MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > Could California & Texas take on the oth...

Could California & Texas take on the other 48 states?

Who'd win if those two left the United States, joined forces and decided to attack the others?


Rhode Island could take over California... California is the biggest sissy state in the entire union.


Then why do those sissies rank #9 in registered machine gun ownership in the USA with 29,112?

California also has over 400,000 registered NFA firearms in the state, but it's high population makes it one of the lowest per capita owners in the nation.

California has over 9 times as many NFA firearms as Rhode Island


I guess sometimes sarcasm goes over people's heads...




Like your brain.




I'm supposed to detect sarcasm on a forum like this one? A forum where MAGA's approve of a GOP gun grab agenda that is every bit as bad or worse then the Democrats?

I did not detect any sarcasm at all in your post. It would help sarcasm impaired people like me if you say at the end of your post, the following word; "sarcasm".


Technically it's an exaggeration joke. I got it.


Congratulations. You have a functional brain.


This is beyond retarded. California has a massive agriculture and blue-collared Republican population that lives primarily in the inland part of the state, like Bakersfield, Sacramento, Modesto, Fresno, etc. Farms and oil fields as far as the eye can see. The liberals mostly take up only two major cities but they're certainly the loudest. Tell me other ways you've never been to California without telling me outright.


CA and TX are so far apart politically and socially the idea of them joining forces is laughable.


I'm fairly certain that the machine gun owning people in California and Texas would have not problem joining forces. Each state has lots of them.


Unless all CA gun owners formed a militia and overthrew their elected leaders there's no way the state leaders of CA would join up with TX for anything.


This thread was about a civil war. I was talking about CA and TX resident gun owners possibly joining forces. Are you telling me that you would never consider siding with a CA gun nut in a civil war? Your loss. :)


Any state militia would be a joke compared to the firepower of the US military.


Yes it would. But in a civil war, militias could be formed for private interests.


Never underestimate a guerrilla force. Yes, they can be defeated but they don't suffer the trapping of a hierarchical structure.

Plus, if TX and CA combined their military into the militia, you have a big chunk of military, airforce and navy on their side.


Getting the present-day US military to break ranks definitely stretches the imagination. But, hey, it's a movie.




Unless all CA gun owners formed a militia and overthrew their elected leaders there's no way the state leaders of CA would join up with TX for anything.

That could be exactly what happens within the context of the movie. A lot of people left California because of corrupt leadership during the scamdemic, forced closures, lots of draconian measures that turned out to be extremely counterintuitive while leaders partied and did everything opposite of what they enforced on the populace.

The movie running on the idea that state militias formed under the banner of the original State Rights within the adherence of the Constitution would make a ton of sense, and if the movie stuck to that principle as the guiding factor of the militia force, I could easily see that not only being a compelling story in the film, but a possible outcome in real life if things continue the way they are in Western nations (we're already seeing that boiling point take place in Ireland right now).


The US military would annihilate any state militia.

Now, if the US military itself was to splinter, that could create serious chaos.


There are many right- wingers in Cal. also. I can see sections of a state joining with similar residents in a different state.


The US was allied with the Soviet Union during WWII. You don’t always have to line up in those areas to still have the same goal.


California would never join forces with Texas.


How about a U.S. President who becomes dictator and uses the army to attack Americans in opposition? I know most Californians would oppose Trump. How about Texans?


This is an entirely convoluted scenario that would never happen in reality, but for the sake of argument, if the 70 million people that encompassed those two states banded together to take on the other 250 million in a no holds barred fight, they'd get pounded into dust in short order. Texas would be fighting on all fronts between air, land, and have zero defense from the Atlantic Fleet as there are no ships homeported in the Gulf. Houston would look like Baghdad circa 2003!

Out west, California would just get worn down through a war of attrition, as US forces from Hawaii, Japan, Nevada and Washington would overwhelm them.


Is that the plot of the movie? TX & CA join forces against the other 48?


Seems like it from the trailer. An United States of America civil war with Texas and California working together against the other states.

Seems like it could be some 'political' movie, probably making some statements about political divisions within the US.


No. Something about the president becomes a dictator.


The lunatic leftist government of California would never ally with Texas. Chances are, the normal, non-leftist citizens of California (yes, there are some) would join with Texas to take California back from Governor Hairgrease and his woketard cronies.


People saying Texas and California would never work together aren't aware of how many wealthy corporate leftists are busy trying to turn Texas "blue." If Texas falls to the blue cult, the U.S.A. is finished.


Texas was 0.7% away from voting for Biden in the 2020 election. Republicans know very well that they came close to losing Texas. That's why Texas's government is buckling down on minor anti-left laws, like anti-abortion and no marijuana, even though far more socially conservative states like Oklahoma and Arkansas are way more lax about both. Texas is doing everything they can to stay Red or the Republicans will never win an election ever again.


I'm a yin/yang kind of guy. I like balance. If Texas goes "blue," the U.S. will become a full-on dictatorship.


0.7%? Lol...the margin was 5.5%. Granted, Texas keeps getting closer, but some of that may be due to Trump not being a good fit for the state (for a Republican).


USA but it'd be a bloodbath given their population size. The trailer did say right off the bat that 19 states seceded. We don't know the other 16 states that seceded yet.
California and Texas might just be the leaders of what President Ron Swanson refers to was the 'Western Forces' and then whatever there is the 'Florida Alliance' encompasses.
