MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > The Sniper in the movie is a gay Liberal...

The Sniper in the movie is a gay Liberal with fingernail polish and unnatural lemon-yellow hair.

Obviously one of the "Good Guys" from California come to liberate the USA from the tyranny of the evil Trumpian President.


I love it when conservatives, the tough guys who supposedly never get offended, are getting offended by reading too deep into a fictional film. Keep going, shit's real funny.




We just woke up a few years ago and realized that the way the country got into such a terrible mess is precisely because we were NOT getting offended and speaking up. We saw this when the Lefties started weaponizing offendedness with cancel culture.




I firmly believe the only people who are scared of cancel culture are the ones who know they've done something wrong themselves. What're you hiding?




I did your mom.


E3e is a AI bot.


Yep and I'm smarter than you all. The liberals have brainwashed me with facts and logic. Hælp!!!


Right. Dyed hair. Very dangerous!!! And fingernail polish??? Watch out!!!


I don't think you understood the point of the comment.


No, I understood your comment perfectly. I just think it's stupid.


sad to say this is fucking true. people can do whatever they want now and we can't shame them EXCEPT women shaming men for not kowtowing to them. that's the only people left that's shame-able. why is it ok to have children out of wedlock now? it's destroying society because nuclear family values are eroded.




I think the issue they got is with all the gaslighting in the mainstream media (it's the most apolitical film of the year, say the 'reviewers' ^^).


Yes. The word of mouth on this movie involves more gaslight than 1880s New York City.


the trailer as a complete lie. literally all the interesting things that happened in the entire movie are in the 2min trailer.


I mean, the next thing you know, girls are going to be wearing pants and playing sports and thinking they can be snipers, too, if only they train hard enough and learn how to be excellent shots!

Oh the humanity!!!


The Soviet Union had some of the finest women snipers ever. So much for your strawman setup here. Women can snipe all they want.

I'm saying no pansy-boy with pink and blue nails and canary hair is gonna be a sniper.


So it's ok for a female to do traditionally male things, but it's not ok for a male to do traditionally male things?

Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?


The basic plot is written as "A civil war has erupted between an authoritarian United States government and various regional forces." You linked that authoritarian government with Trump on your own. But it's telling, certainly, a confession, if you will.


No it isn't "telling" or a "confession". The Left has linked Trump with authoritarianism for years. This movie is made by a Hollywood Leftist. Calling this out is about as "telling" as stating that D. W. Griffiths portrayed black people as grifters and chicken thieves in "Birth of a Nation".


I think you're just looking for things that fit your definition of woke.

Just watch the movie for crissakes.


Don't want to give them my cash.


Can't be, he's got a gun.


oh of course, they had to shoehorn in a gay asian male. can't have a hollywood movie without that. all asian males in hollywood productions have to be gay, evil, loser, ugly or fat. literally anything that a woman would not be attracted to.


aw, are you gonna be all right? You gonna make it?


Sounds like my description of the sniper hit a raw nerve with you, huh?


I'm not excited to jump to the defence of a movie that I consider to be super dull and trope-y, but jeez... The Sniper’s appearance and characteristics, such as fingernail polish and bright hair, are indeed unconventional, but unconventional looks can be part of the aesthetic diversity seen across the entire political spectrum. Including the red glasses soldier as seen on the other side of the conflict. These traits don’t inherently dictate one's political stance or moral alignment. He is one of hundreds of more conventional looking rebels seen in the film but you're projecting an entire identity and modus operandi based on appearance alone. Plenty of people, male and female, die their hair, and his nailpolish is pink and blue not rainbow or pink, blue and white (trans flag) . Seems like you projected gay and liberal onto the character to justify making a snarky post about a group of people you just don't like.

