

I have a feeling not many white people will watch it.
It is refreshing to see that your cynicism didn't pan out.

"Black Panther was fueled by a diverse audience. According to comScore, 37 percent of ticket buyers were African American. Caucasians made up the next largest group (35 percent), followed by Hispanics (18 percent). That sort of demographic breakdown is unheard of for an all-audience event film. On average, African Americans make up about 15 percent of the audience for superhero fare.

Females also turned out in force to see Black Panther, heralded for its portrayal of strong women, making up 45 percent of all ticket buyers (that share is usually 35 to 40 percent on a superhero movie's opening weekend).


I'm white and I can honestly say everyone regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or sexual orientation enjoys it!!!


Ken, you've gone a step further than what the OP was suggesting. Not only have people "watched" BP but as you have stated people "enjoyed" BP also.



Your feeling was wrong, colonizer


Wrong! I am white and I was a fan of Black Panther years ago. He is a very cool character, who at least once in the comics beat Captain America in a hand-to-hand fight. And Cap is considered the best hand to hand combatant in the Marvel Comic Universe.
I thought that the movie was very well done. They could have done a little less with the quick cut fighting where you cannot tell what is going on, but it was a great depiction of a great Marvel character.
