Do you think she did it or not (spoilers)
I think she did.
shareHonestly, I couldn't care less. The characters weren't interesting, the case wasn't interesting and the relationships at the heart of the film weren't interesting. It was too long, too loosely plotted and too unrealistic to care about. In reality, such a case would never have reached court. There was no murder weapon, no clear motive and no physical evidence except for blood spatter, the analysis of which is subjective and highly controversial in the forensics field. I kept expecting a twist, a revelation or something - anything - to make the case interesting, but nothing turned up. She was bisexual - so what? She was a cheat - so what? The husband was possibly depressed - so what? She was f*cking the lawyer - so what? The kid made some stuff up - so what? These developments simply don't add up to anything of interest and if the film has a point or a message, I don't know what it could be. The director went so far out of her way to avoid prurience, shock, excitement, provocation or suspense - possibly deeming these enticements too lowbrow - that she's made a completely bloodless film about a murder. Or a man falling out of a window. Again, I don't care which.