MovieChat Forums > Unbroken (2014) Discussion > Is 'Japs' considered racist in the U.S.?

Is 'Japs' considered racist in the U.S.?

I recently got a 3 day ban from Facebook for posting this on a post about how ISIS treat their captives.
"If you people think that ISIS are bad, the Japs wrote the book on sick ways to torture people in WWII, I mean some really sick twisted stuff"

And that was it. I thought I was making quite a good point, as the Japs did indeed treat their prisoners worse than animals, my grandparents would attest to that! In fact I don't think there's any denying that they treated their prisoners worse than anybody else.
I obviously know that POW's didn't have a smooth run no matter where or by whom they were captured, but the Japanese came up with the bamboo came up the ass, up the finger nails, pretty much up anywhere. Then there's the "Japanese water torture", apparently so synonymous with Japan that it was named after them!
So I don't think there's really any arguing with my point, did I get banned for saying "Japs"?
Because in the UK it's just an abbreviation of Japanese, nothing derogatory about it.
I was confused about this one.


I live in the southern United States and the words Japs as well as Chinks are unacceptable.

In fact not too long ago, two ESPN writers were fired when referring to Jeremy Lin as a *beep* in the armor" of the NY Knicks.


The word 'Japs' was used in an episode on the BBCA and it was bleeped here. It was derogatory during the war and used with hatred so it's become synonymous with the N-word here in the USA. Don't use it again, it's offensive to some Japanese persons.

Be sure to capitalize Jewish and don't use 'jew' or you'll fall into the same trap. It's a dehumanization.

Great white sharks are attracted to death metal music.


If "Yank" is offensive, someone forgot to tell George M. Cohen

"Over there, over there,..."

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Its 2015, who the hell says "Japs"?

I find it amusing that people think the political correct police are running a muck simply because someone questioned your own stupid word choice.



its wrong to say since its Derogatory against Japanese

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


White people are disproportionately a bunch of SJW pansies, so yes it is considered a "racist" term. Somehow Jewish terms like "goyim" and "gentile" aren't though, because they are from a oppressed minority.

That's putting it mildly, OO7
