MovieChat Forums > That Awkward Moment (2014) Discussion > Would you really show your friends your ...

Would you really show your friends your penis?

Honest question. I would never in a million years, no matter now good of friends we are. I'm sorry, but that just ain't right. Little too close for comfort there.


I grew up in the 60s and 70s. We were never ashamed of our bodies - we changed together, swam naked etc.

Nobody was self-conscious of our bodies because God made them and nudity never meant "sex".

Since then there has been something very wrong with American raising their children to be ashamed of bodies and petrified that anyone would see them naked. Geesh. Get over it people - we all have bodies. There is something very bad with all this shame.



There is nothing wrong with modesty and not wanting to see everyone naked either. I find that people of a similar mindset to have a tendancy of disregarding other peoples feelings and what they are comfortable with. I can hardly spend any time in the locker room of my gym because of creepy old guys who seemingly go out of their way to walk around and needlessly spend excessive time naked. I find that somewhat disturbing and wonder what the deal is with that. They shave nude the brush there hair nude and pretty much do everything nude. I absolutly hate that when I go to wash my hands or want to look in the mirror some fat old dude walkes up next to me buck naked and cant help but see his nastiness is the reflection so I have to immediately walk away. I completly understand that there are periods of time were it is nessesary to disrobe, but it should be kept to a minimum out of respect to other people. In my high school we dndnt even have to change, some might put on sweat pants, but the majority did not and their were no problems. And as far as friends go, well we never really is a situation were we would have to see each other naked, so it would be a situation in which tney would go out their way it to occur which again would be disturbing. It isnt shame, it is just personal preference that the majority of people happen to have and the minority should respect that.


Um that's an interesting question you pose.

When I was a teenager I was REALLY self-conscious and very "puritan" with regard to my manhood, nakedness, and sex. Hence, like yourself, I would never allow myself to be exposed to ANYONE--neither friends nor family! My sister, on the other hand, was a total exhibitionist and wouldn't care who was around when she'd be sitting on the toilet or taking a shower Maturing into adulthood I guess I relaxed a hell of a LOT more due to a couple incidences in my early 20s: 1) I was experiencing the symptoms of testicular torsion, but never knew it until it was too late and the doctors had to remove one ball; and 2) I learned I was suffering phimosis, which required me getting cut (i.e. circumcised). Going through both of these hells and having to expose my genitals to people I didn't know i.e. doctors, radiologists, specialists, surgeons, etc. made me realize that throughout my youth my notions of nudity and genitalia were wholly unrealistic. Perhaps on a subconscious level I was equating such with sex idk? I wish that I and the friends I had at the time were more relatable and close enough that we could expose ourselves without any hint of shame or embarrassment or fears of being called "gay" etc. since perhaps if I'd seen what other guys looked like--even if they'd have seen what I'd look like "down there" and laughed at me!--maybe I'd have connected the dots in time to prevent everything that happened...

Iae I did want to mention a couple funny episodes in my life that demonstrate how relaxed some people were regarding their mores, in contrast to me, when it came to nudity and sex: 1) I recall one time probably as a 14 year old I was at the house of my cousin's best friend and we were all sitting in the lounge bored and it was hot. His parents and brothers weren't around. And he suggested we all masturbate and compete with each other to see who reached orgasm first. I was totally shocked at the suggestion and nervously laughed it off I recall he started getting a stiffy and my cousin poked him with, I think, a ruler to basically knock it off. Idk if this was a common "activity" among his brothers, but even then I felt uncomfortable about it. Then again I recall seeing a movie years ago wherein a group of young Irish(?) men pretty much did the same thing in a field. So I guess there's nothing new under the sun... 2) And then there was another time when mid way during PE class I thought my gym teacher (who was female) told us to go get changed. It was a thing among us guys to compete and see who could get changed quickest out of our school uniform and into our sports uniform (and vice versa). I ran into the male change rooms and started undressing. After about 30 seconds I was wondering why no one else was coming into the change rooms to get changed and realized I could hear water running coming from behind a door that was usually locked. Suddenly the door swung open and one of the male gym teachers came out in his birthday suit! I was totally shocked and thought, "WTH?!" He nervously smiled and said, "Hi." I greeted him in reply and then looked away embarrassed for the both of us. I quickly finished getting dressed and ran out of there thinking now THAT was awkward! I'm pretty sure I set a record that day in getting changed that's for sure! When I ran back into the gym everyone was still playing sport and my gym teacher looked at me puzzled as to why I was dressed in my school uniform. I told her I thought she had sent us to get changed. And she rolled her eyes. Later I saw her and the other 2 male gym teachers laughing their heads off in their quarters. When she came out she looked at me and grinned. And I knew that he told her about the embarrassing encounter
