It's been too long since I've seen 2049 to get into the weeds on those arguments, but I don't remember it reducing the plot of the first film. Most of the first film was, in my opinion, a character journey more than a full plot. The plot was fairly straightforward: replicants want to live longer (Roy's "quest") and Deckard has to track them down and terminate them. The best part of the original film was watching Deckard beginning to question his assumptions about the replicants and what humanity even is. That existential theme is far more interesting than whatever specific details are going on from plot point 1 to 2 to 3 and so on.
If you have specific points that bothered you, feel free to jog my memory and we can talk about them.
I'd have to think about the Tyrell Corporation's goals before responding to your second point. I didn't really contemplate that angle while watching 2049.