For anyone who's watched this...
I have emetophobia- severe phobia of vomiting. Are there any vomiting scenes and if so, could you please tell me approx where/when?!
Thank you in advance.
I have emetophobia- severe phobia of vomiting. Are there any vomiting scenes and if so, could you please tell me approx where/when?!
Thank you in advance.
I don't recall any vomiting, but other bodily fluids (and things meant to look like or imitate bodily fluids) are shown.
sharehave you watched it since?
i don't recall any vomiting scenes, either. but i have emetophobia, too, and the scene with Jason Bateman deep-throating the ice statue was a little triggering ;) so watch out for it (enough time to prepare yourself for it when it comes up) i didn't close my eyes or anything but it was harder to watch then i care to admit :)
hope you'll enjoy the movie!
"Angel Investigation - we hope you're helpless" - Doyle
Do you have a fear of seeing vomit or seeing someone vomit? I know for sure I did not see any vomit particularly. There may have been a scene where someone vomits into something, where the vomit is offscreen, but for that I cannot recall.
Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.
Review of the film here-
When the lady farts, close to the beginning in a meeting where they meet Aniston for the first time.Then at the actual party, Bates is sucking gagging on an icicle and it erupts with sole liquid.Theres also scenes of people just doing random nasty things on the restrooms.Plus there are penis and boobs shots and someone urinating. That's all I remember
I think I have emetophobia as well whenever theres a scene in a tv show or movie and one of the actors is about to vomit I have to look away and close my eyes as well.
It's like I know its obviously fake and a movie, but it just totally grosses me out to the point where I don't want to eat anything for a while.
Where do you think this stems from? For me I think its psychological when I was kid I had issues getting car sick a lot and vomiting and it went away as I got older but it kept ruining me psychologically.
I remember as a kid my classmates getting sick and vomiting in class and that pretty much scarred me for life as well.
I wonder if theres a way to resolve this issue?
I actually have been seasick really bad , but recently over the past few years I've been kind of forcing myself to go on boats and ships to mentally over come my fear of becoming seasick and miraculously its been working. I've been on like a dozen different boats and ships out in the ocean and basically forced myself to overcome the seasickness and avoid getting sick.
So I think little by little I'm fighting the over all emetophobia? I don't know thought I'd share to hopefully help you out a bit.
Just rewatched it minutes ago and I don't recall anyone vomiting.