Skyline was awesome

You guys are some straight up haters. Skyline was a very good movie with the potentional for an amazing sequel. The acting was not nearly as bad as some of these people would have you believe. The special effects are top knotch and the ending is a very nice sci-fi cliffhanger. I think that's why alot of people are talking poorly about the movie, they wanted to see more and they didn't get to.


I liked Skyline but the first one was not a success at all so why are they making a second one


I loved skyline too....

So it didn't have a happy ending, humans didn't win (yet)

Its one of the few original'ish scifi movies out in ages... I really hope they make skyline 2, i will be going to see it!


Normally I'm very respecting of other people's opinions, but this movie was a steaming pile. It wasn't even a pig in lipstick, it was just a pig. It was horrible.

When Milo from 24 is your lead actor, there's problems right off the bat. This movie was just atrocious.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


It was a very good movie especially the last 5 minutes when he's inside the spaceship and is changed into half alien thing. Part 2 will be amazing too.


I loved the first one and cannot wait for a sequel!
Please make it happen! Please!



I 100% agree with you, Skyline was a great movie!




NOpe !!!

The 1st 80 minutes were as boring as never shown in any SF labelled movie...
that other short movie was really transforming -;)


I totally agree! The ending made the film I think and I'm excited to see this film, I hope people watch this and give the first another go.
