored his work on the apes films and I feel he is a perfect fit for Batman. He can do dark and brooding which is great for Batman. Plus his movies have a great visual flair another thing needed for Batman. All of the casting I think has been very inspired as well. What I honestly hope for is something in the likes of Batman the animated series and the arkham games. It looks like this is the direction Reeves is leaning.
I loved Nolan's trilogy but all good things must come to an end. I want a bit more of a fantasy removed Batman where the more supernatural things can exist. I love the choice of Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Colin Farrel as Penguin, Paul Dano as Riddler, and Robert Pattinson for Batman. Honestly the whole cast looks good, shout out to Serkis and Wright.