De Niro did a movie called What just happened? which beautifully emphasizes how I've felt during watching this.
My biggest disappointment is with the crew over at Collegehumor, how could they not know better, than this screenwriter failing at this one? At a character development 101 level, it says a lot.
I'm pretty sure others have said this in other threads, but I have to let it off my chest: the grandson had a stable life. He was entirely right in telling him off, that he sucks both as a parent and as a grandparent. The problem is, somebody had an idea, made a YouTube video about it as a reaction video, and the writer watched it high. It's what I'd like to say, but to my horror I had to find out this script was 2011's most liked unmade script on Blacklist. It must have been different, or better, or funny, as the end product is terrible.
I can accept, that one's life can be dull and repetitive, but outside of the characters of Tan Pam and the girl played by Plaza were either not developed, or they acted out of character. His fiancée would rather drink rat poison, than to shag it up with his cousin just to create an excuse to not marry her. I felt at times, that more than one person wrote it, or he wrote it sometimes sober, but most of the time high as a kite. I get the dissing of Florida, it was funny in light doses, but there's no way an actual cop would refuse a phone call, or risk that the arrested person is in fact a lawyer. The writer left the question dangling as to who bailed them out, when they were both in jail.
The biggest offense remains the rehearsal dinner, the old man took a gambit of rather hacking the slide show, offending his grandson who clearly said he doesn't want to see him instead of just letting him be.
To compare: The Hangover was in Vegas, and they were let off the hook, but in this movie, the protagonist has a criminal record, that easily leads to disbarment. His grandfather destroyed his life for a fad he had in high school. A romantic comedy requires chemistry, Your Highness delivered on that, despite being in a similar vein. They had none. She had also committed petty theft, interesting character trait for an environmentalist. That's the other thing: the grandson was not forced to think, that their movement was brim full of hypocrites, as if an acrylic juggling ball wouldn't be harmful to just keep it for fun.
It talks volumes, when an actor refuses to do the press tour for a movie, and De Niro did just that, and I don't blame him, Last Vegas was way better.
I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Escher.