Best quotes?

What are some of your favorite quotes from LA NOIRE?

Mine are:

"His name may be dog sh!t, but there aint none on his hands!"

(Rusty about Cole after his affair with Elsa gets out.)


Naked City case.
After Dr. Stoneman jump out the window
Roy "I'm glad I didn't park there."


in the traffic case where they are grilling hopgood.

"you give me something or ill break ur *beep* jaw hopgood"

Cole really knows how to turn on the anger when needed, lol.


^ I loved this


mine is "how bout rustys razor" oh yea how does that go? "blame the guy thats banging her"


During the meeting between Kelso's unit and Mickey Cohen had some nice ones:

Kelso: We don't have to fight you, Mr. Cohen; we have you in enfilade.

Cohen: What the f+++ is that, some kind of steak?

As they walk out:

Courtney: Something you should know about Jack: he killed 6 Japs man-to-man with just a bayonet and a khyber knife. His outfit, the 6th Marines, killed 100,000 Japs in just 3 months in Okinawa and HE was in the thick of it.

Cohen: Those Japs are little guys, right?
Courtney: Yes, Mr. Cohen, about YOUR size.
(Cohen flashes that surprised look)


"Isn't that the cop who solved that big case and got promoted?" - Random pedestrian.




Roy Earle - "He's looking as guilty as a dog next to a pile of dog *beep*
Stefan Bukowsky - "My standards are as high as my last glass of whiskey"


"I thought you'd call that one an old hag too"
"Now they are a no-piece" - and the look of pride on Roy's face.
"Phelps, I don't care that you just got smacked in the head, you don't call me Finbarr."
Almost anything Rusty says about women, or alcohol.


Its stupid, but I laugh every time:

Bum: Hey I know you!

Phelps: No you don't.

Also, one night I happened to take a toke and I was driving while holding it in. I blew through an intersection and almost hit this lady, and she screams "Crazy reefer addict!" I was dying.
