Pres. Reagan and AIDS

Well, at least this movie did not propagate the lie that Reagan never mentioned AIDS until 1987 (something author Larry Kramer has stated on numerous occasions). But why did the movie have to give the impression that Reagan reduced AIDS spending in 1986? Why does the gay left keep trying to vilify this man? Notice at the end of the movie they CORRECTLY state that Reagan first mentioned AIDS in 1985 (most gay activists lie about this and say he never mentioned it until 1987--a Dartmouth professor still insists that this is the case) but then the movie states that Reagan's proposed 1986 budget cut AIDS spending by 11 percent. Yet they neglect to point out that Reagan's ACTUAL budget (not "proposed") INCREASED spending on AIDS every year he was in office. In 1985 federal AIDS spending was $205 million. In 1986 it was $508 million. That is more than DOUBLE the previous year's. So WHY did this movie end telling us about PROPOSED AIDS spending under Reagan? Why didn't it just tell us what the ACTUAL SPENDING was in 1986? Why must they rely on playing with the facts??
Here are the FACTS about Reagan and AIDS:

As part of his policy of supposed inaction, Ronald Reagan signed $5.73 billion in U.S.-government anti-AIDS outlays. That’s $10.6 billion in today’s dollars. Indeed, Reagan’s signature inaugurated federal action on AIDS research and treatment.

Federal anti-AIDS spending grew dramatically throughout Reagan’s term. The $8 million that Reagan approved in 1982 rocketed to $2.3 billion in 1989. The average annual increase in federal expenditures on HIV/AIDS under Reagan was 128.92 percent. If he had been happy to watch gays succumb to AIDS, he surely could have kept that growth rate somewhere south of 125 percent.

The FACTS regarding AIDS spending are here:


Reagan is a convenience scapegoat for those who believe that their problems should come first, that they are the only thing that matters, that they are victims instead of perpetrators. It absolves them of responsibility for their own lives and decisions and places that responsibility into the hands of someone else.




The movie (and the gay left) propagandizes Reagan's (in)action in the AIDS crisis. That's a simple fact.


But you still neglect the fact that his administration was pushing for funding, and was passing budgets that did not (as the movie attests) reduce spending. Revisionist history at it's finest. And the movie did a great job (sans the anti-Reagan propaganda) showing that the gay community fought against the safe sex message, or remained in the closet choosing to ignore the problem if it meant they would be outed.



OP, it doesn't matter what Reagan did. It wouldn't have been enough for this crowd. He was a Republican, and groupthink is alive and well in the gay community, especially on the part of people who weren't alive then. Some people cling to victimhood. HIV victims got attention a lot faster than slaves did.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Your paranoia and nitpicking is out of line. Clearly you have an agenda to demonize gay activists and to sanctify Ronald Reagan.

** Well, Hip-Hip-Hooray for your cheap climax! **


From what I understood, Reagon only acknowledged Aids after his friend Rock Hudson died of he died in 1985.


"From what I understood, Reagon only acknowledged Aids after his friend Rock Hudson died"

Provably untrue.



** Well, Hip-Hip-Hooray for your cheap climax! **


It was the sign of the time. More people were scared of it than compassionate about it.
In general, people were more old school and less vocal regarding differences.

