So I binged my way thru season 1 in prep for season 2.

Thankfully, the last 3 episodes were everything I had hoped this series could be, so I'm stoked again for season 2. Have to say it was a bit of a slog getting there though.

The rather generic pretty boy/pretty gal leads are less than compelling. Then again, they have to act their way thru some pretty soapy melodrama.

But then there's Rufus Sewell. Good God. When it came time to submit to the Emmy board for consideration, I hope they sent the scene (SPOILER) where the doctor breaks the news about his son. What riveting, understated and heartbreaking work. That's how you write and act villains, folks. By making them human beings we can relate to. Which, of course, makes them all that much scarier. Fabulous stuff.

I found the whole Japanese contingent and their storyline well plotted and acted as well.

But it's Rufus' freakin' show.

Anyway, on to season 2.....


But it's Rufus' freakin' show.

I agree. Really, really agree.

He owns every scene he's in.

Nobody ever thinks they're stupid... It's part of the stupidity. - The Wire


Did anyone catch that John Smith's driver (when he pulls up to his home in black Mercedes) is named Jasper? If not totally coincidental, that seemed to be an overt nod to Rufus Sewell's character in The Holiday.
