The plane wreck survival story was fairly typical
What exactly would you have added/changed ?
What I saw was initially typical it's true (but I can't really blame them for applying rules of survival), but then we got shark-eating, and finally saved by a plane...whoops that's actually a plane that's shooting at us. There was some religious talk (no that I'm too much into that) which set up the conclusion of the movie. To me this is not that typical overall.
the prisoner of war story has been done many times
Ok nothing against you because you're not the only one to say things like "the bank robbery movie has already been done", but personally I really don't see the problem. Because some situation has already been used in another movie, then you shouldn't use it for the movie you want to make ? To me that's completely false, because if that was the case, then we shouldn't EVER again see another romance movie, another horror movie with ghosts or zombies, another movie about a hero saving the world, another movie about someone trying to catch a murderer, another movie about a man taking his revenge upon an evil guy, etc... I think you get my point.
Now yes, some things have been done so much in a certain way that when they're done in this way again they really sound cliché, but for the most part I don't think we should take into account the big lines of the movie when we're talking about its actual quality. Maybe you don't like prisoner camp stories and that's fine, or maybe you didn't like this particular one, but in any case we can't say it's bad simply because there is a prisoner camp sequence, which in this case was in my opinion an interesting one, it was much more about the main character's moral and physical struggle than the actual misery of being in a prisoner camp.
Well that's what I think anyway, now I get your point that you think that the movie doesn't create something memorable because it uses two situations that aren't unique, and it's true it doesn't create something memorable structurally speaking, but I think the movie ends up being more about being immersed and empathizing with the protagonists than watching exciting things happen.