Best quotes?

What are some of your favorite quotes from LA NOIRE?

Mine are:

"His name may be dog sh!t, but there aint none on his hands!"

(Rusty about Cole after his affair with Elsa gets out.)


'There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who can count, and those who can't/'


"An Irish man, a Brit, and a Scot all walk into a bar. The bartender says: what, is this some kind of a joke?"

"Three clowns walk into a bar... you'd think at least one of them would have seen it."

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!


That quote about *beep* is Herschel Biggs, not Rusty.

I liked everything the partners said, but when Roy rambled off about Cole on his arm being like a "fat broad with a five o'clock shadow" I paused the game to have a good laugh.

TRON: Tough as nails, yet smooth as silk.


when cole went on roy after courtney died, i was very happy to see roy put in his place

"We are in the business of killing people, and Business is good."


"Sometimes you just gotta shake the tree and see what falls out." -Cole Phelps


When Cole and Biggs are shaking down the gas fitter who admits he burned down his ex-wife's house Biggs pats him on the shoulder and says something like "Sorry about that thing earlier, you didn't the right thing."

We've met before, haven't we?


Best delivered line has to be Cole blowing his top at Roy "You say one more word about him and I will blow your *beep* head off!" Hugely impressed by that.

"Formerly Big Boy Bates"


"You dirty old hag - YOU OBVIOUSLY ARE THE KILLER JUST CONFESS ALREADY BEFORE I BEAT YOU!" - Cole Phelps on doubting things

Honestly though, going back to my earlier point, I do think that signatures are confusing as hell.


Aw man, the final war flashback, "STOP THE GODDAMN SCREAMING!" gave me the absolute goosebumps. So did, "Touche, detective" by McCaffery, and as well as everyone's favorite of Phelps yelling at Earle.


Loved the random people that would say 'beer makes you see double, but makes you feel single.'



"Holy Toledo!"

(A bowling alley mechanic in one of the Free Roam missions, right after I saved his life by shooting the robber who was holding a gun to his head.)


"Nice move telling old sweetlips in there about her friend taking the big jump til we were half out the door. Very smooth" Roy Earle.


Random people you pass will sometimes say this one:

"Never get into a fight with ugly people. They've got nothing to lose."

Cracks me up every time.
