I don't get it

I saw this movie at the cinema a while back, and thought it was an incredible story, surprisingly well-executed by Angelina Jolie, especially for her directing debut. But so many of the reviews I've seen have either trashed Unbroken, or dubbed it average and cliché.

One of the arguments was about how the way it was put together was too trite, and I'm confused because it's supposed to be a true story, set within a real time with real people, so can I ask what everyone was expecting? The entire film to be a dreamy haze of a distorted, surreal reality with Lana Del Rey songs playing in the background like some sort of Baz Luhrmann project? My theory is that it's being boycotted simply because Angelina directed it.

I'm surprised O'Connell or Miyavi weren't even up for Oscar nominations, even after the film was snubbed in many other categories; the reviews I've seen have criticised the film, but the feedback on the performances are all positive. It just seems kind of unfair.

Is there anyone else who actually thought Unbroken was well done?


Yes was well done and extraordinary movie by Angelina Jolie Pitt. I agree with you


... or jap? Back on the meds, buddy. You sound confused!



Only to u under 35 ers who have no clue
....so says the poster who never had a clue, and never will......


I did. I loved it.


Not to try and be negative but this is Jolie's second directing job. She directed In The Land Of Blood And Honey.

Agree that the movie is good though.


Obviously you didn't read the book.


This wasn't her directing debut.


She had some other film she directed but this was aher first big one. I feel like she didn't do a good job with the story she got. It was really boring and had no soul to it.


if the people were not so gullible we'd have no war at all.

because they'd look into things like for example, the ties between hitler, the zionists & the "great" US of $, number 1 warrior on the planet.

history is written to accommodate the powerful & enslave the powerless in a fake paradigm, not to tell the Truth.

if i had to chose between being Japanese or being American today, I chose japanese .

if i had to chose between being German or being American today, I chose german.

Their culture is more deep, their people are more real.

On the cultural ladder (arts, food, architecture, social tissue) US of $ just can't compete with any other region of the world. lies, aggressiveness, false pretence, egocentricity & shallowness as a way of life is not so appealing to everyone you know (actually i understand you may probably not know that either).


Deep culture? More real people?

Get one of those rulers and measure it for me please.

Japanese have a deeper culture? Did you spend a day on Japanese soil, do you speak their language? Or do you base your impression based on the Last Samurai with Tom Cruise?

Like how people idealize places from looking at postcards..


Eh, I am not surprised, because the majority, or at least a significant amount of my favorite films, are either completely ignored by any and all award ceremonies (the protagonist in this movie is a white male eventually Christian war-era hero, so not exactly PC-winning material) or get mixed reviews from others.

Doesn't bother me, however, as this film has earned its place as one of my favorites, and is the best movie I've seen from 2015 at least. It could have been cliche, but Jolie shot an incredibly gripping story that leaves an undeniable impact and stays with you long after its done. The type of film I hadn't seen in a long time.

Great achievement all around.

The most important video you will watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhBWDzkqEPY


I gave it a 7, which is okay. I enjoyed watching it overall, but it did not feel like a compelling story as it rolled out. The editing and direction felt off somehow. Sorry I can't be more specific, but that's the way I felt.
