No helmet?

Obviously a conscious decision on filmmakers part. Hard to understand why. What's that old saw about old pilots & bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots? Was Maverick still essentially a reckless personality? And riding with Jennifer Connelly also sans helmet? CA, of course, also has a helmet law, but never mind such details, I guess.


Disagree. Easy to understand.

1. Obviously so we, the audience, can see it is indeed Tom Cruise flying.

2. There is not much in either of these two films to suggest that Maverick will ever outgrow his recklessness. In fact, he doubles down on the recklessness every chance he gets.

3. Since when does a helmet law matter? I can get in my car right now and count the bikers on the highway without one. Honestly, do you picture a scene where Maverick is like "Oops, almost forgot my helmet. Don't wanna get a ticket. I'm a rules guy afterall."


It's a good point because in the marvel films we literally get to see inside iron man's special helmet, so I guess there's no reason why we couldn't have had Tom Cruise with a full helmet strapped on.
