MovieChat Forums > Wreck-It Ralph (2012) Discussion > Funniest part of the movie?

Funniest part of the movie?

Firstly, great movie. I loved it.

Secondly, there were a few funny moments but I absolutely lost my *beep* when Turbo flies across what looks like OutRun on an old Sega board and yells, "turbo-tastic!". So random and so funny.



I would say the part that made me laugh the hardest would be when Felix attempts to break out of prison by emulating Ralph and hitting the bar with the hammer, only to fix them and make them stronger. "Why do I fix everything I touch!" Ha ha. Even though I had seen it in the trailers, it was still a hilarious moment in the film.

Dyslexic Christians believe in Dog



No one even mentioned some of Calhoun's best lines:

"Fear is a four letter word, ladies! You wanna go pee-pee in your big boy slacks, keep it to yourself." I about died.

And "The kitten whispers and tickle fights stop now." Man, she cracks me up!


Before the final race when several candy boxes open. One of of them reads "assorted fans" with just some smiley candy pieces. Then next to it there's one that reads "with nuts" and they're just going nuts. :D Thought that was pretty funny.




I loved the line "It's Pronounced Sa tin" and when turtle comes out and greets Wrecki-It Ralph in front of Fix-It Phil.

