The first 3 seasons were stellar. Brody was an irreplaceable character..Then comes Quinn. Took me awhile to like him, but I eventually did. Now I have no investment whatsoever in the characters..I used to love Saul, but all he does is get taken hostage every five minutes. Carrie is a walking loose canon with the bi polar storyline (again). Someone help this show puleese.
Cant Brody come back from the dead? Perhaps his death was fake, and he is in hiding somehow?
Can anyone recall the scene where we saw him kneel down to pray in his garage? Now thats character development at its best. Come on, this show is dwindling fast. Something has got to give.
Wow, I like this show a lot, but it is hard to establish why anyone would think this season distinguishes itself in any way ... at least so far, compared to the rest of the series.
--- I take that back, this is one of the best seasons of Homeland, it really picked up from when I wrote the above.
Corky, calling me an idiot is proving you are one. I believe these threads are for people expressing their opinions. Jim, the creator of this site wanted a place where people can discuss. But hey, if calling me names gets you going, go at it.. Have a blast.
Only an IDIOT will think: "This season 7 is the best season so far.".
and our poster "Corcky666" just proved it...Lol
to make a blank statement without even a supporting argument as to why tells
you who you are dealing with, let alone to insult someone because of their opinion on a site like this?.
>> Only an IDIOT will think: "This season 7 is the best season so far.".
Another ticket for being rude and obnoxious. Who made you the taste police? No, seriously, I'm just putting you on ignore so I don't have to read your clueless and rude rants.
It may not be THE best (1 & 2 are hard to top) but it's certainly in the conversation. And this Sunday's episode, Species Jump? Simply awesome. Loving it again instead of watching it out of duty because of all the time invested in previous seasons
I agree, species jump is great, and it has gotten better.
I was disappointed in how this season began and judged too soon.
I have seldom seen such a nailbiter, thought Carrie family drama
seemed a bit much.
It makes me wonder just how many actual high functioning people
there really are that are so bipolar that they need ECT? Probably
not something anyone would want to get out if they had it, and
had a particularly important job or was famous.
I'd like to have a better feeling for how realistic the Carrie,
character is in terms of her mental illness. Is this a cartoonish
portrayal of bipolar disorder or is it something in the general
Tell me who made you the "Police" of this site to tell people what they should say or not say? Was I talking to YOU ? How about minding your own business?
I can tell from all these posts you must have a lot of time on your hand.. GET A LIFE
Jesus, it's been several seasons since Brody, it's beyond ridiculous to keep harping on him! Why are you even still watching if he was so irreplaceable?
Here you are again.. I know its been awhile since the Brody storyline. I liked the show all the way till end of season 6..The season 7 is sucking at the moment. I will stop or continue watching, without explaining why to you. Thats my biz.
An opinion without any supporting thoughts. You may like chocolate ice cream and beating off, as well, but why? Conversations are based on points, not on mere likes and dislikes.
Birdman7, on the other hand: we need more posters like you are.
Speaking for myself, I stopped watching this after 1 1/2 episodes in the first season. As soon as they started the affair, I bailed. The issue of homeland security is abhorrent to me, but I gave it a shot. I come back here periodically to try to understand why this is still in production. If you enjoy it, please continue. We need not enjoy the same subject matter; but when I see a poster whom I respect being dissed by a poster with no concersational skills, and probably limited cognitive ability, and the poster whom I respect is being supported by a poster I have not before seen, but who gained my instant respect, I am going to speak up.
You know what? It’s better over here than it is in General Discussion, and by “over here,” I mean out away from the center of MC and on topics solely devoted to ENTERTAINMENT. I may not like your show, but I like you folks, and that’s more important.
You’re the IDIOT here and it’s clear as can be. You stopped watching after the first episode season one yet you appear here offering your RETARDED opinions on something you’ve never even watched. Life is funny, and posters like you make it so. What a BUFOON
An opinion with no supporting thoughts is a valid complaint regardless of how many, or few, episodes one has seen. It is not an opinion of the show. It is an opinion of you.
Grow up. Brody is not coming back. That was a spectacular story line,
but the new stuff has been very good and relevant ... probably more
relevant than the Brody plot line was. I agree with the new episodes in
Season 7 ... not good, but S6 was really good.
The thing is that they refuse to fish or cut bait ... they keep whatever is
going on way off in the distance hidden to try to avoid offending or tipping
people off.
I don't like the close proximity to power that both Saul and Carrie have,
and especially after some of the run-ins with the President or the political
power structure. But they are clearing new ground, and I can forgive a
little of that, but this season they are so ham-fisted about it.
I find it hard to believe that Carrie can get into the Chief of Staff's house
so easily to install cameras ... and what is with this guy not having any
wife or family ... that is not most people in Washington at all?
I also thought it was ridiculous that the Chief of Staff fakes the Presidential
authorization for military action? Huh, how does that seem realistic to
Then keep expecting to be confused by the grown up shows. Sorry you deleted your reply where you agreed with me. Did you think it was a problem to agree and disagree with me at the same time. That is kind of zero-sum.
I deleted it because I put my comment in the wrong spot..I did agree with you on your statement above..Don be so sensitive. We are all friends here.
People can like a show or dislike a show. I love intricate shows filled with drama. So I dont like season 7? Why is this so upsetting to some? I think it can do better and I am not as into it as before. So what? This is not life or death here.
I think this season has picked up steam. It is every bit as stellar as the other seasons. I always felt the whole Brody brainwashing thing was a bit thin, even though it supported a whole larger plot and story, so it worked for me. This show is brilliant and continues to get better.
There are only 5 seasons of Homeland in my opinion. 1 through 5. 6 was horrible and this one is somehow worse. Amazing how a show can plummet from A+ to C- so fast. Was it a switch of show runner? Producers? I am not likely to even finish out this season.
But hey. I am grateful for the golden seasons they gave us.
I think you hit the nail on the head, I was going to post something about this season until I saw your post. I was very disappointing in season 6 already and how it ended, but this season 7 its just a joke?
I think these writers are so desperate to keep this show on the air, so we are back to Carrie's bipolar issue and how her medication doesn't work and that's she is become so "insane""? ..I mean come' on please?
I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back Quin and Brody from the dead and have a twist that maybe it was all a dream Carrie had. We are 3 episode short of the finale and yet the story line still has holes in it like last week' we saw Paley come to see Simone and almost coach her and it was as if he is also part of the Russian conspiracy and now he is the victim (UI)?
This show has such a name and its so popular that its' already slated for another two seasons and what does that tell you? it means no matter how bad and stupid it gets people will watch it because it has a huge following, the same thing happened with "Dexter", it should have ended in the 5th season but they just kept going and it got really bad.
I think this season is on par with previous seasons, stop being in love with the "characters" and learn to appreciate the story. With that said, "Russians ate my homework" is kind of a parody on americans atm so it's not like this season doesn't have big flaws.