MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > I hope this movie makes it cool to be pa...

I hope this movie makes it cool to be patriotic again

When I was a kid democrats and republicans were equally patriotic. We wore stars and stripes shirts, eagle shirts, flew flags. It was all cool in the 80's. Now if you wear an American flag or something patriotic you're labeled as MAGA. It's very strange.


Ronald Reagan did all that.

In the 60s and 70s patriotism was on the nose.

Vietnam and Watergate did that.

And Jimmy Carter certainly didn't make people feel good about themselves or their country.

But Reagan was the most patriotic President in living memory.

He stood strong and tall, and promised that the best days were ahead.

He made people reach for their best.

And Reagan ended the sense of weakness; he rebuilt the military and stood tall against the Soviets.

All that had a flow on effect. The economy boomed. And the military were proud again to wear the uniform.

So I don't think a movie is going to change the current situation.

The first Top Gun was a reflection of Reagan's America.

You live in Biden's America. Which blows.


lol what a load of horseshit


Says Mr Commie Bullshit.


lol what part of my ideology is communism? I avidly await a response


Says Mr Commie Bullshit. ⬅ Says the admitted stormfront white supremacist


Nope, he was literally the worst. Your ilk would call Reagan a "globalist" nowadays.

"Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost!" - Ronald Reagan

Then he went on to dismantle unions, destroy the middle class, put millions of people out of work, lower taxes for rich people and put god knows how many people in jail in his failed War on Drugs, which was just an economic war against poor people. He also tried to veto sanctions against the apartheid government in South Africa (Senate overrode the veto with a 78-21 vote).

His trickle-down nonsense didn't work.

He sold arms to a fascist regime to fund the fascist death squads in Nicaragua which wanted to restore a dictatorship and topple a democratically elected government.

He also sold arms to Iraq (at that time fighting a war against Iran) and supplied chemical weapons which Saddam Hussein used against Kurds and Iraqi insurgents.

Also supported the dictators in Panama, El Salvador and in the Philippines.

His administration was also one of the most corrupt in history - like twelve dozen officials from his administration were investigated, tried or convicted (and later pardoned, which implies guilt according to the SCOTUS).

He tripled the national debt, quadrupled the deficit (and stole from Social Security to cover his budget) and ignored the AIDS epidemic.

He was a piece of shit corporate whore that used patriotism to mask the fact he stole from the poor to give to the rich. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.


The air traffic controllers should have heeded Reagan's warning and returned to work; they fired themselves.

Reagan saved the middle class which saw rising incomes and a higher standard of living. It did shrink in the 1980s. That's true. But that's because they moved up into the upper class!

Reagan lowered taxes across the board, and actually increased taxes on the rich. They paid a higher share of the tax burden under him than Carter; and let's not forget, his Tax Reform Act was bi-partisan.

Reagan supported freedom fighters in Central America; had he not, they would have consolidated a Cuban style totalitarian dictatorship there. Thanks to Reagan, they live today in freedom.

And while there were a lot of people who worked for him indicted, they were nearly all cleared; it was a political witch hunt.

The national debt went up under Reagan...and continued to go up under his successors. He was the one calling for line item veto and a balanced budget ammendment. The Dems didn't give him that. The national debt in 1989 stood at less than 3 trillion dollars; today its ten times that much.

Reagan was not a 'corporate whore' he made corporations pay taxes, many for the first time, by closing their loopholes. He was a true patriot, who believed in his nation and its people. He made people feel good again. He was always a gentlemen.


This is mostly nonsense.

Reagan did not "save" the middle-class. Wages stagnated, and inequality worsened. The 80s was a relatively weak decade for economic growth. Yes, of course, debts have continued to increase under his successors, but Reagan took the US from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation. As Cheney said, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

The tax increase you're talking about is probably the huge reform bill passed in '86. That had to occur because Reagan's "voodoo economics" / supply-side economics did not make good on its promises and the countries finances were wrecked. Congress did pass a line-item veto, which went into effect during President Clinton's term. Infuriated he cut their pork, Republicans promptly sued and the Supreme Court ruled it an unconstitutional delegation of Congressional powers (yet presidents can still hike tariffs).

