DeNiro's legacy

I don't think anyone will argue against DeNiro's talent. It is top notch. I just don't understand the choice he made several years ago when he starting leaning more toward silly, zany type comedies. He's good in anything he does, but its obvious his strong suit as an actor are more serious minded films.


The paycheck. Laurence Olivier was asked the same question about his late in life movie choices like "The Jazz Singer" remake with Neil Diamond and "Dracula" and he said something to the effect of "I have done my part for the arts, I'd like to make some money now."


Agree. He can be great in comedic films too, like the Meet the Parents movies where he is absolutely hilarious. But I don't know.. I'm not sure he really suits the foul-mouthed, crude humor of a film like Dirty Grandpa. He's been one of my favourite actors since I was a young kid and watching this... something about it just felt so wrong.


Doubt the recent stuff tarnishes his legacy because there is a generation gap between his heyday and his recent stuff.


He is hurting his legacy sure.......It would have been better if he did not do this cheap stuff and let people remember him for the movies he has done in the past....

My devil danced with his demon and the fiddler tune is far from over.


I'd say it's a credit to his legacy that he's willing to be in fun movies, not just serious violent movies. And to show that even at his age, he's still got a better sense of humor then all of the humorless old farts posting here saying how "terrible" this movie is.

This movie was funny, get over yourselves. If you thought it was offensive, fine. But stop going to R rated comedies and then say it was bad because you got offended. It's like sticking your hand in a blender, then writing a bad review for it on Amazon because you lost a finger. What'd you expect?

"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin


And I thought last years' chick flick The Intern was bad..


He's got bad movies, but he doesn't have bad roles.
I think what he's doing is helping both, young directors and young actors. Everything is anyway two-sided, so just pick up the one you like.


"Silver Linings Playbook" was one of his recent better choices even though he did not star.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpsoooo--" - Frank Grimes


De Niro isn't a writer. he has to make a living with whats offered to him. if its crap on the page its crap on the stage



wow are you stupid



I don't understand the hate. So what about his "legacy"? I for one am glad to see the man continues to start and act in movies at his age. The man is 73 years old now. Most people in Hollywood don't stay relevant for that long.
