If you take away the education that they all received, in terms of intrinsic kindness, I think Tony, Clay, Alex, Jeff and Justin should all have been best friends, as they genuinely care about others, some despite overpowering parents.
Out of all the boys, I think Clay, Tony, Jeff and Justin had the more masculine personality, able to show self-confidence, commitment, trust and courage in relationships, while Alex was more feminine (Alex's personality I think was gender fluid and probably not masculine enough for Jessica).
It helped that the actors were all fantastic at portraying their complex psychological structure.
Strangely, I sympathize with them more than with Tyler, Marcus, Ryan or Zach - I think they are insensitive and only caring about themselves.
As far as girls go, Sheri was the kindest, Jessica was egoistic, attention-seeking and uncaring (even before she got raped) and Courtney was most insensitive, though I think it is probably due to the acting performance - he plea was not so well acted and it made her look like her fear was not genuine but more of a convenience.
Again, that's factoring out the education they received, that's my perception of their soul and the people I would personally feel drawn towards.
Justin would be the boyfriend I would try to fix and take care of while Clay/Tony would be the boyfriends I wish I could have - they are not damaged and the best able to give love to others.