The comments about "freedom fighters" (i.e., death squads) in Central America is funny because it's just so characteristically ignorant. I remember encountering someone who had these same dumb talking points and more a couple of years ago on this forum. Hell, it might've been you.


Real family income WENT UP under Reagan.

The 1980s saw the BIGGEST PEACETIME BOOM IN US HISTORY; hardly a 'weak decade'.

You libtards are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.


No, it didn't. As I told you 5 times already, you're a lying fascist.


Add up the numbers yourself. Republicans in the 90s fumed that the economy Clinton could brag about was gifted to him by Reagan (even though Limbaugh and others had said Reaganomics ended in 1988, and definitely before Bush agreed to a tax increase in 90 (contrary to his "read my lips" pledge). Many of the more hard-core Republicans were done with Reagan in '86 after the scandals piled up (HUD, Iran Contra) and their guy started making nice Gorbachev.

Also, you're changing your claim. Earlier you said Reagan "saved" the middle class, but the trends did not change. If you want to say he saved the middle class by being president while incomes grew -- well, that's true for most presidents -- so Reagan's not special in that regard.

Where Reagan is quite special is when it comes to military-Keynsianism and debt explosion. It is pretty amusing to see people claim his greatest accomplishment is outspending a communist country.

You are correct Reagan helped people feel the sun was rising on America. People such as yourself are poorly informed. Something like four out of five Americans believe they live after they die. And they don't just live for a little while after they die; they live forever. More than a quarter of the population believes in ghosts. Lots of stupid Americans; it's not a surprise that you're one of them.


hey dipshit, I'm Aussie!


Well, then you must be particularly dim.


You're a fascist fucking liar. Go lick some boots.


facts don't lie; people do.

If Reagan was so bad, how come he was re-elected with a 49 out of 50 state victory?

How come his Vice President, Bush, won 40 out of 50 states in 1988?

The American people loved Reagan and his policies and didn't wish to see them end.

He would have won a third term in a landslide if the constitutional prohibition hadn't prevented him from doing so!


If Putin is bad, how come he and his party are re-elected? Or how about Orban in Hungary? There are countless examples of people voting against their own interests.

LMFAO, kindergarten logical fallacy, appeal to popularity.

By the way, apply that same logic to Trump. Your idol was a corporate whore and a fascist sympathizer, that's why you're a fascist today.


Sure lemming keep fantasizing. Leave the revisionist history to child groomers in public education.


Yep, he sure ended the sense of weakness when more than 241 soldiers died on his watch in Lebanon and he didn't do anything about it, but turn tail and run despite promising otherwise. Oh, right, he invaded Grenada to cover that up.

There you go lying again, you old fascist hag.


I forgot to mention that he was making deals with a theocratic and fascist regime despite not being the president. After fostering good will with the fascists, he would later sell them weapons to fund fascist death squads in Nicaragua. What an amazing piece of shit, your hero.


Not just strange, but moronic and caused by bad parenting and lack of kids ability to recognize it and course correct.


it is strange and weird times we are living in. at least the producers said fu to China and reversed their previous decision to alter Mavericks jacket showing the Taiwan flag.

also this movie was made in 2020 so I hope there is no anti Trump rhetoric.


Maybe it will. It will for sure make it cool to be a gay midget again though!


yaa til democratic left leaning voters realized "be patriotic" was a cudgel used to call anyone who disagrees with American policy "American haters" and to be quiet or move to another country. it was basically a carte blanche to get people to accept American meddling and overthrowing of other countries for American business and interests, as well as all sorts of horrible middle class crushing policy at home.

im sorry you stayed dumb


im sorry you stayed dumb

Ignorance is bliss I guess! 🇺🇸 USA! 🇺🇸 USA! 🇺🇸 USA!




While I like flying the flag and singing the anthem and saying the pledge standing, know that patriotism doesn't come from a flag or a label or standing and saluting. Patriotism comes from taking care of America. And what is America? It is not just the land or buildings but its people. It's where Americans are and where America stands.

True patriots don't worry about what someone looks like, what their skin color is, where someone came from or whether they stand but the fact that they're here, working with us shoulder to shoulder and proud to accomplish something for Americans and thus America.

There are patriots not because of their party, whether Democrat or Republican or Independent, but because they love and help their fellow American.

Let us remember who we are and act like one.


One of the best posts I’ve read on this forum. Very well said.
